Oct. 27, 2015. Conference Committee

Post date: Oct 27, 2015 6:28:11 PM


Oct. 27, 2015

Notes by Nancy Hutchins

Attending: Margaret Browne, Sharon Moon, Alice Waco, Roger Kluck, Rick Krouskop, Nancy Hutchins

Theme: The Local Committee has adopted "Envisioning Alternatives to Violence, from Retribution to Restoration" after considering comments generated by C of C.

Contract. Room rates have been confirmed by Regis but not food yet. We agreed that a final contract would not be needed to come up with registration rates, as we should have ballpark figures.

Transformer. Margaret will work with Transformer editor to ask for an extension based on conference needing a page. The Transformer page will include theme, keynote speaker, facility, date website will go up, last date for early bird registration (last year was March 29), a request for breakout sessions, and it is hoped, a logo.

Other Marketing. Information, including pictures, can be formatted in Word or as a Google doc. and sent to Rick to forward to large email list in Dec/Jan and again before early bird registration ends, and before late registration begins. Also, use AVP-L.

Budget. Margaret is still working on it. As a member of the FC, she is aware of their time-table. Registration rates need to be structured to encourage use of doubles so that we don't run out of rooms. Margaret will check past registration forms for usual rate structure.

Keynote speakers. Lisa Calderon has been confirmed. She is Director of the Community Re-Entry Project and Co-Chair of the Denver Latino Forum. There will presumably be no fee as she is local. It also likely State Representative Pete Lee will participate. He would speak on restorative justice. Margaret hopes to get a local panel together, as there is much being done locally around justice reform and re-entry.

Pre-Conference offerings. It is not clear whether the university is available before Thursday evening. Margaret will check and also will check with Dawn to pin down the C of C plans for pre or post conference meetings. Margaret has already set in motion a program at the Denver women's prison, which would be planned by the inside facilitators.

A third possibility around gender issues may need to be dropped (there is also a cost involved for these presenters).

Website. Margaret has begun to work on this. She and Rick will work together. Can the background be a different color?

Scholarships. Still need a local person and another person for the committee. There are issues to be resolved regarding scholarships for youth: what age is youth? do we need a separate scholarship application? Alice pointed out that the way scholarship applications have been weighted in the past would work against youth being eligible if they were in the larger pool (that assumes the same system is used); Should Martin be on the committee?

Margaret asked that these issues be brought to C of C for approval and advice.

It would be helpful to have Martin on the next call.

2017 Conference. Nancy reported that she has been in conversation with Chris Campbell of MA, who is personally interested, but has not found anyone else in his area to work with him so far. Nancy will check back with him in a few weeks.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 24, noon EST.