Film Advanced Photograms

Title: Zoo ocean life

Date: 4/27/17

For this project I had to choose 4 images to combine together to create one image. Then I had to print them out in the dark room, one inverse, one normal, and 3 with odd things in them. I had many struggles with these images in the printing process, went through 6 of them that got completely printed, and they turned out to be junk. So I trashed them. For the 3 images with the different things and objects in them, in one I did lobster trap net, another one with shells, and the third with the good ole sand. Personally, my favorite print for this project would be the one with the sand (shown above this text box), because I think it has great range of values, and it just overall, looks the best out of these 5, in my eyes. Some composition rules of these photos are low key lighting and low horizon line. Low key lighting is shown and is pretty obvious to see. Low horizon line in because the horizon is in the middle of the photo, which some people could argue it would be high, but in my opinion, it's low. If I could change one thing about these images it would be the quality of them because even though we are just getting back into film, I want my prints to be flawless.