

1. Limitation on Program Length

The professional preparation course work that all candidates are required to complete shall be equivalent to no more than two years of full time study at the institution.

The program is designed so that candidates can complete the program in 2 years or less. Program plans/checklists (Appendix A) outline the course requirements, with the 2020-21 academic year schedule showing the course options available over 3 academic quarters and the summer sessions (Appendix B).

2. Limitation on Student Teaching Prerequisites

No college or university shall require candidates to complete more than the equivalent of nine semester units of professional preparation courses (as defined in Program Preconditions 1) prior to allowing candidates to enroll in student teaching in elementary or secondary schools. This restriction may be increased to the equivalent of twelve semester units if the student teaching prerequisites include study of alternative methods of English language development as required by Program Precondition 7.

The teacher preparation program is structured so that candidates complete all appropriate courses necessary to begin their teaching practicum sequence. One and two year course sequences are found on the teacher education program details page. Specific course sequences are available in PDF format;

One Year Single Subject Program Sequence

Two Year Single Subject Program Sequence

Single Subject MATTC Program Sequence

Before a candidate is accepted into the MATTC Program, they are required to have completed within the last three years 30 hours of meaningful experience working with children in the same age range as the students they intend to teach in a formal organized setting. The work should involve some degree of planning for and supervising youth. This requirement is posted on the SCU Department of Education website.

Candidates in the Master of Arts in Teaching + Teaching Credential (MATTC) program can enroll in a one-year or two-year pathway (and as Interns, who typically follow a two-year sequence).

In the one-year pathway, candidates start the program during the one-week Summer Pre-Session taking one course titled EDUC 275: Ethics, Diversity, and Reflection– Introduction to TK-12 Teaching (2 units).

In the Summer I session (five weeks), they enroll in three courses: EDUC 253/278: Development and Learning in TK-12 (2 units); EDUC 221M: Effective Teaching for Students with Disabilities in TK-12 (3 units), and EDUC 257: English Language Development in Elementary Schools (3 units) [Multiple Subjects] or EDUC 282: English Language Development in Secondary Schools (3 units) [Single Subject].

In the Summer II session (five weeks), candidates enroll in three courses: EDUC 283: Secondary Classroom Management (3 units) [Single Subject] or EDUC 258: Elementary Classroom Management for (3 units) [Multiple Subjects]; EDUC 252/277: Social Foundations of Education (2 units), and in the first in a four-course sequence: EDUC 231A:Ethical Reflective Practicum in Elementary Schools (2 units) [Multiple Subjects] or EDUC 230A: ethical Reflective Practicum in Secondary Schools (2 units) [Single Subject].

Thus, by the time they start their Practicum sequence, our candidates have solid academic and theoretical foundations to inform their observations in their placement classrooms and then as they begin to assume greater responsibilities working with students, under the supervision of their Master Teacher and a SCU-contracted Field Supervisor. Combined, prior to the start of Summer II session, our one-year candidates have typically earned at least nine (9) units of academic credit.

3. English Language Skills

In each program of professional preparation, the college or university or school district requires candidates to demonstrate knowledge of alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, among all pupils, including those for whom English is a second language, in accordance with the Commission’s standards.

Candidates receive their academic content knowledge through EDUC 257 or EDUC 282 Foundations of First & Second Language Acquisition in Children and Adolescents. The literacy course sequences for multiple and single subject candidates integrates alternative methods of developing English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, among all pupils, with continual focused attention to students for whom English is a second language.

In the multiple subject program this sequence includes EDUC 257–English Language Development; EDUC 261–Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools; and EDUC 262–Language Arts Methods. In the single subject program, the sequence includes EDUC 282–English Language Development; EDUC 294–Adolescent Literacy Development.

4. Undergraduate Student Enrollment

Undergraduate students of any campus of the California State University or the University of California shall be allowed to enroll in any professional preparation course. N/A

5. Program Admission

The sponsor of a multiple or single subject preliminary teacher preparation program assesses each candidates’ standing in relations to required subject matter preparation during the admissions process. The program admits only those candidates who meet one of the following criteria.

a. The candidate provides evidence of having passed the appropriate subject matter examinations.

b. The candidate provides evidence of having attempted the appropriate subject matter examinations.

c. The candidate provides evidence of registration for the next scheduled examination.

d. The candidate provides evidence of having completed a Commission approved subject matter preparation program.

e. The candidate provides evidence of continuous progress toward meeting the subject matter requirement.

f. The candidate provides evidence of enrollment in an organized subject matter examination preparation program.

Candidates for admission are advised

Santa Clara University strongly recommends that prospective students satisfy the subject matter requirement prior to admission. However, we advise prospective students of the above requirements and admit only those students who have satisfied one of them prior to admission. This information is documented and maintained in student files.

In 2020-21, all Executive Order (May 2020, September 2020 extension) waivers for Basic Skills and Subject Matter Competency were put into effect. Students from Summer 2021- present have been waived from these requirements while completing the preliminary teaching credential program sequence.

6. Subject Matter Proficiency

The approved preliminary teacher preparation program sponsor determines that each candidate meets the subject matter requirement prior to student teaching or, for the intern candidates, before being given daily whole class instructional responsibilities in a K-12 school or before becoming the teacher of record in a K-12 school.

a. For Multiple Subject programs (or blended / integrated), the candidate provides evidence if having passed the appropriate subject matter examination(s).

b. For Single Subject programs (traditional, internship, and / or

All preservice credential candidates must demonstrate the appropriate subject matter proficiency prior to beginning the student teaching phase of the clinical practice sequence in winter quarter. This information is conveyed verbally and also found in the MATTC Handbook These records are maintained in student files.

In 2020-21, all Executive Order (May 2020, September 2020 extension) waivers for Basic Skills and Subject Matter Competency were put into effect. Students from Summer 2021- present have been waived from these requirements while completing the preliminary teaching credential program sequence.

7. Completion of Requirements

A college or university or school district that operates a program for the Preliminary or Single Subject Credential shall determine, prior to recommendation a candidate for the credential, including but not limited to [Reference: Education Code Sections 44259(b) and 44283 (b)(8)].

a. Possession of a baccalaureate or higher degree other than in professional education from a regionally accredited institution.

b. Completion of Basic Skills requirement

c. Completion of an accredited professional preparation program.

d. Completion of the subject matter requirement.

e. Demonstration of knowledge of the principles and provisions of the Constitution of the United States.

f. Passage of the Teaching Performance Assessment

g. Passage of the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) for Multiple Subject candidates.

These requirements are documented on candidates’ program planning forms maintained in each student file by the Students Records and CTC Manager. Prior to recommending someone for a credential, she verifies that the individual has completed all academic and legal requirements for the multiple subject and single subject teaching credential.