Geometric Shadows

Title: Belt shadows

Date: 2/08/17



The subject of this image is to show the shadow of this object. This image was made by me hanging my belt on the wall, turning on the light, getting on the floor and taking a picture. I chose to create this specific image because I thought it looked better than the others I took. Composition rules of this photo is informal balance, rule of thirds, and selective focus. Informal balance plays in because the object isn't centered, rule of thirds plays in because only 2/3 of the photo has a subject in it, and selective focus plays in because it's focused on just the belt. My project evolved by me changing the lighting and turning it black and white. The meaning of this image is showing that the shadow you put out is sometimes all people focus on. The story is that you have this belt that is overused and all you really focus on is the broken part of it. This relates to my life because people only judge me by the bad things I do, no good. If I could change one thing about this photo, it would be the shelf above the belt, it'd very distracting because of the flowers and things that are on it.