

P.O. Box 2058, Santa Clara, CA 95055 Cell: (540) 641-1286  rvplaza@gmail.com


Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA (August 2016)

Dissertation: The Importance of Reflection within the Academic Components of Study Abroad Programs

Non-Degree Seeking Graduate Student

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH (Spring 2015)

Master of Arts in Education, Student Personnel in Higher Education

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (May 1998)

Bachelor of Arts, English and History

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (December 1994)


Director, Office for Diversity and Inclusion

Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California

July 2015 - Present

    •  Provide leadership for the recruitment, retention and success of faculty from underrepresented groups including the design and coordinate strategies for the recruitment of faculty from underrepresented groups

    •  Manage data and databases related to faculty and staff recruitment

    •  Principal Investigator, Campus Climate Study

    •  Project Manager for recommendations from Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion

    •  Work closely with other departments/offices on crisis response dealing with bias incidents and other

      • diversity related situations

    •  Collaborate with deans, chairs and search committees on inclusive search practices

    •  Develop and assess diversity metrics, identity and develop key questions for collection and analysis

      • of institutional diversity data

    •  Manage and administer grants to support diversity and inclusion in curriculum & co-curricular areas

    •  Develop and facilitate programming designed to foster a climate of inclusion

    •  Develop with Human Resources diversity training and leadership initiatives for faculty and staff

    •  In collaboration and coordination with other offices, work on efforts to recruit and retain a more

      • diverse student body and staff

    •  Work closely with Title IX/EO office on annual Affirmative Action Report

    •  Advise departments and administrators on campus climate and diversity related issues

    •  Oversee the development of the Jesuit Post-Doctoral Diversity program Consortium

    •  Oversee and serve as facilitator for the Safe Zone program for faculty and staff

    •  Serve on the Undocumented Student Working Group and related initiatives

    •  Oversee and serve as facilitator for UndocuAlly workshops

    •  Oversee implementation efforts for Unity4 Student Movement recommendations

    •  Lead strategic planning and development

    •  Supervise student workers and other student interns/practicum students

    •  Manage budget and serve as budget administrator

    •  Oversee Veteran Student Support group

      • Associate Director, Office of Multicultural Affairs November 2012 – December 2014

      • Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio

    •  Provide leadership to retention initiatives, assessment/data management and Latina/o outreach

    •  Chair of the annual Latino Issues Conference and responsible for overseeing the planning and

implementation process

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    •  Coordinate and manage the Falcon Watch retention and support initiative

    •  Coordinate and implement the biannual Campus Climate Study

    •  Provide oversight and coordination in providing support to the recipients of the University Tuition

      • Scholarship for Underrepresented students

    •  Provide oversight and coordination with office role with New Student Orientation/SOAR

    •  Provide oversight for web management and communication/marketing strategies

    •  Serve as secondary/back-up Budget administrator

    •  Developed BGSU Diverse Student Support Collaborative served as Convener of monthly meetings

    •  Serve as a member of the Planning committee for State of the State Conference

    •  Supervise and evaluate full-time Coordinator, Doctoral Graduate Assistant, and practicum students

    •  Oversee office operations in the absence of the Director

    •  Adjunct instructor for credit-bearing UNIV 1510: Multicultural Success Strategies

    •  Facilitator for NCBI and SafeZone Workshops

    •  Serve on the Student Affairs Assessment Committee and University Academic Support Council

    •  Serve on Dean of Students On-Call rotation as part of COPES program

    •  Liaison to different student organizations (Latino Student Union, Hillel and Chinese Students &

      • Scholars Association)

      • Coordinator, Student Success Programs, Academic Support Services August 2011 – August 2012

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Section Instructor for credit-bearing College Success Strategies course

    •  Work with both the Center for Academic Enrichment and Excellence (CAEE) and the Multicultural

      • Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP)

    •  Work with MAOP Undergraduate Scholars (all grade levels) and VT-AMP first and second year

      • students through individual 1:1 meetings and support

    •  Responsible for the coordination of workshops as well of keeping track of student requirements

    •  Responsible for the revision and migration of new MAOP website to Ensemble system

    •  Serve as Chair of the Undergraduate Diversity Research Grant program

    •  Intentional outreach and education of students within area programs about study abroad opportunities

    •  Collaborated with Education Abroad to implement a “Study Abroad 101” program for students that

      • work with programs based out of Academic Support Services

    •  Attended training workshop for National Benjamin A. Gillman scholarship program

