January 2016

Post date: Jan 07, 2016 4:29:56 PM


Notes by Nancy Hutchins

Attending: Roger Kluck, Rick Krouskop, Martin Kraft, Nancy Hutchins

Special Youth Scholarships. Martin will run a special application process through AVP-L, with decisions made on awards by Board by end of January. He will work with Treasurer Joe Ossmann regarding the process for handling donations and paying out these scholarships. People who are awarded these special scholarships will still need to register for the conference, and they should NOT fill out the scholarship application. They can register and then not pay when they get to the Paypal page. Money needs to be transferred from the special scholarship fund to complete the process.

Future meetings. Nancy will check with Margaret as to her desire for further support. Once the website is up and registration is under way (almost ready), the local group has the major decision-making authority over program. Next meeting as needed by local group.

Other notes on issues beyond the meeting:

WEBSITE is UP as of January 7 and it looks really good!

Nancy has a Skype meeting scheduled with AVP in MA to help them with their discernment around hosting the 2017 Conference. They are exploring possible sites. One difficulty that has emerged is that most colleges and universities in that area are not finished with their spring semester in time to rent to us over Memorial Day.