Preliminary Education Specialist

Preliminary Education Specialist & Preconditions



(1)  English Language Skills. In each program of professional preparation, the college or university or school district requires candidates to demonstrate knowledge of alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, among all pupils, including those for whom English is a second language, in accordance with the Commission's standards. Reference: Education Code Sections 44227, 44253.1, and 44283. 

Candidates receive their preparation for and show knowledge of developing English language skills, including reading, among students with alternative methods where scaffolding for English Language Learners is central in specific courses for Multiple Subject (MS) and Single Subject (SS) Credential candidates:

MS:  EDUC 261-Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools (fall quarter) (EDUC 261) and EDUC 262–Language Arts Methods (winter quarter). (EDUC 262)  

The literacy course sequences for multiple subject candidates integrate alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, writing, and speaking among all pupils, with continual focused attention to students for whom English is a second language.

Candidates further develop skills to support the language and literacy development of English Language Learners in Education EDUC 257(MS) (EDUC 257) English Language Development.  

Each course requires a signature assignment where students demonstrate their understanding of methodology to deliver instruction to English Learners. The course EDUC 257 (EDUC 257) requires candidates to conduct a case study of an English learner. Candidates gather language, literacy, and content learning data as well as attitudes toward learning English and create a linguistic composite of their case study and make recommendations for instructional pivots.

(2) Assessing Candidates for Subject Matter Competence. The program sponsor has a timely and systematic process for evaluating and notifying candidates of their standing in relation to the subject matter competence requirement. This process includes: • Providing candidates with clear and accurate information in all advising and application materials about all options available to demonstrate subject matter competence, pursuant to Education Code Section 44259(b)(5)(a). • Within the first 60 days of the candidate’s admission, the institution must complete an assessment of each candidate’s standing in relation to demonstration of the subject matter competence requirement, including whether a coursework evaluation will be needed, and notify candidates of that standing.

Candidates applying to the program provide evidence of passing CBEST and CSET scores, or evidence of the equivalent (e.g., coursework evaluation) with their application within 60 days of admission. If scores are not available at the time of application, exam registration dates are to be provided. Passing scores must be provided before summer courses begin.

Candidates applying for the two-year program provide evidence of passing CBEST and CSET scores, or evidence of the equivalent (e.g., coursework evaluation) with their application within 60 days of admission. If scores are not available at the time of application, exam registration dates must be provided. Passing scores must be submitted as soon as available. Intern candidates must have scores on file by June 1, 2021.

 These requirements are outlined at our SCU Admissions page under "Additional Program Specific Requirements" with links to CTC's site for verification of subject matter competence.

(3) Demonstration of Subject Matter Competence. The approved preliminary teacher preparation program sponsor determines that each candidate meets the subject matter requirement prior to being given daily whole class instructional responsibilities in a TK-12 school. A) For Education Specialist programs, the candidate provides evidence of having demonstrated subject matter competence through one of the following methods: 

1. Completion of a subject matter program approved by the Commission on the basis of standards of program quality and effectiveness. Reference: Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(i) 

2. Passage of a Commission-approved subject matter examination. Reference: Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(ii). 

3. Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institution of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the Commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation. Coursework completed at a community or junior college that is regionally accredited by an accrediting agency listed in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (g) of Section 44203 or by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges may count for purposes of this clause. Reference: Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(iii).1 

4. Successful completion of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with either a major in one of the subject areas in which the Commission credentials candidates or a liberal studies or other major that includes coursework in the content areas pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 44282.1 

5. A combination of the methods described in 1, 2, or 3 above that, together, demonstrate that the candidate has met or exceeded the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the Commission. Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(v), 44282 (b).1 

B) For integrated undergraduate programs only, the candidate must be monitored by the program for subject matter competency prior to beginning early field experiences and throughout the program until such time as it has been determined that the candidate has satisfied subject matter competence. Each candidate in an integrated undergraduate program must have satisfied subject matter competence, or at a minimum completed four-fifths of the Commission-approved subject matter preparation program, prior to beginning daily whole class instruction.

All pre-service credential candidates must demonstrate the appropriate subject matter requirement (or equivalency) prior to beginning the student teaching phase of the clinical practice sequence in the winter quarter. These records are maintained in candidate files. Subject matter competence can be demonstrated in the following ways:

1. Completion of a subject matter program approved by the Commission on the basis of standards of program quality and effectiveness. Reference: Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(i) 

2. Passage of a Commission-approved subject matter examination. Reference: Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(ii). 

3. Successful completion of coursework at one or more regionally accredited institution of higher education that addresses each of the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the Commission in the content area of the credential pursuant to Section 44282, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation. Coursework completed at a community or junior college that is regionally accredited by an accrediting agency listed in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (g) of Section 44203 or by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges may count for purposes of this clause. Reference: Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(iii).1 

4. Successful completion of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education with either a major in one of the subject areas in which the Commission credentials candidates or a liberal studies or other major that includes coursework in the content areas pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 44282.1 

5. A combination of the methods described in 1, 2, or 3 above that, together, demonstrate that the candidate has met or exceeded the domains of the subject matter requirements adopted by the Commission. Education Code 44259 (b)(5)(A)(v), 44282 (b).1 

For those candidates who intend to pursue an intern teaching position, SCU will require them to satisfy the Subject Matter Competence Requirement prior to assuming any intern teaching responsibilities.

  These requirements are outlined at our SCU Admissions page under "Additional Program Specific Requirements" with links to CTC's site for verification of subject matter competence.

(4) Completion of Requirements. A college or university or school district that operates a program for the Education Specialist teaching credential shall determine, prior to recommending a candidate for the credential, that the candidate meets all legal requirements for the credential, including but not limited to: Reference: Education Code Sections 44225(a), 44227, and 44283.2(a).

·       Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally accredited institution 

·       Satisfaction of the Basic Skills Requirement 

·       Completion of an accredited professional preparation program 

·       Completion of the subject matter requirement 

·       Demonstration of knowledge of the principles and provisions of the Constitution of the United States 

·       Passage of the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) [Passage of the RICA examination does not apply to Early Childhood Special Education Credential candidates Section 44283.2(b).

The credential analyst for Santa Clara University conducts an audit of every candidate to ensure the candidate meets all legal requirements for the credential prior to recommending the candidate for the credential. This work is done for Education Specialist candidates, Intern Candidates and Multiple/Single Subject Candidates, as well as bilingual authorization in a checklist (See SCU Credential Website) during the final quarter of the candidates’ program and reviewed by the credential analyst.

 These requirements are documented on candidates’ program planning forms (below) maintained in each student file by the Credential Analyst.  Prior to recommending someone for a credential, analyst verifies that the individual has completed all legal requirements for the credential.