    •  Coordinated display at Education Abroad Expo on financial aid resources and scholarships

    •  Active member of a Faculty Study Group looking at International Service Learning

      • Study Abroad Program Leader Summer 2008 – Summer 2012

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Program Leader for study abroad program “Learning About Diversity and Social Justice”

    •  Oversaw the development, management, marketing and coordination of all aspects of program

    •  Working knowledge and experience with Studio Abroad software

    •  Responsible for risk management and budget coordination of program

    •  Recruited students for program and serve as the class instructor

    •  Program arose from an initial Summer Sessions Grant for Summer 2008

    •  Liaison with Education Abroad and other departments within the University

    •  Program based out of London, United Kingdom, and formal trips to such places as Paris, France;

      • Madrid, Spain; Rome, Italy; Munich, Germany; and Prague, Czech Republic.

      • Coordinator, Special Projects, Academic Support Services April 2009 – May 2010

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Created and developed the Nuestro Avance initiative focused on the needs of the Hispanic/Latino

      • community including a monthly newsletter and programming

    •  Implemented the first Hispanic/Latino Welcome reception

    •  Section Instructor for credit-bearing College Success Strategies course

    •  Coordinated Project Phoenix, an effort designed to help students on academic suspension

    •  Coordinated the development of VT Early Academic Referral System

    •  Researched, wrote, edited National Science Foundation Grant proposals

    •  Oversaw the implementation of Undergraduate Race Taskforce initiatives

    •  Serve as Co-chair of the Undergraduate Diversity Research Grant program

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    •  Assist with the planning and preparation for the annual Undergraduate Research and Prospective Graduate Student Conference

    •  Assist in the planning and preparation for the McNair Scholars summer experience

    •  Provided support to the current McNair Scholars

      • Manager of Education for Diversity & Inclusion January 2009 – April 2009

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Under office restructuring, shifted to new role within the Education for Diversity and Inclusion area to reflect educational nature of ongoing projects

    •  Provided primary administrative support for CLAHS Faculty Retention effort with external consultant

    •  Worked with the development of the new Diversity Strategic Plan

    •  Served as the MOSAIC Coordinator in overseeing the MOSAIC program and working with the

      • respective partners

    •  Convener of the College and Non-College Diversity Committee Chairs

      • Director of Diversity Initiatives, Office of Multicultural Affairs July 2007 – January 2009

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Under office restructuring, previous position was changed to reflect new title as Director.

    •  Provided leadership to the Diversity Initiatives area in developing new initiatives, programming

      • opportunities, and enhancing collaborations

    •  Supervised one full-time administrative faculty (began in June 2008), one part-time administrative

      • staff assistant (began in February 2008), one graduate assistant and one graduate intern

    •  Coordinator of the University MLK Celebrations and Co-Chair of the MLK Committee, responsible for

      • managing the planning committee, management of speakers, budget, and activities

    •  Served as the MOSAIC Coordinator in overseeing the MOSAIC program and working with the

      • respective partners

    •  Developed a Study Abroad opportunity for issues of diversity and social justice

    •  Convener of the College and Non-College Diversity Chair meetings

    •  Oversaw the planning process for major programmatic initiatives such as the Multicultural Luncheons,

      • Black History Month Gospel concerts, Evening of Spirituals and the Wayne Robinson Principles of

      • Community Run/Walk

    •  Served as the primary liaison with the Virginia-Nebraska Alliance

    •  Coordinated initial work on the development and revisions of the Diversity Strategic Plan and the

      • incorporation of the concept of Inclusive Excellence

    •  Developed and facilitated diversity training workshops and presentations with colleagues

    •  Responsible for the coordination and management of the Diversity Research Initiative for faculty,

      • staff, graduate and undergraduate students

    •  Primary liaison with the Advancing Diversity Conference Planning Committee

    •  Administrative coordinator and member of the Implementation team of the Taskforce on Race and the

      • Institution

      • Projects Specialist for Diversity Initiatives, Office of Multicultural Affairs August 2005 – June 2007

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Responsible for the coordination and management of the Diversity Research Initiative for faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students

    •  Co-coordinator for the Diversity Certificate Program

    •  Coordinator of the University MLK Celebrations, responsible for managing the planning committee,

      • management of speakers, budget, and activities

    •  Responsible for assisting with the implementation of the “Lee Hall Recommendations” and in keeping

      • Commission on Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Multicultural Affairs and other stakeholders updated

