Week 23 15.03.24


Contents of the Newsweb and Website

 School Content:

Just this week!

School Blog: www.littlegreen.herts.sch.uk 

Little Green Community 

It has been another big week of learning with Science Week; K'Nex Challenges; Inclusive sports opportunities including #letgirlsplay; amazing Cross Country successes and the book fair. Thank you for supporting all of our events. Whether directly or indirectly, your support means we can do more for all of the children at Little Green. 

It has been a pleasure to welcome some new families to our community to see the school with their own eyes. Some lovely feedback I wanted to share with the whole community, 

"We visited the school for a tour and felt that it was an exceptionally lovely school, especially compared to where she is currently. It was a school that seemed to nurture their children and listen to them. This school would ideally be our first choice."

We are keen to get you more involved in our school life and we are thinking about setting up a weekly session where parents can stay and learn with their children - Friday Family Reading?

We are always keen to show you what the team are doing to support all of our learners and, as always, the best way is for you to come and see for yourself!

Watch this space as we work out the details.

Otherwise, listen to Miss Reile, Science Lead talking on our Classroom Chatter Podcast and talk to your children about the amazing Science they have been learning this week.

Have a lovely weekend everybody - Rain, Rain, Go away!

Some Science Week Wonder!


Racing Liquids

K'Nex Challenge

Curly Wurly challenge

Good talk - Great Debate 

What do you think?

We tell the children to talk but we don;t always tell them or model whata good talk is. Assemblies will continue to have a debate element on Mondays and our first...

Cake or Ice-Cream 

...debate was a really positive discussion.

It was lovely to be able to show them that evidence and reasons are a great way of discussing and debating and changing minds. 

This Monday 

Cats OR Dogs?! 

What do you think?!

Last week, Little Green competed in the York House Cross Country competition which was over a 1.85km course against 5 other schools. The Little Green girls ran in the first race, before the boys team hit the course to try and emulate the fantastic efforts of the girls team. Even though the course was tricky, with multiple large hills and tough gradients, the runners gave it their best shot and all 18 Little Green children finished the race!

With the aim to get the lowest score possible, 90 points scored overall for the Little Green girls team put them as runners up, only losing out by 7 points to winners Sarratt with 83. A fantastic result! The boys achieved an impressive 82 points and placed in 1st and overall team winners! Amazing job boys!

Final Placings were as follows: An amazing group of athletes - well done all!



Our current PPG offer

Do consider your own eligibility and get access to a range of support for yourself, your child and the school!

Copy of PPG/FSM Funding Letter to Parents

Preventing Economic Exclusion

Building on the messages about the Book Fair, we have welcomed Linda Hardman, local School Improvement Lead for Herts for Learning, to support us in reviewing our approach to supporting all our families suffering economic hardship - the obvious and the hidden. We believe we have a careful and targeted impact in this area and we are very pleased with the positive report received. Here are a few quotes to give you a flavour of this external review and validation and your school!

"The most disadvantaged learners are extremely well supported and enabled to succeed in this very supportive, nurturing school."

"Leaders are excellent role models who advocate consistently and deliberately for the needs of the children in their care. This targeted support then improves their life chances as they transition through and beyond the school."

"Leaders continue to develop and refine an inspirational curriculum for their learners that ensures high level engagement and profound curiosity."

Keep our School Tidy Presentation 

Children leading the fight against littering!

Thank you to Scarlett and Alaina for their passionate plea in assembly to stop littering. Please pick it up! 

As you may recall, we removed our external bins after research proved that they act as a haven for more littering. 

Please take your litter home!

Decorate the Ready to Learn Room Competition!

Children driving environmental improvements!

Well done to the organisers and Mrs Borlase for this idea to decorate the Ready to Learn Room with things that make people feel good. We look forward to seeing the results!

A HUGE thank you to the FOLG Team for the Mothering Sunday gift developments. FOLG met and agreed the approach at our recent meeting - we did not foresee the challenges with a separate payment and design - lessons learned! Thank you for supporting the process even so and a huge thank you to Amy who took the hit! A great community effort driven by a great community member!

Would you like to support your child's school without any additional cost to you? 

Click this QR code and add in a few simple details for an easy way to donate to FOLG every time you pay with NO ADDITIONAL COST TO YOU!

See the impact so far! Thank you!!


Stationery sets

Save yourself the summer stationery shopping stress and buy now!  Sourced by Mr Flint so all of the equipment in the packs is school approved! 

The flash sale price has unfortunately finished so packs will now be priced at a very competitive £10 (still far cheaper than you can source on the high street!) and can be ordered via: www.pta-events.co.uk/folg. The pack contains 2 writing pens, a green pen, 2 HB pencils, a pair of scissors (you can specify right or left handed), Pritt Stick, eraser, Boogie sharpener, 30 cm ruler, whiteboard pen, highlighter all contained in a clear pencil case. These can then be sent straight to your child's classroom or be held at the school office for you to pick up.

Second hand uniform

Good quality second hand uniform can be ordered from Faye via  folg-uniform@littlegreen.herts.sch.uk - most items are just 50p. Send an email outlining the items you wish to order - remember to include sizes and your child's class - you will then receive an email to let you know when your items are ready to collect from the school office.


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Classroom Chatter


Please do not park on the yellow zig zag lines. This is a waiting offence and puts pedestrians at risk. Police will almost always issue a Fixed Penalty Notice without exceptions. Please park safely.

A polite reminder that parents should not be driving into the School car park for any reason between 8am and 5pm. 

Only Blue Badge holders should be accessing the School car park. Thank you.

BASC (Breakfast and After School Club) parents can use the School car park before 8am and after 5pm.