Negative Space Drawing

Negative Space Leaf Drawing:

Title: The leaves fall

Date: 10/3/17

Artist statement:

For this project I had to create something with the negative space of the leaves. I chose to make it like it is with all the different color patterns going certain ways because I thought it would look really nice and also it might catch your eye more. The colors I chose for this was all the colors of the leaves I had gotten. The story behind this image is that I try and show how leaves make patterns or can. I made it so all the different color changing spots are somehow flowing, creating movement upon the drawing. This relates to my life because I try and flow with people, keeping up or even slowing down sometimes for them. One thing I would change about this image is the part where there is a lot of green because I, personally find it too distracting and I believe it takes away from the photo.

Negative Space Chair Drawing:

Title: The chairs sit

Date: 10/11/17

Artist statement:

For this project I had to draw the negative space of stools set up on a desk. The process of negative space makes you think more; it makes you look at what you don't usually look at. In my drawing, it demonstrates the negative space because the space is colored in and the rest of the paper is blank; showing some of the chair outlines. I chose to make the negative space these colors and patterns because I thought it would grab your attention. The colors I chose were more popular colors. This relates to my life because there are many different patterns in my life. Sometimes I have to choose another pattern to follow because the one i'm working with doesn't work for me anymore. Change happens a lot in my life. One thing I would change about this drawing is the quality and time I put into it. On this drawing, I didn't put much effort into it because I wasn't a big fan of this project.