    •  Coordinated the research and development of the MOSAIC (Multicultural Opportunity Social

      • Awareness Interest Community) theme housing proposal; served as MOSAIC Coordinator

      • responsible for the implementation of effort for Fall 2007

    •  Coordinated efforts for further promotion and integration of the Virginia Tech Principles of Community

    •  Created and developed Synergy, new bi-weekly electronic newsletter for the Office of Multicultural

      • Affairs and Office for Equal Opportunity; currently serve as the editor of this publication

    •  Served on assigned departmental and University committees and participated in other professional

development opportunities; provided leadership for departmental assignments

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    •  Liaison with various University offices including the College Diversity Committee Chairs, Office for Equal Opportunity, Multicultural programs and Services, Service Learning, and with other groups at the university

    •  Developed and facilitated diversity training workshops and presentations with colleagues

    •  Mentor/supervisor for graduate students within Office

      • Student Assistant, Office of Multicultural Affairs July 2005 – August 2005

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Worked on various assigned projects within the Office of Multicultural Affairs

    •  Responsible for the distribution of the Virginia Tech Principles of Community to University

      • administrators

    •  Coordinated student team that helped in the distribution of the Principles

    •  Finalized the completion of the Guide for the Use, Application, and Promotion of the Principles of

      • Community as a new resource tool

      • Special Projects Coordinator, Residence Life March 2005 – June 2005

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Conducted and implemented a variety of projects to support and enhance Residence Life

    •  Research on Graduate Residence Life Programs and development of recommendations for initial

      • implementation for residence life aspects for new Graduate Life Center

    •  Review and analysis of Top 30 and SCHEV peer institution Residence Life websites to develop

      • framework for revised residence life website

    •  Research on the development of a new Professional Staff Manual

    •  Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Residence Life Assessment Data on Academic Satisfaction

    •  Created and produced new diversity programming calendar

    •  Research and development of residence hall history profiles for each residence hall namesake

      • Complex Director, Pritchard Hall July 1998 – March 2005

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Responsible for daily operations and management of large all-male hall of 1,050 students

    •  Recruited, selected, trained, supervised and evaluated a staff of twenty-nine Resident Advisors, one

      • graduate hall director and one head resident advisor

    •  Coordinated the supervision and staffing for Fitness Room (1998–2002), Night Monitor Campus

      • Access program (1998–2002) and Residential Computer Consultants (1999-2005) within building

    •  Enforced and supported all University and departmental policies and regulations

    •  Adjudicated formal judicial proceedings and sanctions, and served as a University Hearing Officer for

      • all cases including sexual assault.

    •  Assumed on-call responsibilities for entire on-campus community of about 8,900 students

    •  Provided appropriate counseling, mediation and referral for individual students and staff

    •  Section Instructor for credit-bearing Introduction to Residence Life and First Year Experience Courses

    •  Secondary advisor to the Pritchard Hall Council

    •  Provided support to primary advisor and the Hall Council officers

    •  Served as the building accounts manager for staff programming and hall council accounts

    •  Involved in all aspects of selection, training, orientation for residence hall staff

    •  Served as liaison with the Housing Services staff; worked with housekeeping and maintenance

      • personnel to establish and maintain ongoing programs of hall maintenance, cleaning and

      • refurbishment; mediated roommate conflicts; oversaw room occupancy and damage billing process.

    •  Developed and instructed training workshops conducted for staff during the academic year.

    •  Served on assigned departmental and University committees and participated in other professional

      • development opportunities; provided leadership for departmental collateral/committee assignments.

      • Summer Conference Manager, Student Programs Summer 1999 – Summer 2004

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Supervised Desk Manager and overall fiscal transactions (2002, 2003)

    •  Supervised Conference Aide working with Summer Orientation Housing (2001 – 2004)

    •  Supervised Conference Crew Supervisors (1999)

    •  Involved with the training, selection and evaluation of summer conference student staff

Graduate Judicial Assistant

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Assisted Coordinator of Residential Judicial Programs

    •  Trained Student Conduct Board members and Summer Residence Life staff

    •  Updated and revised the Student Conduct Board Manual

    •  Trained and transitioned the incoming Graduate Judicial Assistant

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May 1998 – June 1998

Graduate Hall Director, Leader Scholar Program (LSP) in Trusler Hall

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

August 1997 – May 1998

    •  Oversaw operations in coed residence hall of 200 first year students

    •  Supervised and evaluated a staff of four resident assistants

    •  Conducted informal judicial proceedings and sanctions

    •  Assumed on-call responsibilities for residence area of 3,000 students

    •  Involved with the planning of staff orientation, training and in-services

    •  Worked with LSP coordinator and the Area Director to develop long-range goals and planning

