August 2015 Conference Committee

Post date: Sep 12, 2015 1:39:43 PM


Notes by Nancy Hutchins

Attending: Margaret Browne, Alice Waco, Rick Krouskop, Nancy Hutchins

(Background documents: The Local Committee in Denver met again Aug. 8 and shared their meeting notes. Also Margaret shared current budget worksheet. Rick Krouskop shared the details of the 2015 Conference Budget.)

It is exciting to see the creative thinking about theme, possible speakers, and program in the Local Committee notes.

Transformer article. It was decided that it is too early in the process to commit to a theme or speakers, but the article can emphasize "save the date," the venue, and looking for breakout sessions especially along specific tracks. We discussed including a contact person for obtaining a proposal form (which needs to be updated from the sample in the manual.) Alice suggested a testimonial would be a good addition; this might need to wait until the next issue, as there is likely not time to find someone by Aug. 15.

Youth. In response to a request from others, the Conference Committee is looking for programs. The head of the Communication Dept. at the university may want to do a poetry slam. There is a pub at the university which could be a good setting for that. Students from the Communications Dept. could be a resource. A leadership program of challenged high schools called Project Life could also be a source for speakers or programs.

Theme and Keynotes. Of the themes being considered by the Local Committee, "A New Lens--From Retribution to Restoration" is temporarily being favored. The Local Committee has brainstormed possible speakers or panelists from the Denver area, many of which are involved in re-entry or criminal justice reform. Attention is being paid to representing diversity in the choice of speakers and presenters. Alice noted that the "Black Lives Matter" movement and racism should be acknowledged in our program planning.

Breakout Sessions. Alice advised that a specific person or persons besides Margaret take on the vetting and organization of the breakout sessions.

Budget. Preliminary numbers were discussed and suggestions made by the committee. The budget process is well on its way.

Pre-conference Promotion. "In an Ideal World" will be shown in Denver and maybe again at the Denver Film Festival. Margaret sees this as a marketing tool for AVP.

Next Meeting. Tues., Sept. 15, noon EDT.