Conference Committee August 1, 2016

Post date: Aug 02, 2016 6:13:13 PM

OUR 2016 - 2017 GOALS

The overall goal of the Conference Committee is to plan and manage the annual AVPUSA Gathering. The goals are always to provide opportunities for learning, and networking and to provide a time and place to conduct the annual business meeting required by the Bylaws. Specific goals for this year are:

  • to seriously explore including underage AVP facilitators if details can be worked out

  • to be especially mindful of planning for inclusiveness of our diverse population

  • to add more welcoming activities and procedures


Notes by Nancy Hutchins

Attending: Nancy Hutchins, Margaret Browne, Chris Campbell

The local committee had their regular summer meeting recently, which was well attended. Though no decisions have been made, the groundwork for making decisions on venue, theme, and tracks is being laid with many people giving input. Several people have agreed to take on some specific responsibilities. . Still needed: registrar and someone(s) to work on scholarship committee

Chris discussed possible venue with the Committee. Margaret and Nancy both were of the opinion that an urban setting was not objectionable as long as it met the other needed requirements. It would be helpful to make a venue decision soon so that advertising and the budget process can get underway. Possible notice or article for the fall Transformer was discussed. Deadline is August 15.

The local group has had some feedback from some AVP facilitators working with youth who suggested that separate housing would be appropriate but that no special program was needed. This is still in the exploratory stages, depending on an adequate venue and other considerations.

Chris asked that we query the C of C regarding a Peace Fellows process for 2017 and whether someone has been selected to continue outreach. Also, the Conference Committee requests that much advance planning regarding by-law changes be done prior to the Annual Conference to minimize the time it will take to handle this business. (His message requesting info has been forwarded to AVPUSA President, Dawn Addy.)

Other items discussed were transportation from the airport, pre-conference activities, and the desire for a more formal closing for the Conference.

Conferences beyond 2017. Chris suggested we might look into 2018 as a regional International Conference with a location in Canada.

Next Conference Committee Meeting is Sept. 12, 7:30 PM EDT.