    •  Involved with the development, implementation of research studies taking place within LSP

    •  Served as an assistant instructor for credit-bearing Leadership for 2001 seminar

      • Conference Hall Director, Graham/Hume Area May 1997 – August 1997

      • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Responsible for conferees ages 8 – 18, assigned to the halls

    •  Assumed on-call responsibilities for conference needs throughout the summer

    •  Responsible for pre and post checks during the conference season

    •  Involved with the planning for upcoming staff orientation and training

      • Student Intern, Business Services Division May 1997 – August 1997

      • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Examined and worked in all facets of Business Services, ranging from campus mail, food services, bookstores, printing, laundry, computer support, ID card services, and general administration

    •  Assisted with the planning for the 1997/98 United Way Community Campaign

      • Assistant Residence Director, Hume Hall August 1996 – May 1997

      • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Assisted full-time Residence Director with the operations of a coed residence hall of 700 students

    •  Co-supervised and evaluated a staff of sixteen resident assistants

    •  Served as the advisor to the hall government

    •  Directed hall programming and staff development

    •  Conducted informal judicial proceedings and sanctions

    •  Assumed on-call responsibilities for residence area of 3,000 students

    •  Involved with the planning for staff orientation, training and in-services

      • ACUHO-I Intern, Office of Housing and Food Services

      • Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

May 1996 – August 1996

    •  Assisted in the operations of conference housing as a Conference Assistant

    •  Conducted informal assessment and wrote a summary report on the departments in Student Affairs

    •  Held one-on-one meetings with the various Student Affairs unit directors

      • Assistant Residence Director, Murphree Hall August 1995 – May 1996

      • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Assisted full-time Residence Director with the operations of a coed residence hall of 400 students

    •  Co-supervised and evaluated a staff of twelve resident assistants

    •  Served as the advisor to the area government

    •  Directed hall programming and staff development

    •  Conducted informal judicial proceedings and sanctions

    •  Assumed on-call responsibilities for residence area of about 1,500 students

    •  Involved with the planning for staff orientation, training and in-services

    •  Coordinated and developed the “Brief History of the Murphree Area” brochure

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Conference Hall Director, Beaty Towers June 1995 – August 1995

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Responsible for conferees assigned to hall

    •  Assumed daily on-call responsibilities for conference needs throughout the summer

    •  Developed the Division of Housing Recognizing Outstanding Student Employee (ROSE) program as

      • a new student recognition program

      • Judicial Special Project Assistant, Division of Housing May 1995 – June 1995

      • University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida

    •  Assisted the Coordinator of Residential Judicial Programs with judicial projects

    •  Created and developed the Pet Policy brochure and the monthly Gator Brief series on Housing

      • policies

      • Student/Participant Summer 1991

      • University of Florida – University of Cambridge

    •  Youngest participant in an upper-class program based at the University of Cambridge (UK)

    •  Earned credits in English History and English Literature

    •  Program focus was Elizabethan England through to the English Civil War and the Restoration


      • Cash Office Assistant, Au Bon Pain August 2012 – October 2012

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Involved in all aspects of food preparation for salads, sandwiches, wraps

    •  Served as a Cash Office assistant and responsible for working with cashiers in verifying their tills and

      • closing out registers at the close of business

      • Cashier, Wal-Mart Incorporated August 2010 – August 2011

      • Christiansburg, Virginia

    •  Part-time Cashier responsible for handling of all forms of payment – cash, credit cards, check

    •  Front-line customer service responding to customer inquiries

      • Service Worker/Cash Office Assistant, Au Bon Pain August 2010 – August 2011

      • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia

    •  Involved in all aspects of food preparation for salads, sandwiches, wraps

    •  Served as a Cash Office assistant and responsible for working with cashiers in verifying their tills and

closing out registers at the close of business


University Governance

 SCU Staff Affairs Council o Chair

o Vice Chair

 BGSU Administrative Staff Council

o Member-at-Large

o Communications Officer

    •  Commission on Equal Opportunity and Diversity

    •  University Council

    •  Commission on Faculty Affairs (A/P Representative)

