
I. Standard 1: Program Design and Rational

Provide evidence of clinical practice assessment instruments

A. Clinical practice assessment

1- Clinical practice assessment included in updated syllabi

B. There was no manual/ handbook for clinical practice.

1- Handbook attached below. See SCU PASC handbook

C. There was no evidence of dispositions.

1- Screening process and all admission requirements found below and on our website

D. There was no evidence of diverse schools used as clinical sites.

1- Administrative candidates are not places by program. Interactive map provides location of all current students districts of employment

E. There was not clear evidence of formative and summative assessments based on the CAPES- there were no indicators to show students' progress on these. Provide evidence.

1- Updated syllabi include course objectives directly tied to CAPE standards. Please see our website

II. Standard 2: Collaboration, Communication, and Coordination

A. No faculty members identified for retirees and resignations.

Faculty in the Educational Leadership program now include:

1- Hired assistant professor Quintin Robinson, Ed.D. Doctor Robinson began his tenure track appointment on September 1, 2017

2- In the Summer of 2018 Associate Professor Oscar Jimenez-Castellanos, Ph.D.

B. Provide evidence regarding candidate progress in meeting competency and performance expectations used in guiding advisement and candidate supports. No defined process for supporting candidates needing assistance to meet competencies.

1- Candidate progress measured through assessment tools reflected in revised syllabi

C. There is no evidence of a formal agreement for a site supervisor to serve as a clinical/site supervisor. Provide evidence.

Program does not utilize clinical/site supervisors. Faculty mentorship and support from students school site administrators provides necessary support.

D. Provide evidence of systematic site supervisor training, evaluation, and recognition.

Program does not utilize clinical/site supervisors. Faculty mentorship and support from students school site administrators provides necessary support.

E. There is no evidence of partnerships with school districts or other community involvement for joint efforts and to communicate regularly. Provide evidence.

1- Recruitment and announcements

2-See PS2_EdL_Steering Committee

3- See PS2_Edl_Partnership for Leadership

III. Standard 3: Development of Professional Leadership Perspectives

A. Evidence is unclear as to how learning activities expose students to opportunities that can engender and support the vision and mission of school and district. Provide evidence.

1- EDUC 364 Leadership Field Lab syllabus requires students to identify and develop strategies for equitable school improvement.

IV. Standard 4: Equity, Diversity and Access

A. Provide evidence of opportunities to experience issues of diversity.

Updated course syllabi now reflect issues of equity, diversity and access.

B. Provide evidence of how the school sites reflect the diversity of California's schools in order to work with a wide range of diverse student populations.

Updated course syllabi now reflect issues of equity, diversity and access.

C. Course EDUC 366 or other courses do not explicitly address diversity and equity issues/ equity gaps.

Updated course syllabi now reflect issues of equity, diversity and access.

D. Coursework and clinical descriptions not dot indicate how to identify and analyze bias and institutional bias or how it can be addressed and monitored.

Updated course syllabi now reflect issues of equity, diversity and access.

E. Coursework and clinical practice do not address how the program prepares students with an emphasis on historically underserved and vulnerable student populations, including pedagogical approaches to support students.

Updated course syllabi now reflect issues of equity, diversity and access.

IV. Standard 6: Preparing candidates to Master the Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPEs)

A. CAPEs and CPSELs are embedded throughout the program documents, but it is unclear how the program measures student progress/ competence on them.

1- Addressed in updated syllabi.

B. The course activities are not aligned to prepare students to pass the CalAPA.

1- Addressed in updated syllabi.

C. There is no evidence in field experience/clinical as to how mastering CAPEs is evaluated.

1- Addressed in updated syllabi.

V. Standard 7: Nature of Field Experiences

A. Provide evidence of clear direction given to candidates in developing the contents of their plan.

Evidence is now found in updated syllabi: faculty advisors available to students for consultation.

B. Provide evidence of site-based supervisor certification.

Program does not utilize clinical/site supervisors. Faculty mentorship and support from students school site administrators provides necessary support.

C. Provide evidence of the process and criteria for selection of site-based supervisors.

Program does not utilize clinical/site supervisors. Faculty mentorship and support from students school site administrators provides necessary support.

D. Provide evidence of systematic training, evaluation, and recognition.

Evidence is now found in updated syllabi: faculty advisors available to students for consultation.

E. Provide evidence of a formal agreement for a site supervisor to serve as a clinical/ site supervisor.

Program does not utilize clinical/site supervisors. Faculty mentorship and support from students school site administrators provides necessary support.

VI. Standard 8: Guidance, Assistance, and Feedback

A. Provide evidence of fieldwork evaluation instruments.

Addressed in updated syllabi now found on our website

B. Provide evidence of timely, accurate and complete feedback being provided to the candidate in coursework and clinical practice.

Addressed in updated syllabi now found on our website

VII. Standard 9: Assessment of Candidate Competence

A. While there is criteria in courses to evaluate progress, there is no evidence of indicators to show program candidates know and demonstrate knowledge and skills of the CPSELs or CAPES. Please provide evidence of these indicators.

1-CAPES now addressed in PASC handbook. See SCU PASC Handbook below.