Color Selection



The subject of my image is the dog, Johnson. The setting of this photo is in the woods, but showing that the main focus is Johnson, because nature behind him and around him is black and white. This image was taken a while ago, before this dog passed, it was taken in Chain of ponds, Maine. The way I edited this photo was I went into photoshop, decided to take the branch off of Johnson's back, because it was taking away from the handsomeness of him. Then I made the whole photo black and white, selected just the dog, and colored him in. I chose to create this specific image because Johnson was an old dog, he was happy being with me and my dad on our hike, and it was such a beautiful setting and he just make the image 100 times better. This picture is arranged so that the beautiful view was in the back of photo and Johnson was there and the best part of the photo.

The compositions rules shown in this photo are rule of thirds, and sharp focus, it is shown clearly in the photo. My project evolved by me totally redoing it but also keeping it the same. As I stated in the first part, I took the branch off of him so that he would be more clear and in the photo, I turned the whole thing black and white, selected only the dog, and colored him back in all in photoshop. I also messed around with the brightness of the photo to make everything a bit sharper and easier to see.

The meaning of this image is to show the essence of the beauty of nature, and one of the best dogs out there. The story shows through in all of it. It shows that Johnson is happy, and loves the outdoors and also loves being with my dad and I. It shows a man's best friend, in the wild, where they can both be free, be silly, maybe even step in the water. It shows that the dog waits for his best friend to cross first to make sure its safe, it shows love and compassion towards his owner. This relates to my life because it is my life, it is what I love to do, take adventures with my dog and also dad. Something I would change about this image is the editing of it, I should've gotten more precise about the dogs feet, because some of the nature shines through.



The subject of this image is to show a bee at work. The setting is in the middle of a huge flower bush. This image was created by walking up to a flower bush, and taking the photo at the right moment. This photo was taken at the Fryeburg fair, when I was just simply walking around the fair. I chose to create this image because I wanted to capture the essence of a bee hard at work. This was composed like I stated in the first sentences.

Compostition rules of this photo is formal balance, and sharp focus. This photo evolved by editing the photo in photoshop, I turned the photo black and white, simply selected the bee, and made his color pop more. Then I messed around with the lighting so that the bee was the main focus of it.

The meaning of this image is to show a bee doing its job, carrying pollen from flower to flower so that he can make honey, and keep the flowers beautiful alive. The story of this photo is to show that the bee is working hard to provide for his family and also us humans, it shows he cares about what he is doing because he's taking his time. It shows that he strives to keep the beauty of the flowers, that he cares about nature, and also it shows that he can do all that alone, he doesn't need other bees with him. This relates to my life because I work to make the world a good place like this bee is, I strive to provide for myself so I know what to do on my own when i'm an adult. Something I would change about this image is the sharpness of the bee, I'd make him more clear if I could so that it was more meaningful.



The subject of my image is to show the green of the leaf, in the corner. The setting is on a trail in freeport by Mass Landing. This image was made with my phone camera, it consisted of me going on a walk with my outdoor fitness class, and finding this leaf, looking at the different perspectives and angles of the way I could make this a beautiful, unique picture, and then I found a way to take it, and snapped the photo. I chose to create this image because I saw that this leaf was growing up the fence and I saw the different color contrasts of it, and I thought it was a great moment to capture. This was composed in the middle of a trail, and my whole outdoor fitness class watched me take it.

Composition rules and techniques of this photo is rule of thirds, sharp focus, and informal balance. This project evolved by me taking it into photoshop, making it black and white, simply selecting just the leaf, and giving it, it's color back.

The meaning behind this image is to show how such a simple thing, can be turned beautiful. It tells a story of this amazing, colorful leaf, all alone on a fence, climbing its way to the top. It has a metaphor, the metaphor is that it's a thing, traveling alone, striving to get to the top, making it way slowly, as it has struggles along the way. This connects to my life because I am growing, trying to reach the top, trying my hardest on everything I do, trying to make my way all alone in this big world. And just like this leaf that strives to get to the top, I have struggles just like it does, the struggles of the leaf and it figuring out how to make its way through the fence, without breaking and making sure it can stand tall when it gets to where it's going. I have struggles and bumps in my life that I go through and just like this leaf, I want to be able to stand strong and tall once I get to the top. Something I would change about this image is all the blank space.