March 2017

Post date: Mar 11, 2017 9:3:29 PM

Well, it took some doing, but I have managed to produce my first report from QuickBooks online. This dog keeps learning new tricks. I’ve attached a Budget vs. Actuals report for the first six months of the fiscal year – July-December 2016. It contains nothing remarkable. Income and expenses were both below budget. Our operating accounts showed a net gain of $4,909 for the period. Adding in $5,472 in investment income gave us a total gain of $10,381. As always, our major financial activity for the year is the upcoming conference.

I can’t yet give you a final result for our annual appeal, because most mailed-in donations were not received until January, but it definitely performed much better than last year. This was thanks in large part to the email appeal, which we’ve never done before, plus doing a more targeted US Mail letter, which greatly reduced the expenses of the campaign.

I haven't yet mastered the Balance Sheet report from QuickBooks online. That will have to wait till next month.