Week 23 18.02.22

Science Week

Book Look Feedback Spring 2022

Please do recall the shared intent, modelling and hoped impact of your children's books coming home. https://sites.google.com/littlegreen.herts.sch.uk/little-green-newsweb/week-22-11-03-22?authuser=0 We do hope you are able to celebrate your children's efforts and leave them feeling positive and motivated about what they can do to get even better. It may not always feel like it, but your opinion and response to your children has a huge impact on how they see themselves and their abilities. Do also let us know what you think about the Book Looks - especially our developing work on narrations and whole class feedback: https://forms.gle/LaDAL4qYuayjRfab7

Request from Miss Reile,

Year 5 and Science Leader:

Here is a list of items that we would like to put a plea out for to be able to complete activities to support our school environment:

Untreated rough sawn timber approximately 2cm depth - various lengths

Drain pipe cut off or cement pipes


Paving slabs

Air bricks


Wooden Pallets

Bamboo Canes



20mm FSC (Birch would be ideal) plywood boards various sizes

Metal hinges


Polythene sheeting

Pond plants

Please let us know if you have anything of this nature to donate to a good cause! admin@littlegreen.herts.sch.uk

Year 5 Environmental Topic Trip

As part of Science Week and their wider Environment Topic, Year 5 have the

privilege of visiting Leavesden Country Park and experiencing the Learning Centre in the Hive. The sun was out to brighten the first class - 5E heading out today! A special thank you to the parents who volunteered to support the trip.


Children appreciating the STEM role models in their community! Thank you!

Above: How to extract DNA in 3 easy steps! Below: Discovering new medicine!

Science Week Celebrations and Narrations

We started off our Science Week with a fascinating STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Assembly organised by our talented STEM Ambassador, Mrs Batchelor. The children were given two presentations by two doctors of science from our own community who shared the amazing impact their own STEM learning had caused!

Dr. Senderovich is a molecular Biologist working on T-Cells to support developing new cancer treatments. He showed the children how to extract DNA from a banana live on stage!

Dr. Said's research is in exploring and identifying new medicines. He taught us all about the likely spaces we might find new medicines - who knew fungi and moulds were so critical to our wellbeing! Thank you Mrs Batchelor, Dr. Senderovich and Dr. Said for their fascinating and inspirational presentations. I wonder if many children in the hall will reference this experience when someone asks them why they became doctors and scientists in the future!

There has been a range of exciting engaging hands on science exploration and learning this week. A huge thank you to Ms Reile, Science Leader, for supporting all the year groups to have an amazing opportunity to explore.

Year 5 propagating vegetables

As part of our Science topic, 5H learnt how plants can grow from sources other than seeds. To experience this we cut off the top of a vegetable, balanced it on top of a cup filled with water. We have already seen shoots growing from the top of the vegetables. Once they are large and strong enough we will grow them in the soil.

Year 6 Create A Plant Competition:

Year 6 also took part in the Create-a-Plant competition. The rules were that each group of children were only allowed four sheets of scrap card or paper from the recycling box in our classroom (this really limited the colour options in out classroom!). The children had one hour to create an imaginative plant using only paper/card and scissors. No glue or sellotape was allowed! Here are some of 6H's outcomes..

Year 4 have been reading about how water travels up the stem of a plant in a process called 'capillary action'. We have predicted it will change blue colour because we dyed the water blue. We are still waiting to find out if this will happen.

Year 3 Science Week

This week in Year 3 we have continued to learn all about rocks. We learnt about Mary Anning the famous fossil hunter and created a fact file about her. We learnt about soil and how soil is formed in the story 'Roger Rock'. We also had the opportunity to use microscopes again to look at a range of objects to understand how these would be used in a laboratory. One of the science week tasks involved making a plant using paper. This was challenging as you had to think carefully about how to fold the paper and make the shape of a plant!

Covid Update

Do report your children's positive cases here:

https://forms.gle/6SZyf4bg5ENVegBMA .

As we continue the transition to living with Covid, I am pleased to report that our Covid numbers have remained low since the beginning of term with 2 children and one staff member currently isolating.

We continue to follow the latest Government guidance and this can be accessed here:


Here is our recently shared Risk Assessment for Living with Covid:


Save the date:

School Fair 26th June 2022.

FOLG Treasurer opportunity - are you interested? Let us know!

We are looking for someone to print the fair programme. Does anyone know anyone or work in printing who maybe able to assist? Email us!

NEXT FOLG MEETING: 26.4.22 Coach and Horses

School Disco FINAL reminder for disco. No tickets on door and ticket sales end on Monday 21st at 8pm.

Any volunteers will be gratefully received! Please contact FOLG@littlegreen.herts.sch.uk


Key Dates:

  • Wednesday 23rd March - 5R trip to Leavesden Park

  • Thursday 24th March - FOLG Disco

  • Friday 25th March - 5H trip to Leavesden Park


Little Request: We are developing our display of 'motivation' to show faces of people working hard and feeling challenged but getting on with 'Doing it!' Please do try and capture some of the struggles of motivation so we can drive the realities of working hard with the whole school community - #attitude to learning!


Just a polite reminder that parents should not be driving into the car park for any reason. Only Blue Badge holders should be accessing the car park. Thank you.

Continuing on Fridays: 1700-2100 - in the carpark!