Response to Preconditions


1. Accreditation and Academic Credit

a. Institutions of higher education: A college or university that (i) is fully accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or another of the six regional accrediting associations, and (ii) grants baccalaureate academic credit or post baccalaureate academic credit, or both. An institution approved to offer educator preparation in California must notify the Commission within 30 days if it’s regional accreditation status changes.

b. School districts or other non-regionally accredited entities: The Superintendent or CEO of the district or entity shall submit verification of the governing boards approval of sponsorship of the program. N/A

(a) Santa Clara University is fully accredited by Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). This accreditation can be verified by the Office of the Provost and is in the University Bulletin on the University website and in the Bulletin of the School of Education and Counseling Psychology (SECP).

(b) Santa Clara University grants both baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate academic credit. This is information can be verified by the Office of the Provost, and is on the University website.

2. Enrollment and Completion

Once a candidate is accepted and enrolls in an education preparation program, the approved program sponsor must offer the approved program, meeting the adopted standards, until the candidate:

i. Completes the program,

ii. Withdraws from the program,

iii. Is dropped from the program based on established criteria; or

iv. Is admitted to another approved program to complete the requirements, with minimal disruption, for the authorization. In the event the program closes, a teach out plan, which includes individual transition plans for each candidate as well as a plan for candidates and graduates to access their student records would need to be developed.

The Office of Student Services and Assessment for the School of Education and Counseling Psychology is responsible for the monitoring and assistance of all student enrollment and completion needs listed above. In the event of a program closing, the Department is responsible for completion of a teach-out plan, with support from the Office of Student Services & Assessment as requested.

3. Responsibility and Authority

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity shall provide the following information:

a. Identify the position within the organizational structure that is responsible for ongoing oversight of all educator preparation programs offered by the entity (including educator preparation program offered by an extension division, if any).

The Dean of the School of Education, Sabrina Zirkel, is responsible for oversight.

b. Provide a description of reporting relationship between the position described in (a) the individual(s) who coordinate each educator preparation program offered by the entity. If a reporting relationship is indirect, describe the levels of authority and responsibility for each educator preparation program. Include an organizational chart for the institution as well as the division(s) within the institution responsible fore the oversight of the educator preparation unit and/or responsible for any aspect of program delivery.

Dr. Marco Bravo serves as the Director of Teacher Education.

Dr. Lisa Goldstein serves as the Chair of the Education Department

Dr. Francisca Miranda is the Interim Director of Administrative Services Organizational Chart (Appendix A)

c. Provide policies to ensure that duties regarding credential recommendations are provided solely by persons who are current employees of the Commission approved institution.

The Student Services and CTC Manager is responsible for all credential recommendations made by the School of Education and Counseling Psychology. (Appendix B). Credential Candidates have multiple resources for finding the polices and duties of the Credential Analyst and the credentialing process. Housed in the Office of Student Services and Assessment, resources are found here and here.

4. Lawful Practices

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, a program of professional preparation must be proposed and operated by an entity that makes all personnel decision without unlawful discrimination. These decisions include decisions regarding the admission, retention or graduation of students, and decisions regarding the employment, retention or promotion of employees.

Information regarding admissions (Chapter 3, pp 21-27), retention (Chapter 4, pp 28 -39), and graduation can be found within the current School of Education and Counseling Psychology Bulletin, located on the Policies page. The Office of Human Resources webpage provides the policies and practices governing the University’s employment, retention, and promotion of employees. The Staff Policy Manual and Faculty Handbook.

5. Commission Assurances

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the program sponsor must: (a) assure that the sponsor will fulfill all of the applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the Commission, (b) assure that the program sponsor will cooperate in an evaluation of the program by an external team or a monitoring of the program by a Commission staff member and (c) assure that the approved program sponsor will participate fully in the Commission’s accreditation system, including the timely submission of documents required for accreditation.

Santa Clara University has an established record of fulfilling all applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness, cooperating in CTC’s efforts to evaluate and monitor our programs, and participating fully in the Commission’s accreditation system. We will continue to engage in all practices required by the Commission.

