Oct. 5, 2016 Conference Committee Notes

Post date: Oct 06, 2016 7:22:46 PM

Conference Committee Notes – October 5, 2016- Notes by Nancy Hutchins

Attending: Julie Crawford, Betsy Simmons, Chris Campbell, Nancy Hutchins

Venue. Most of the meeting was spent weighing pros and cons of the three venues still under consideration. The group determined that BU is likely too expensive. Plans were made to do a final visit and get final questions answers and make a decision within ten days to two weeks.

Process. A discussion was held among the leadership in the local group about how necessary it is to achieve consensus in the various decisions that must be made. Frustration about getting responses and buy-in by others was discussed. Attempts to be as inclusive as possible are being made; however, people who take on a specific task also need to be able to move on with it.

A potluck is planned for October 28 for the local council. The theme will be discussed there. Also, Chris has the list of people who agreed to help with or take on certain responsibilities. Those will be confirmed.

Budget for this conference. Nancy emailed the working budget from the Denver Conference. (Margaret Browne has since responded by email that she is “more than willing” to answer questions.)

Entertainment. Valentine Doyle has proceeded to get more information and attend an event by the Judy Dworkin (sp?) Group. It looks promising.

The next Conference Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 7 at 8 PM, EST.