Animals in Color

For this project the goal was to create a piece that was an observational drawing of an animal figurine that utilized color. I chose to draw a kangaroo because I thought the tail would make an interesting line. I really enjoyed the blind contour project before this one so I channeled my energy from that project into this one. I liked that there was no pressure to make it realistic. I used thick paper because I thought I was going to use watercolor like I had previously. I used blindly contoured the kangaroo in pencil, in case I wasn't inspire by the line. I actually really liked the result so I decided to run with it. Ms. Medsker had pulled out paint sticks and a lot of people seemed to really like working with them so I thought I'd step outside of my comfort zone and try them. I really liked them, they were really creamy and easy to blend. I originally used the warm colors, red and orange to fill in the kangaroo...I decided this was too boring and used a dark blue and highlight of white to make it more interesting. I intended for this to be abstract. I didn't fully blend the colors together because I like the contrast between them. To add even more contrast I used yellow scribble circles in the background. I originally left the background white but decided to use the negative space to create movement. Overall I am happy with the end result. It's a little more abstract then I'm used to but I think it is an interesting composition. I would definitely work with blind contour and paint sticks again!