Doodle for Google

For this project the goal was to create a doodle for Google. The prompt, "In the future, I hope..." I knew I wanted to do something relating to political issues. Then, I came up with the idea to encourage voting. Some people don't vote because they don't believe their vote will matter, but that's a problem when a significant amount of the population thinks that.

I looked online for some slogans to get people out to vote. I really liked "Shape tomorrow. Vote today." I made the Google "o's" voting day stickers. I did them in blue and red because those colors are associated with the U.S.. I free handed the lettering in the same color. I added yellow stars because it kept with the simple, yet intentional color palette. I outlined all the shapes in black fine point pen to make it bold. I really like this graphic design, I think it reads easily and is appealing to the eye.

I hope that in the future, more people get out to vote. It doesn't matter your political beliefs as long as you make your voice heard.