Common Standards-Addendums

I. Standard 1: Institutional Infrastructure to Support Educator Preparation

A. Provide additional narrative of how the mission submitted in the Common Standards response connects to the mission and vision shown on the ECP homepage.

1- The Mission and Vision of ECP has been updated

We see a direct line of site between the mission of our school and the mission of our department. We focus on how we will prepare outstanding educators by focusing on how we educate and support our candidates. We strive for a program that is comprised of academic excellence, comprehensive preparation and thoughtful engagement with the community.

You will see how we believe we demonstrate our commitment to social justice. Our curriculum is culturally responsive and committed to multiculturalism and social justice. One of the key ways we accomplish this is by having a community based satellite campus. We also provide specific scholarships to students who are engaged in underserved communities.

B. Provide additional evidence of how the institution actively involves faculty, instructional personnel and relevant stakeholders in the organization, coordination and decision making for all teacher education programs.

1- Evidence attached below includes Educational Leadership (PASC) and Education (MATTC) agendas and minutes. Departmental meetings also reflected in attached documents. Minutes reflect decision making processes and final voting outcomes. Relative file names are CS1_5.17_EDL_Summit, CS1_Attendees_edlSummit meeting 5.17, CS1_EDL faculty agenda 5.1.17, CS1_EDL_commitee meeting 9.18, CS1_EDl_fall 18, June 5, Ed.L meeting.

2- Please see CS1_Diversity_ECP in ESJ report attached below.

C. Provide evidence of how the institution provides the unit with sufficient resources for the effective operation of the Preliminary and Clear Admin Credential.

1- Clear Admin. N/A- Program has been paused.

D. Provide evidence of how Unit Leadership has the authority and institutional support required to address the needs of the Clear Administrative Services Credential Program. N/A- Program has been paused.

E. Provide evidence of how the unit monitors a credential recommendation process that ensures candidates recommended for a credential have met all requirements.

1. This text has now been updated on our website and in our program review page-

Petition for Credential Recommendations are submitted via email. Once the request is received the Credential Analyst reviews the candidates transcript to ensure that all required coursework listed on the program plan was successfully completed. Once grades are confirmed the Analyst reviews all additional documentation (as listed in the appropriate checklist below to ensure that all CTC requirements are met for the credential that the candidate is requesting. The final piece before the recommendation is completed is the review of the TPA list to ensure that teaching credential candidates have successfully completed this requirement.

The credential checklist has been updated on our website and is also attached below (see file CS1_E_17MS_SS Checklist)

II. Standard 2: Candidate Recruitment and Support

A. Provide evidence of recruiting occasions specifically to diversify the educator pool.

1-SEMILLA Fellows:

a. See CS 2_Semilla rubric_Su18.

2- See Recruitment Activities file and CS2_A_EdL 17-18 Event Faculty sign up sheet attached below.

3- Ongoing recruitment activities are listed on the lower right-hand side of the Admissions website

B. Provide evidence of how candidates’ progress guides their advisement and support.

1- Multiple and Single Subject Candidates are encouraged to take ownership of their progress through their program plans and sequence guides provided online. Program sequences attached below.

2- Candidates invited to group advising throughout the academic year. Examples attached below- MATTC advising days & EdL advising evening.

C. Provide evidence of the process for supporting candidates needing assistance to meet competencies, to include those candidates who diversify the educator pool.

1- EDUC 261Teaching Reading in the Elementary School prepares candidates for the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). Full course description below and syllabus available here.

2- How does this diversify the educator pool

2- TPE & TPA support throughout candidates academic program beginning with a mandatory TPA orientation meeting each Fall quarter. Information regarding TPA process and support found starting on page 23 of the current MATTC handbook

3- EDUC 304 Teaching Performance Assistance and Support (1 Unit) was offered to those candidates in need of additional support to successfully complete the TPAs. Screen shot of official course description found below.

4- MATTC faculty provided individualized assistance to candidates struggling with standardized credential exams (CBEST & CSET) email exchange attached below represents the efforts of the department to formalize a more structured support system. See Support for Students_CBEST and CSET file below.

III. Standard 3: Course of Study, Fieldwork, and Clinical Practice

A. Placement in diverse settings appears to be inconsistent across programs. Please clarify.

1- Maps of area placements-

2- Once again, please reference the diversity in ESJ power point 10.18 already attached below.

B. Provide evidence of specific qualifications and selection of school-based supervisors.

1- Master teacher training and job description submitted in original submission

2- Our Master Teachers were asked to complete the Intersegmental Project for their training, and have an initial meeting/training in August with a Field Supervisor. See CS3_

Master Teacher file attached below containing the following-

    • Letter to Districts regarding the Intersegmental Project

    • Letter to Master Teachers regarding the Intersegmental Project

    • Agenda for the 3-way Initial Meeting (Single-subject) with candidate, Field Supervisor, and Master Teacher

    • Intersegmental Project Grade book (We are able to log in and see who has registered, made progress, and completed the program; this is a portion of the exported grade book showing who has completed the program thus far.)

3- Job description for academic year lecturer (see CS3_B_ adjunct job description) indicates field work supervision as a component of the job. Specific qualification outlined within.

C. Provide evidence that supervisors are trained and evaluated in a systematic manner.

1- Often MATTC supervisors are former administrators who have training and experience evaluating teachers. MATTC field supervisors are trained in August and December.

2- See CS3_Field Supervisor Communication file below.

D. Provide evidence of selection and evaluation criteria of fieldwork and clinical practice.

1- Updated syllabi across all programs includes fieldwork and clinical practice assignments and relative evaluation criteria where applicable (eg. EDUC 230 A-D, EDUC 231 A-D, EDUC 231I, EDUC 364 and EDUC 370).

IV. Standard 4: Continuous Improvement

A. Provide evidence that each program analyzes and uses the list of data sources you provided, and perhaps other sources, to

reflect the effectiveness of the unit and improve programs and their services.

1- EDUC faculty implemented a more structured peer to peer evaluation process, details mentioned in Education Meeting minutes dated 10.2.18 and 12.4.18, see file CS4_A_Dep of Ed Meeting minutes18-19 attached below. Further details available with Department Chair. Additional evaluations and data including mid-quarter and quarterly evaluations, exit surveys, CTC reports, and external feedback serve as additional evidence for analysis.

V. Standard 5: Program Impact

A. Provide evidence that shows that assessments indicate that candidates meet the program standards in the Preliminary Administrative Credential, Clear Administrative Credential, BILA, and Induction programs.

1- Clear Administrative Credential and Induction program has been placed in inactive status.

Assessment evidence includes exam results from;

CBEST, CSET, RICA, LOTE 3 Spanish, Cal TPE and TPA, CAPES and CAL APA and signature assignment as embedded in course syllabi.

B. Provide evidence of how the institution knows that its programs have a positive impact on teaching and learning in schools that serve California’s students.