6. Requests for Data

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity must identify a qualified officer responsible for reporting and responding to all request from the Commission for data including, but not limited to, program enrollments, program, completers, examination results, including performance assessments, and state and federal reporting within the time limits specified by the Commission. Institutional contact information must be updated annually.

Data and requests for data come from two positions in the School of Education and Counseling Psychology. The Student Services and CTC Manager and the Director of Assessment (Appendix C). Both are members of the Office of Student Services and Assessment, overseen by the Assistant Dean of Student Services and Assessment (Appendix D).

7. Veracity in all Claims and Documents Submitted

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the entity must positively affirm the veracity of all statements and documentation submitted to the Commission.

This is accomplished by the sole submission of recommendations to the Commission by one employee—the Student Services and CTC Manager.

8. Grievance Process

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the approved program sponsor must have a clearly delineated grievance process for candidates and applicants. The grievance process information must be accessible to all candidates and applicants and the institution must be prepared to provide documentation that candidates have been informed of the grievance process and that the process has been followed.

The grievance process can be found directly on the Policies page of the Student Services webpage. The process is also outlined in all academic bulletins (page 38 of the 2016-17 academic bulletin, also found on the webpage noted above).

9. Faculty and Instructional Personnel Participation

All faculty and instructional personnel employed by colleges and universities who regularly teach one o more courses in an educator preparation program leading to a credential, shall actively participate in the public school system at least once every three academic years, appropriate to their credential area. Faculty who are not in the Department, School, or College of Education are exempt from this requirement.

Each faculty member who teaches courses in instructional methods or instructional leadership in any of our CTC professional preparation programs participates regularly in public elementary and/or secondary school classrooms. Recent activities completed by faculty include the following: student teaching supervision; providing lesson modeling for teachers, and professional development work with teachers on implementation of the Common Core State Standards. All records of participation are maintained in the office of the department chair in Faculty Annual Reports.

10. Communication and Information

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the approved program sponsor must provide easily accessible and accurate information to the public, prospective educators, and enrolled candidates about the requirements for admission and successful completion for all its educator preparation programs.

Information on admissions and admissions requirements can be found on the School of Education and Counseling Psychology Admissions page. Program completion information / the process for receiving a recommendation to the CTC is housed under the Credential Services page.

11. Student Records Management, Access, and Security

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the sponsor must demonstrate that it will maintain and retain student records in accordance with the institution’s record retention policy. Institutions will provide verification that:

a) Candidates and graduates will have access to and be provided with, transcripts and / or other documents for the purpose of verifying academic units and program completion.

Students may access their academic advising transcript at any time through their personal eCampus account. Official transcripts can be ordered from their eCampus account or requested from the Office of the Registrar at no charge. Information on both options is found here. Appeasement letters (Appendix E) showing academic progress are provided to all credential candidates enrolled in clinical teaching practicum starting mid-Winter quarter.

b) All candidate records will be maintained at the main institutional site or central location.

Candidate files are located in two locations in Guadalupe Hall, home to the School of Education and Counseling Psychology. Files are kept in secure rooms accessible only by key cards specifically programmed for entry.

c) Records will be kept in securely locked cabinets or on a secure server located in a room not accessible by the public.

In addition to the secure locations listed above, all SCU academic records are maintained electronically, through eCampus. Students may access their academic advising transcript at any time through their personal eCampus account. Records and Retention policy is provided (Appendix F)

12. Disclosure

Institutions must disclose information regarding any outside organizations that will be providing any direct educational services as all or part of the educator preparation programs sponsored by the institution and identify the type of services the outside organization will provide. N/A


1. Limitation on Program Length

The professional preparation course work that all candidates are required to complete shall be equivalent to no more than two years of full time study at the institution.

The program is designed so that candidates can complete the program in 2 years or less. Program plans (Appendix G) outline the course requirements, with the 2016-17 academic year schedule showing the course options available over 3 academic quarters and the summer sessions (Appendix H).

2. Limitation on Student Teaching Prerequisites

No college or university shall require candidates to complete more than the equivalent of nine semester units of professional preparation courses (as defined in Program Preconditions 1) prior to allowing candidates to enroll in student teaching in elementary or secondary schools. This restriction may be increased to the equivalent of twelve semester units if the student teaching prerequisites include study of alternative methods of English language development as required by Program Precondition 7.

