January 2016

Post date: Jan 11, 2016 12:36:4 AM

1 The work of the Subcommittees is continuing.

2 Education Committee has discussed and defined the 5 AVP Circles

· 1 AVP methodology

· 2 AVP core workshops: Basic, Advanced and T4F workshops - full 18-22 hour AVP workshops, delivered by a team of AVP trained facilitators, within an AVP recognised group. The facilitators must be voluntary ie. they want to be there and can be unpaid or paid (stipend). These statistics are collected by CLARG

· 3 AVP Variations: delivered by AVP trained facilitators in an AVP recognised group, using AVP methodology. They may have different content and may have fewer hours. For example Continuing Learning (facilitator training after a T4F workshop), AVP taster or introductory session, AVP training nights or support groups, or Trauma Resilience

· 4 AVP Informed/spin-offs: designed by an experienced AVP facilitator but delivered by an outside organisation and its respective facilitators, e.g. Recovery to Practice (Rita Cronise & Noelle Pollet, De-escalating Violent Situations (John Shuford), Transforming Conflict (Katherine), Conscience Studio (Nadine Hoover), HROC (AGLI), Circle Learning with Youth At Risk (Lyn Doppler)

· 5 AVP Influenced: organizations or individuals who are interested in AVP activities but do activities/exercises out of the methodological context; where the participants are influenced by AVP rather than transformed, e.g. schools where the teachers have been trained to do circle learning, but not trained as AVP facilitators, a homeless shelter where an AVP facilitator has shared some AVP materials