Week 4 01.10.21

We CAN do it!

Just look how safe, environmental and positive we all made our school entrance 0846 Monday!- We CAN do this TOGETHER...On Wednesday and Friday, 4 out of 5 children came without needing to park on top of the school gate. Many walked, scooted and cycled. Well done everyone!

Percentage of children walking/riding to school (Not parking near the school!):

BUT...Are YOU the problem?

We had a very positive 'clap the cars away' week - see picture. However, Mr Roberts informs us that some parents are still selfishly are parking over drives or too close to the Spinney exit at the end of the day and when we are not there telling them off! This may be 'legal' but it does risk an injury to us children and some adults. Next week the Council will meet to discuss a range of ideas:

  1. School 'tickets' given to all children and residents to educate local unsafe parkers!

  2. A reward scheme for walkers/cyclers!

  3. Suggesting a one-way system to parents driving! Road and pavement?!

Jack was first to school on his bicycle. Well done Jack!

Modelling the Model...

Mrs Borlase and Mrs Wilson modelling the model everyday!

Amira - Road Safety Council practising what we preach!

And Amira's dad and sister supporting Amira to be healthy, safe and environmental as well. THANK YOU ALL!


We are also looking at some longer term solutions:

  1. New parking restrictions driven by the residents.

  2. A new entrance further up the footpath away from the Spinney.

What do you think? What else can we do? PLEASE be part of the solution and NOT the problem. You have been asked nicely!

Love the Road Safety Council.

Boredom FOR Imaginative Play

Whilst we have a range of Year group play time resources, we are committed to supporting children to drive their own imaginations at play and lunch. We believe that having the space to be 'bored' is also having the space to be imaginative. Here's a great article on why boredom is actually necessary...https://www.theschoolrun.com/benefits-of-boredom-for-kids


Eleven children grabbed me at the end of lunchtime on Tuesday to show me their den...

Boredom as a space to CREATE - IMAGINE - DREAM - TALK

Ways to support boredom - taken from: https://www.theschoolrun.com/benefits-of-boredom-for-kids

If your child is used to having their time micromanaged, making the shift to a way of life where they’re responsible for amusing themselves some of the time can be tricky.

‘It will be difficult at first because they don’t know how to do it, and you’ll have to be their imagination coach, but once the spark has ignited, it will get better,’ Melissa says.

Try these techniques for encouraging children to entertain themselves.

  • Have a weekly activity detox. ‘Nominate one day a week where the family has no structured activities, and make it up as you go along,’ says Melissa.

  • Give them a creative, open-ended task like building an obstacle course in the garden or setting up a treasure hunt. ‘This will inspire creativity, as they have to decide what the treasure will be, hide it from you, write the clues, and so on,’ says Teresa.

  • Provide low-tech toys. If you have the space, collecting things like offcuts of wood and fabric, cotton reels, junk modelling resources and old clothes from the charity shop will give your child endless opportunities for free play. ‘You don’t need to buy an expensive marble run when your child can make an even better one from things you have lying around the house,’ says Teresa.

  • Don’t mind the mess. ‘Everything can be cleared away, and you can make it a condition that your child has to help tidy up afterwards,’ Teresa explains.

  • Get outdoors. ‘Take your child to open spaces and resist the urge to jump in and protect them,’ Melissa advises. ‘Let them climb on the highest monkey bars, and allow them to take risks.’

  • Be a good role model. ‘Wait as long as you can before introducing smartphones and other devices to your child,’ says Teresa, ‘and model healthy attitudes to technology yourself: you can’t insist that your child puts their phone down if you’re always on yours.’

  • Create a sense of community. ‘If you live in an area where it’s safe for children to play outside, get a group of parents together who all know to look out for each other’s kids,’ says Melissa. ‘It’s what we were used to in our generation, and it’ll help develop a great sense of belonging for you and your child.’

Student Parliament Election Day is nearing!

Good luck and well done to all the children taking the risk to stand for the School cabinet and represent the student body. With power comes great responsibility!

Check out the website for election news and more recent learning fr the children.


Donations - FOLG are after a working tablet to use for their payment system - if you have one gathering dust, it would be truly appreciated.

Key dates

Tuesday 5th October - Flu Vaccinations

Wednesday 6th October - Yr. 6R class swimming at York House

Thursday 7th October - Yr4 Tri-Golf at Rickmansworth School

Extra Occasional Day in lieu of Jubilee Bank Holiday updated and agreed:

Monday 6th June -extending the summer half term- See calendar: https://www.littlegreen.herts.sch.uk/parent-carer-info/calendarterm-dates