Time Capsule


Title: Glasses


Title: Me


Title: Some other place

Artist Statement:

For this project I had to do a self portrait, a room drawing and an object. I chose to do sunglasses for an object because I thought they would look good and I chose to do the room drawing out of a fictional room I made up. Materials I used for this project was simply a pencil and some paper. My project did not evolve at all. The meaning behind all this work is to show how good I am at drawing and also what I need to work on. This project relates to my life because the portrait is me, the room is something I came up with and the sunglasses are mine; I use them all the time. The thing I am most proud of in these pieces would be the sunglasses because they look so much like the actual thing, minus the shadows. I struggled on the portrait because I am not good at drawing people at all. If I could change one thing about my artwork it would be the quality of my drawing because I don't think I did that great of a job.