Monochromatic Color


Title: Orbeez

Date: 3/01/17

The subject of this image is orbeez. The setting is in my room. This image was made by me getting close to to these orbeez, and simply snapping a shot of them. I chose to create this specific image because I honestly didn't know what else to do for this project. Composition rules of this photo is close distance and selective focus. Close distance comes into play because I got really close to these orbeez to take the photo. Selective focus plays in because I focused on only the middle orbeez. This project evolved by me taking this photo to photoshop, cropping it and messing with the saturation and lighting contrasts. The meaning behind this image is to show how close objects can be together. The story is that you have these subjects that are always close, living closely; almost like a family. This relates to my life because my parents and I are all close, we like to do things together like go out to eat. Family is close to me like this photo. If I could change one thing about this image it would be nothing because I personally like it.