      • Assessment

    •  BGSU Student Affairs Assessment Committee

      • Diversity

    •  SCU Campus Climate Working Group

o Principal Investigator & Steering Team

2016 – present 2018 – present 2017 – 2018 2013 – 2014

    • 2013 – 2014

    • 2014 – 2014

    • 2003 – 2010

    • 2004 – 2006

2001 – 2004

2012 - 2014

2017 – present

2017 - present  SCU Task Force on Diversity and Inclusion 2017

    •  SCU Undocumented Student Working Group

    •  SCU Council on Inclusive Excellence

    •  SCU Perspectives Group

    •  SCU Safe Zone

    •  SCU Affirmative Action Plan (AAP)

    •  BGSU Diverse Student Support Collaborative

    •  Not In Our Town Subcommittee

o BGSU Co-Chair

o Steering Committee

o Marketing & Outreach

    •  BGSU Latino Networking Alliance

    •  BGSU SafeZone Designee

    •  Implementation Team for Taskforce on Race and the Institution

    •  Taskforce on Race and the Institution

    •  Alliance for Undoing Racism at Virginia Tech

    •  Women’s Month Planning Committee

    •  Hispanic Latino Achievement Ceremony

    •  Chair, Commission on Equal Opportunity and Diversity

    •  Virginia Tech Academic Service Providers (VTASC)

    •  Coordinator, Organizations for Hispanic Leadership in America (OHLA) Conference

    •  Face-to-Face Panelist

    •  Chair and Founder, Hispanic Caucus

    •  Hispanic Caucus

    •  Multicultural Fellow

    •  Safe Zone Designee

    •  Latino Summit

    •  Hispanic Heritage Month Steering Committee

    •  Diversity Summit

    •  Student Success panels/participant at Parent’s Weekend & Gateway

      • Leadership

    •  LeaderShape Cluster Facilitator

    •  Leadership Academy Facilitator

      • Sexual Assault Prevention Education

    •  White Ribbon Campaign Steering Committee

    •  Co-Coordinator, White Ribbon Campaign

    •  Project SAFE Facilitator

    •  VAWA Conference Participant

    •  Sexual Assault Summits

    •  Facilitator, Corps of Cadets Training on Sexual Assault

    •  Workshop Coordinator, Men’s Issues Forum

      • Training Committees

    •  Office of Multicultural Affairs – College of Veterinary Medicine Training

    •  Winter Training and Leadership Workshop

    •  Fall Training and Leadership Workshop

      • Campus Selection Committees

    •  SCU Senior Awards Committee

    •  SCU Study Abroad Applicant Review

    •  Student Organization Awards and Student Organization Space Committee

    •  Eclectic Art Competition

    •  Asian American Essay Competition

    •  MLK Scholarship Reader

    •  Davenport Scholars/Engineering Scholarship Selection Committee

    •  Poster Judge 7th Undergraduate Research Symposium

2016 - present 2015 – present 2015 - present 2015 - present 2015 - present 2013 – 2014 2013 – 2015 2014 – 2015 2013 – 2015 2013 – 2015 2012 – 2015 2012 – 2015 2007 – 2010 2006 – 2007 2006 – 2007 2006 – 2010 2005 – 2012 2004 – 2006 2004 – 2012 2004


2002 – 2008 2002 – 2012 2000 – 2012 2001 – 2012 2001

1999 – 2010 1999 – 2010 1999 – 2012

2014 2014

2001 – 2007 2002 – 2004 1999 – 2003 2002

1999 – 2003 1999, 2005 1996 – 1997

2005 – 2008 2001-03, 04-05 1998 – 2001

2016 – present 2016, 2018 2014




2009-10, 2012 2009

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    •  BeCAUS Facebook Photo Competition

    •  Outstanding Senior in the College of Engineering Selection Committee

    •  Advancing Women Awards Selection Committee

    •  Women Minority Artists Scholars Lecture Series Selection Committee

    •  University Employee Dependant Scholarship Committee

    •  Co-chair, HRA/RAC Steering Committee

    •  RA Selection Steering Committee

o Chair, 2000 – 2001

    •  WING/WELL/RLC Theme Programs Selection

    •  Campus Climate Awards Selection Committee

    •  University Student Leadership Awards Committee

      • National Selection Committees

 Benjamin Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship Selection Panelist

