Film Movement

Title: Splash!

Date: June 13th

For this project I had to create something with movement. I decided to take a bunch of rocks and take a photo of the splash that the rocks created. The way I did this was I had someone throw the rocks in while I snapped some photos. Then I printed it out on transparency and then brought it to the darkroom, set it at 1 second with f11 and developed it and it came out too light; so I tried it again at 2 seconds and got it spot on with the photo you see above. Composition rules of this photo are high horizon line and rule of thirds. High horizon line is shown because it is high on the photo and rule of thirds is because the subject is in 1/3 of the photo. The story behind this image is to show a splash in the water, movement. It relates to my life because I make movement every second of the day. One thing I would change about this photo is the quality because I don't think it's good at all.