Altered Film Image

Title: HAN

Date: 5/03/17

This photo is for the project, Recreation. I made this photo by taking an old image I had taken with my film camera, scratching it how I wanted, and then doing a test strip to see the exposure I should set it at, then finally, printing it. I had no issues with the image. It was simple and I believe I nailed it. Something I like about this photo is how silly it is. I like how I drew on the subjects face and made it even more silly than it already was. Composition rules of this photo are formal balance and high horizon line. Formal balance shows because the subjects face is in the center on the photo and high horizon line is there because the lights are high up on the top of the photo. The story behind this image is to show silliness and how free someone can be with other people. It shows people can be themselves around me. This relates to my life because I can be myself around so many people and they won't judge me for it. One thing I would change about this photo is the scratches around the outside of the subjects face because that's when I started scratching and I had no idea what I was gonna do, other than that, I like it.