The teacher preparation program is structured so that candidates complete all appropriate courses necessary to begin their teaching practicum sequence. See Appendix I for the Multiple Subject and Single Subject curriculum planning sequences.

3. English Language Skills

In each program of professional preparation, the college or university or school district requires candidates to demonstrate knowledge of alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, among all pupils, including those for whom English is a second language, in accordance with the Commission’s standards.

Candidates receive their academic content knowledge through EDUC 257 or EDUC 282 Foundations of First & Second Language Acquisition in Children and Adolescents (Appendix J). The literacy course sequences for multiple and single subject candidates integrates alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, among all pupils, with continual focused attention to students for whom English is a second language.

In the multiple subject program this sequence includes EDUC 257–English Language Development (Appendix J) ; EDUC 261–Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (Appendix K); and EDUC 262–Language Arts Methods (Appendix L). In the single subject program, the sequence includes EDUC 282–English Language Development (Appendix J); EDUC 294–Adolescent Literacy Development (Appendix M).

4. Undergraduate Student Enrollment

Undergraduate students of any campus of the California State University or the University of California shall be allowed to enroll in any professional preparation course. N/A

5. Program Admission

The sponsor of a multiple or single subject preliminary teacher preparation program assesses each candidates’ standing in relations to required subject matter preparation during the admissions process. The program admits only those candidates who meet one of the following criteria.

a. The candidate provides evidence of having passed the appropriate subject matter examinations.

b. The candidate provides evidence of having attempted the appropriate subject matter examinations.

c. The candidate provides evidence of registration for the next scheduled examination.

d. The candidate provides evidence of having completed a Commission approved subject matter preparation program.

e. The candidate provides evidence of continuous progress toward meeting the subject matter requirement.

f. The candidate provides evidence of enrollment in an organized subject matter examination preparation program.

Candidates for admission are advised

Santa Clara University strongly recommends that prospective students satisfy the subject matter requirement prior to admission. However, we advise prospective students of the above requirements and admit only those students who have satisfied one of them prior to admission. This information is documented and maintained in student files.

6. Subject Matter Proficiency

The approved preliminary teacher preparation program sponsor determines that each candidate meets the subject matter requirement prior to student teaching or, for the intern candidates, before being given daily whole class instructional responsibilities in a K-12 school or before becoming the teacher of record in a K-12 school.

a. For Multiple Subject programs (or blended / integrated), the candidate provides evidence if having passed the appropriate subject matter examination(s).

b. For Single Subject programs (traditional, internship, and / or

All preservice credential candidates must demonstrate the appropriate subject matter proficiency prior to beginning the student teaching phase of the clinical practice sequence in winter quarter. This information is conveyed verbally and also found in the MATTC Handbook These records are maintained in student files.

7. Completion of Requirements

A college or university or school district that operates a program for the Preliminary or Single Subject Credential shall determine, prior to recommendation a candidate for the credential, including but not limited to [Reference: Education Code Sections 44259(b) and 44283 (b)(8)].

a. Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree other than in professional education from a regionally accredited institution.

b. Completion of Basic Skills requirement

c. Completion of an accredited professional preparation program.

d. Completion of the subject matter requirement.

e. Demonstration of knowledge of the principles and provisions of the Constitution of the United States.

f. Passage of the Teaching Performance Assessment

g. Passage of the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) for Multiple Subject candidates.

These requirements are documented on candidates’ program planning forms maintained in each student file by the Students Records and CTC Manager. Prior to recommending someone for a credential, she verifies that the individual has completed all academic and legal requirements for the multiple subject and single subject teaching credential.


1. Possess one of the following valid credentials:

(a) a clear or life California teaching credential that requires a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation, including student teaching or the equivalent, and holds and English learner authorization; or

(b) a clear or life California designated subjects teaching credential in adult education, career technical education, vocational education or special subjects, provided the applicant also possesses a baccalaureate degree, and holds and English learner authorization; or

(c) a clear or life California services credential in pupil personnel services, health services for school nurse, teacher librarian services, or speech-language pathology or clinical or rehabilitative services requiring a baccalaureate degree and a program of professional preparation, including field work or the equivalent.

