Extreme Perspectives

The subject of my image is the landscape. The setting is on top of a mountain. This image was created by me, when I was going on a hike with one of my classes, it was a beautiful day out, and we had just reached the summit of the mountain up in Camden, and I wanted to take a photo of the beautiful site I was seeing. I chose to create this image because this site of the maine I live, is one of the most beautiful things i've seen, and I wanted to share it with everyone.

Composition rules of this photo is rule of thirds, informal balance, and sharp focus. This project evolved by me taking it to photoshop, editing out a dead tree in the mid-left corner that was covering part of a rock, I used clone stamp for this and it took me awhile for me to get it to not look to fake. Then, I went to the lighting part of it because I thought it was a little plain and boring and I messed around with the lighting so that the colors of the trees and the water in the background would "pop" more and it would catch the eye a bit.

The meaning behind this image is to show the beauty of the great sites in Maine. The story is that, like I said in the recent sentences, it was taken with one of my classes on a hike we went on. It shows the beauty and the great landscape of this so called "boring" state, it proves that this place can be as great as every other place, it may not be a beach or on the water but it is the great landscape of Maine taken from the summit of a mountain. I walked 6 miles to take this picture because that's how worth it, it is. The metaphor to this photo is mostly everyone in Maine is just like this photo, They can relate to having the great, beautiful colors to walk outside to every morning and they can see those plain clouds, but that's a mainers life here, We are the trees, we stand strong and high, sometimes sick, sometimes with great power, able to destroy things, and sometimes with an attitude, blocking someone or somethings way, so they cannot pass. One thing I would change about this photo is nothing because this photo shows the true color and it explains what Maine is all about.