Week 9 10.11.23

Celebrating Little Green

Contents of the Newsweb and Website

School Content:

School Blog: www.littlegreen.herts.sch.uk 

Celebrating our School in the community!

It is that time of year when parents are considering which school community in Croxley they want to join. We are blessed with a range of great schools. As the Little Green Community, it is important we sell all the incredible positives of the school and make sure the facts about Malvern Way and Little Green are known in the community.  The reality is that our funding is linked to our numbers at Malvern Way and Little Green. Each week I'll be sharing a focus fact sheet to celebrate. This week: attainment!

Odd Sock Day MONDAY!

Anti-bullying week

Anti-bullying week begins on Monday with an odd sock day. Come to school in odd socks to show your support for standing up against bullying. Explorers will be focusing on what this means throughout the week and our Watford trust visitors will be supporting children to be the kind and safe community we know we all belong to!

Parent slides to support at home!

Anti-Bullying Week 2023 - Parent Pack FINAL.pdf

Year 3 Virtual Drop In

Getting our heads together!

On Thursday, Miss Sedgwick and I had our first (in a while) virtual drop in with parents (Year 3 this time) to listen to parent feedback and share some school perspectives. The meeting was incredibly positive and allowed us all to share concerns and ideas for how we can make things better. Everyone was happy to record the meeting which means we can share it with you. There were some excellent ideas and suggestions which we will be asking Year 3 parents about in a Google Form:

Key ideas: 

Based on the success of this meeting, we will be creating a schedule of virtual drop-ins linked to themes and we would appreciate your feedback on the themes you would like to discuss. The Google Form is aimed at Year 3 parents, but do feel free to add your own thoughts also.

Here's the recording if you were unable to attend in person!

Meet the Head's - Virtual Parent Meeting for Year 3 Parents (2023-11-09 12:34 GMT)

FOLG Disco Fun!

A huge thank you to FOLG volunteers' children and staff for supporting the energy-filled discos last week. It was amazing to feel the energy of the Year 3 and 4 children and it made me smile that the Year 5 and 6 disco highlight was Sweet Caroline - the oldies... A special thank you to James and Isaac, former pupils, who expertly DJed the event. 

New Hope Christmas Kindness Assembly

A huge thank you and well done to Callum, Mrs. Moriarty and Mrs. Garcia for sharing their kindness idea so passionately. They will be delighted to hear that all of the tags have been taken and we look forward to receiving and sharing the charity gifts with those less fortunate than ourselves. Thank you to Mrs Crawford for coordinating this special action linked to her PSHE and Explorer lead role.

New Hope Christmas Gift Bag Appeal with Little Green Junior School.pdf

Would you like to support your child's school without any additional cost to you? 

Click this QR code and add in a few simple details for an easy way to donate to FOLG every time you pay with NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!

See the impact so far! Thank you!!


Stationery sets

Save yourself the summer stationery shopping stress and buy now!  Sourced by Mr Flint so all of the equipment in the packs is school approved! 

The flash sale price has unfortunately finished so packs will now be priced at a very competitive £10 (still far cheaper than you can source on the high street!) and can be ordered via: www.pta-events.co.uk/folg. The pack contains 2 writing pens, a green pen, 2 HB pencils, a pair of scissors (you can specify right or left handed), Pritt Stick, eraser, Boogie sharpener, 30 cm ruler, whiteboard pen, highlighter all contained in a clear pencil case. These can then be sent straight to your child's classroom or be held at the school office for you to pick up.

Second hand uniform

Good quality second hand uniform can be ordered from Faye via  folg-uniform@littlegreen.herts.sch.uk - most items are just 50p. Send an email outlining the items you wish to order - remember to include sizes and your child's class - you will then receive an email to let you know when your items are ready to collect from the school office.

Key Dates:



Just a polite reminder that parents should not be driving into the car park for any reason. 

BASC (Breakfast and After School Club) parents can use the car park before 8am and after 5pm.

Only Blue Badge holders should be accessing the car park. Thank you.