Education Specialist


MA TTC CaITPA Support for All Candidates

Begin preparing for the MATTC

California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA) NOW

Credential candidates are expected to play an active role in preparing themselves for success on the MATIC CalTPAs by taking advantage of the support provided by CTC and by SCU. In addition,there are some administrative and clerical tasks that must be accomplished before you can begin work on TPAs. Please complete these clerical tasks early in fall quarter.

1. Download and read the CTC CalTPA Preparation Materials

The CTC has developed the CalTPA Preparation Materials, these are an invaluable resource that should be read carefully. Candidates should download the PDF version of the TPA PreparationMaterials from the following website (information on each of the TPA tasks, scoring rubrics for

each task, and a glossary of key terms can also be found on this website): FRAG/CalTPA PrepMaterials.html

These preparation materials are full of incredibly useful information, and a careful read-throughwill have a powerful impact on the quality of your completed CalTPA tasks. The preparationmaterials are updated periodically throughout the year. Please check back for changes throughout the year.

2. Identify potential focus students in your placement classroom(s)

For CalTPAs, you are required to identify focus students who have certain specific learning needs. Work with your cooperating teacher ASAP to identify all the students in your class who have beendesignated as

* English Learners

* Students with identified special needs (these students will have an IEP or a 504 Plan)

* Students with undiagnosed special needs or who pose other instructional challenges

* Students who are gifted/talented

We strongly recommend that you spend time accessing and reviewing all assessment data and any other information available about these selected focus students. Take detailed notes and be sure toindicate the sources for your information. You will use this information in CalTPAs.

3. Secure permission to photograph/videotape your students

TPA Cycle 2 requires that you submit a videotape of yourself teaching a lesson to your students for 20 uninterrupted minutes. You must have parent permission to photograph or videotape studentsunder the age of 18 and student permission from students aged 18 or older. In some districts, parents sign a blanket permission form for photography and video; in other districts the permission is secured at the school level. Ask your cooperating teacher for assistance accessing this information. Begin this process early-often this information is not readily available or easy to access and you do not want to delay your completion of the CalTPA requirements waiting for parent permission slips!

If your clinical practice school/district does not collect parent permission for photography and video, or if you are unable to access the signed permission forms, you must secure permissionfrom your students' parents on your own. (Parent permission fom1s are a required part of your CalTPA.) CTC has created photography/videotaping permission forms (in English and Spanish)

**Given that the 2020-21 academic year has started in a virtual format for most schooldistricts, please contact Dr. Johnson for updated information regarding the filming of students asit becomes available.**