Education Code section 44270(a)(1) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(a).

Candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program are informed of the valid credential requirement and required to provide proof of the valid credential at the time of credential recommendation. Candidates are referred to the Credential Petition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met.

2. Meet the basic skills requirement as described in Education Code section 44252(b), unless exempt by statute. Education Code section 44252(b) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(a).

Candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program is informed of the valid credential requirement and required to provide proof of the valid credential at the time of credential recommendation. Candidates are referred to the Credential Petition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met.

3. Verification of one of the following prior to being recommended for the preliminary credential:

(a) five years of successful, full-time teaching experience with an employing agency as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1) and (2)(A);

(b) five years of successful, full-time experience in the fields of pupil personnel, school nurse, teacher librarian, or speech-language pathology, or clinical or rehabilitative services with an employing agency as defined in the Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)1 and (2)A; or

(c) a combination of (a) or (b).

Education Code section 44270(a)(2) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(a)(4).

Candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Program is informed of the valid credential requirement and required to provide proof of the valid credential at the time of credential recommendation. Candidates are referred to the Credential Petition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met.

4. Has completed a Commission-approved preliminary or intern Administrative Services Credential Program based on Administrative Services Credential Program Standards (rev.7/2013). Education Code section 44270(a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(a)(2)

Candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential must provide a copy of a completed program plan (Appendix N) at the time of petitioning for a credential recommendation. Candidates are referred to the Credential Petition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met.

5. Verification of an offer of employment in a full or part-time administrative position in an employing agency as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1). If a candidate has satisfied preconditions 1 through 4 but does not have an offer of employment, the Commission-approved program shall recommend for a Certificate of Eligibility which verifies completion of all requirements for the preliminary Administrative Services Credential and allows the holder to seek employment in an administrative position. Education Code section 44470(a)(4) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(2)(6).

Candidates for the Preliminary Administrative Services Credential must provide proof of employment at the time of petitioning for a credential recommendation. Candidates are referred to the Credential Petition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met. Those without full time employment are informed that he / she will be recommended for a Certificate of Eligibility.


1. Possess a valid California preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Education Code section 44270.1(a)(1). And Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(1).

Candidates for the Clear Administrative Services Credential Program are informed of the valid credential requirement.

2. Verification of an offer of employment in a full or part-time administrative position in an employing agency as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1).

Candidates for the Clear Administrative Services Credential must provide proof of employment at the time of petitioning for a credential recommendation. Candidates are referred to the CredentialPetition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met.

3. An entity that operates a program for the Clear Administrative Services Credential shall provide for the development of a written individualized program of professional development activities (clear credential induction plan) for the advanced preparation program based upon individual needs. The plan shall be developed in consultations among the candidate, employer and university representative. Education Code Section 44270.1(a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(1).

In addition to the Commission’s General Preconditions as well as Precondition 1, 2, and 3 above, a Commission-approved program shall determine prior to recommendation of a candidate for a clear Administrative Services Credential that the candidate has me the following requirements established in California State laws, regulations, and/or Commission policy.

Candidates for the Clear Administrative Services Credential create the written individualized program of professional development activities in consultation with their academic advisor.

Candidates are referred to the CredentialPetition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met; all required documentation for eligibility of the Clear credential must be submitted to the Credential Analyst prior to recommendation.

4. Verification of two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(2)(B) with an employing agency as defined in section 80054(g)(1). Education Code Section 44270.1(a)(2) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1) and (g)(2)(B)

Candidates are referred to the Credential Petition page of the Office of Student Services and Assessment website to ensure all requirements are met; all required documentation for eligibility of the Clear credential must be submitted to the Credential Analyst prior to recommendation.

5. Has completed a Commission-approved Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program based on Administrative Services Credential Program Standards (rev. 7/2013). Education Code Section 44270.1(a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code Regulations section 80054(d)(3)(A).

Candidates are required to submit a copy of their Santa Clara University advising transcript (printed from eCampus) verifying completion of the Clear credential courses as part of their petition for credential recommendation.