Analogous Color

Title: Bamma's Candy

Date: 3/07/17

The subject of my image is my dog, the setting is at my house on the couch. I chose to create this specific image because I wanted to show the passion my dog had for this food. This image was made by me getting out food that had similar color things and getting my dog to look at it. My project evolved by me cropping it and playing with the lighting. Composition rules of this photo are informal balance and selective focus. Informal balance is because nothing is really centered and selective focus is because I focused more on the dog than anything else. The story behind this image is to show the passion my dog has for this candy. This relates to my life because I have a passion for certain things too. If I could change one thing about this image it would be the angle I took it at because I don't think this angle is strong at all.