Week 8 04.11.22 Supporting Learning

Contents for the Newsweb and Website

School Content:

Community Messages:

School Blog Posts: www.littlegreen.herts.sch.uk 

Behaviour Management Conversations

In April 2021 we asked you to complete a google form that explained our approach to behaviour management.  We had very positive feedback but only 24 responses. We have updated this form based on feedback and would love to find out what the community thinks about behaviour management. We have included a question about how we define poor behaviour in a class and we are very interested in your views. We have asked our children and will be asking staff and governors also. We look forward to sharing the results and our next steps.

All our views are important - we are the community together.  Click the link below to tell us what you think - click the link below:



It was a pleasure to see how much fun was had by the children at our Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 school discoes. a HUGE thank you to all the adults that volunteer their time to make the vent a possibility. A special thank you to the FGL staff who put in the effort and hours to organise the event, book the DJ, collect tickets, complete risk assessments etc. Thank you to everyone - a great team effort!

Animal Therapy - supporting the community

We are very proud of the many different ways the school works to offer a range of different interventions and support for children across the school. From targeted academic interventions to social wellbeing groups, counselling to Lexia, Family Support Working to Watford Positive Minds, Safe Hands approaches to Self Esteem Workshops -  the team really do work hard to do everything a mainstream school can do to make the difference. For some our our children and families, we are also able to offer an amazing experience with horse riding, grooming and animal welfare. Parents report incredible positive and calming experiences supporting their children to develop confidence, self regulation and, perhaps, future animal experts! Thank you to Ms. Rowland and the whole community for continuing to develop this initiative and for identifying so many different support approaches to so many different individual needs. 

Little Green Open Morning: 08.12.22

Sign up by clicking this link: OPEN MORNING REGISTRATION 

Open morning poster

Stationery sets 

Thank you to everyone who ordered stationery sets - it was the first time FOLG had tried this and it seemed to go relatively smoothly. All packs should have now been received by those who placed orders. 

If you missed out on ordering stationery sets we have received new stock and will be opening the opportunity to order on PTA events again - the introductory price has unfortunately finished so packs will now be priced at a very competitive £8 (still far cheaper than you can source on the high street!) and can be ordered via: www.pta-events.co.uk/folg. Information of what is contained in the packs can be found at this link.

Second hand uniform

Good quality second hand uniform can be ordered from Faye via  folg-uniform@littlegreen.herts.sch.uk - most items are just 50p. Send an email outlining the items you wish to order - remember to include sizes and your child's class - you will then receive an email to let you know when your items are ready to collect from the school office.

Key Dates:



Just a polite reminder that parents should not be driving into the car park for any reason. Only Blue Badge holders should be accessing the car park. Thank you.

Drop Box at the office
Please clearly label your child's belongings with their NAME and CLASS and items will be delivered at break time or lunchtime.  

Messages Board from Community Partners

SWHP Newsletter 191.pdf
SWHP Newsletter 191 Calendar.pdf
WSM Open Evening Flyer 2022.pdf

From YOUNGMINDS November 2022 Newsletter

Supporting you and your family through the cost-of-living crisis

The rising cost of living is making many of us feel scared, stressed and anxious. You may be worried about paying rent alongside putting food on the table - or anxious about how these uncertain times may be impacting your family. Our new web guide and blog on money and mental health offers advice on supporting your own, and your child’s, wellbeing through the cost-of-living crisis. We’ve also included lots of suggestions of where to find practical financial support if you’re struggling. We hope this helps

Youngminds-Support for families talking to children about the cost of living

JUNIOR String Day November 22nd 2022.pdf

Cafe O Monthly Film Shows

Each month on a Sunday afternoon in the Church Hall, 

we show a feature film (U or PG) suitable for accompanied children 

and also enjoyed by older members of the community. 

Shows are free but donations are welcome. 

Drinks and snacks provided. 

Details from officeoswald2@gmail.com.

Calling all Key Stage 2 pupils in Hertfordshire!


As advertised on the Grid and in the Schools Bulletin, Hertfordshire Heroes is encouraging all Key Stage 2 pupils in Hertfordshire to take part in our annual Christmas Art Competition by 21 November 2022.  This year, we invite children to create artwork depicting 2022 to bring “Christmas cheer” to military personnel for their chance to win a day of adventure at the UK military’s strategic headquarters, Northwood HQ. A winner will be chosen from each year group in Key Stage 2. 


The artwork will be shared with those serving in the Armed Forces who are working away from their families at Christmas to help bring them some “Christmas Cheer”.  This information is also located online at www.hertfordshireheroes.org/christmasart.


To enter the competition:


Hertfordshire Heroes Christmas Art Competition

Hertfordshire County Council

Postal Point CHO147

Member Support Office

County Hall, Pegs Lane


SG13 8DN



Further Guidance


Winning entries


Hertfordshire Armed Forces Covenant Board works in partnership to deliver the Armed Forces Covenant locally. It brings together business, military organisations, charities, NHS and local authorities who work in partnership to ensure that no veteran faces a disadvantage when accessing public services, the Armed Forces community is honoured and celebrated for the sacrifices they have made, and the military and civilian communities are well integrated. 


Northwood HQ in Eastbury, Hertfordshire, is a very important military base that makes decisions about joint and combined military operations involving the Navy, RAF and the Army worldwide.


Many thanks,


Ashley Lamprell (she/her)

Policy Officer | Corporate Policy Team | Resources  

Hertfordshire County Council  

County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG13 8DE, Postal Point: CHO144

T: 01992 588952 Internal: 28952

E: ashley.lamprell@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Aladdin Colouring competition.pdf
Aladdin flyer for schools.pdf
KKTS Ltd - Club flyer.png
Yorke Mead Fireworks.pdf

 I hope that this email finds you well.


I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that our Talking Families course that begins immediately after half term is now going to be conducted online and we have places available so please share the attached details with your colleagues and any parents who you feel would benefit from these sessions.


Our Talking Dads course also has a few places left so please share these details as well.


Talking Families (for parents of children under 12):


Tuesdays 8pm to 9.30pm 1st November to 6th December (6 weeks)


Talking Dads:


Mondays 7.45pm to 9.15pm 31st October to 5th December (6 weeks)


Details are attached for your reference, together with information about all our courses for next half term.


Alongside our usual Parenting Courses, Supporting Links are pleased to be offering the workshops this coming Autumn Term. These are open to parents and carers of children with ASD and/or ADHD across Hertfordshire, funded by the Local Authority.


Talking ASD/ADHD: Anxiety and Stress - 23rd November 2022


Talking ASD/ADHD: Responding to Anger - 20th October or 7th December 2022


Talking ASD/ADHD: The Teenage Years - 2nd November 2022


Talking ASD/ADHD: Tech Use - 11th October 2022


We accept referrals or parents can self-refer and book places via Eventbrite. Further details can be found attached to this email, as both a 2 page Brochure (for digital sharing) and a PDF poster for each workshop to display in your setting.


Please share them widely amongst your teams and families to ensure that as many as possible have access to this support. Each workshop can be attended by up to 90 parents.