Cloning and Overlays



The subject of my image is to show my dog, Roofus, his handsome face with a decent background. The setting is a fall kind of place. This image was made with two images, ones just a landscape photo and the other is one of my dogs. I used photoshop to layer the photos together, had some struggles and it took me a while but I did it. Then I erased the background of the original photo of the dog, (this took hours) and then I made the photo as clear as I could and I got this photo. I chose this image because I wanted to take two of my decent looking photos and combine them to make a good photo. The compositions of both photos were many so I thought that I'd combine them to get a greatly composed photo. This photo is arranged so that you have this handsome bulldog as the main focus of the photo, then you have a beautiful, real landscape photo to make the dog look even better. The main focus of this photo is my dog, of course and that's what I aimed for.

Some compositions of my photo is high and low key lighting, formal balance, and sharp focus. As stated before, this photo was revised with photoshop and the most I did to it was layer the two photos, then I made it sharper.

The meaning behind this photo is to show the of beauty of my dog, it tells a story, that this dog enjoys his life, that he is happy where he is and that he looks like he could never be a sad dog, on the other side of it, he looks a bit tired, that is because I took this photo after I ran him a lot and threw a football for him also. This relates to my life because it shows one of my best friends. It shows how happy I can make him by simply just playing with him, also, it relates to my life because he makes me that happy just by the smile you see of his face.

One thing that I wish I could fix about this is my editing skills, they're not too good but I did what I could with the photos I had and i tried my hardest on it. I know that it takes time for me to get down these editing skills and I will eventually get them but that's one thing that I would revise about this photo.



The subject of my image is the flower. The setting of my image is the flower and to show the essence of the flower and the beauty of it. This picture was created by simply walking outside the school, and found this flower and took the picture. I utilized this photo by cropping and using photoshop. I chose to create this image because I wanted to capture the essence and the beauty of this lonely flower. I used photoshop to edit this photo, I took out a branch that was dead, cropped the photo, which, sadly, made it more pixely, and then I messed around with the brightness of the image and made the yellow of flower, bright. Then I took looked at the background of the image, and I darkened it to make the flower more.

The composition rules in this photo are high key lighting, and formal balance. This photo was arranged so that the flower is the center of attention. My project evolved by being edited, for hours, and like I stated in the first paragraph I used photoshop to edit this photo, I took out a branch that was dead, cropped the photo, and I also played around the brightness of the flower and the background behind it.

The story of this photo is to show that not everything is perfect, this flower has flaws, it has broken petals and it doesn't have all the same color petals. I chose to take a photo of this flower because it's like me, alone, in a big world. Not perfect, with many flaws. I chose to take out the dead branch going over part of it because that took away from the beauty of the photo, all though, I would've kept it in there to show how you have to fit in with the worst things sometimes to be happy, to feel safe, loved. The meaning of this photo is to show how the flower has been through some rough stuff, like having a dead branch lay in it, which broke its petals, but it still stands, tall and beautiful. Something that I would change about this image is the size of it, I didn't mean to crop the photo this small but I did and after I saved it I realized i'm not a big fan of it.