July 8, 2018 Education Committee Report

Post date: Jul 08, 2018 9:15:13 PM

Education Committee Report July 8, 2018

The Education Committee:

1. Has started to assess the alignment of the Education Committee Strategic Plans and Goals with the Board-assigned goals in 2013; reviewing each goal to determine: (a) what has happened and (b) what are our hopes for the future—in accord with Board-assigned goals and report format. This work is in progress.

2. Is discussing also which Education goals meet the following criteria: (a) have been achieved in accord with Board-assigned goals, (b) have not been achieved in accord with Board-assigned goals, (c) are in progress, and/or (d) need to be added to the Board-assigned goals for Education.

3. Is welcoming new members that joined during the Richmond Gathering. Congratulations to the three (3) new members who participated in the June meeting: (1) Magical Murphy, (2) Lucky Laurent, and (3) Marvelous Mital. These new members are choosing specific teams on which they wish to focus their respective work in Education.

4. Is discussing and assessing activities at the Richmond Gathering, specifically addressing “lessons learned”—in preparation for improvement and continuation of our successes at future gatherings. We also are collecting and analyzing feedback from the World Café—both at the Committee and Team levels.

5. Will continue to discuss ways we can offer ongoing support for facilitators, particularly how we (locally and nationally) might provide better support for apprentice-level facilitators.

6. Decided that the Education and Adaptations Committees will form a joint team to support the development of Aiki workshops.

7. Provided for Committee members’ review: “News from Teams and Workgroups,” which is a list of current Education Teams (10), including each team’s specific focus and its respective plans, meeting dates, and work progress. The Committee has provided this list to the Board to review as well (see attachment below).

Betty McEady and Katherine Smith, Co-Chairs