November 2014

Post date: Oct 31, 2014 7:0:1 PM


October 16, 2014

Attending: Rick Krouskop, Roger Kluck, Dawn Addy, Dustin Muller, Nancy Hutchins

Scholarship Committee.

    • Roger said he would have more time this next week to look for help with the conference, including finding at least one local person for Scholarship Committee. Committee could be made of up of 3 or more people.

    • The criteria for awarding scholarships is still available from last year's website. Who has access? Can Dustin be given access? C of C may want to review criteria.

    • Nancy agreed to ask FC about use of funds solicited for scholarships in the registration process. Are they "extra" funds or do they offset the $5,000 in the budget. (Second part of question already sent regarding adding $ to registrations in order to raise scholarship funds.)

    • C of C scholarships should be on C of C agenda. Is there a line in the budget for this? Criteria need to be reviewed.


Rick is still finalizing with site.


A preliminary draft budget was shared. Consideration is being given to paring down the four sleeping choices to three. The budget is based on 100 people at early bird rates for planning purposes. An estimated amount for speakers, entertainment, travel etc. needs to chosen, so the budget can be completed.


Roger will make some personal contacts to fill needed leadership positions for this Conference.


The Committee agreed that it is not necessary to publish a registration form in the Winter Transformer. A downloadable form can be made available on the website.

Roger committed to writing some paragraphs about the upcoming conference for the Transformer, referencing the location, theme? (40th anniversary), and the conference website, available in January.

Needed: a theme for the conference in time for the publicity

a call for proposals for pre-conference events on AVP-L?

Next Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 4, at 4 PM Eastern time. (Yes, we know it is Election Day).

712-432-0490 access code: 768026#