Search Committees

    •  Dean’s Inclusive Excellence Post Doctoral Search Committee

    •  Director, Office for Multicultural Learning

    •  Manager, Enterprise Reporting Systems

    •  Information Specialist, Office of Registration and Records

    •  Psychologist Search Committee, Counseling Center

    •  Assistant Director, Center for Student Engagement and Community Partnerships

      • Search Committee

    •  Administrative Assistant, Office of the Provost Search Committee

    •  Search Chair, Manager for Diversity Initiatives Search Committee

    •  Assistant Director, Multicultural Programs and Services Search Committee

    •  Vice President of Multicultural Affairs Search Committee

    •  Associate Director, Service Learning Center Search Committee

    •  Coordinator of Alumni and Public Relations Search Committee

    •  Virginia Tech Police Promotion Review Committee

    •  Student Programs Customer Advocate Search Committee

    •  Coordinator for Theme Housing Programs Search Committee

    •  Women’s Center Program Coordinator Search Committee

    •  Equal Opportunity Equity Manager Search Committee

    •  Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Director Search Committee

    •  Residence Director Search Committee

    •  Coordinator for Conferences and Guest Services Search Committee

    •  Assistant Dean for Multicultural Programs Search Committee

      • Residence Life Committees

    •  Co-Chair, Professional Staff Development Committee

    •  Chair, Hall Staff Alcohol Policy Review

    •  Chair, Freshman Theme Programming

    •  Hall Staff Manual

    •  RA Jurisdiction Task Force

    •  Advisor, VT RA Conference Delegation

      • University Committees

    •  SCU JED: Promoting Social Connectedness Working Group

    •  SCU Sustaining Excellence Working Group

    •  BGSU University Student Conduct Committee

    •  BGSU University Academic Support Council (USAC)

      • o Secretary

    •  Haiti Day Planning Committee

    •  VT Minority Serving Institution Advisory Council

    •  Gobblerfest Committee


2008-10, 2012 2007


2003 – 2005 2003 – 2004 1998 – 2001



1999 – 2001

5/12, 11/13, 11/14, 4/18

2017 - present 2016



2013 2009


2007 – 2008 2007

2006 – 2007 2006

2005 – 2006 2004





2000 – 2001 1999, 2001 1999

1999 – 2000

2001 – 2004 2001 – 2002 2000 – 2001 2000-01, 04-05 1998


2017 – present 2017


2012 – 2014 2014


2008 – 2009 2008 – 2009

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    •  Review Team for Director of University Scholarships and Financial Aid

    •  Challenge of Engagement Planning Committee

    •  SACs Quality Enhancement Conference Planning Team

    •  SACs Compliance Team

    •  Academic/Student Affairs Taskforce

    •  Academic Regalia Bid Committee

      • Program Review

 External Review Chair (invited)

o Intercultural Center, Marquette University


Igwebuike – Black Student Union

MeCha –el Frente (Latinx Student Union)

La Union de Estudiantes Latino (The Latino Student Union) BGSU Hillel (Liaison/Advisor)

Vanguard – Mentor

The Collaborative Roundtable of Student groups

National Society of Leadership and Success

Delta Xi Chapter, Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity

Virginia Tech Chapter, National Residence Hall Honorary Men’s Group at Virginia Tech

Circulo Hispanico

Hokies United, (Publications Group)

Hume Area Community Council

Alternative Spring Break, Group Advisor

Murphree Area Council


American College Personnel Association (ACPA)

    •  ACPA 2018 Convention Chair

    •  ACPA 2017 Convention Planning Committee

o Programs Chair

 ACPA 2016 Convention Planning Committee

o General Programs Chair

 ACPA 2015 Convention Planning Committee

o Anciliary Programs Chair

 ACPA 2014, Next Generation Planning Committee

o Entity Group Liaison

    •  External Advisory Board

    •  Latino/a/x Network

o Executive Secretary

o Chair-Elect o Chair

o Past Chair o Member,

 Commission for Global Dimensions of Student Development o Vice-Chair, Assessment

o Programs

    •  Commission on Multicultural Affairs

    •  Program Reviewer

    •  Standing Committee for Men

o Fundraising Coordinator

    •  State/International Division (Virginia)

    •  Awards Ad-Hoc Committee

2008 2007 2006 2006 2004 1997


2017 2016 2013 2013 2013 2012 2009 2002 2001 2002 2001 2001 1996 1996 1995

2016 2015





2012 2013 2014 2017

05-06, 12 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2004 2004 2005 2006

– 2008 – 2010

– 1998

- present – 2017

– 2015

– 2015

– 2015 – 2015 – 2012 – 2010 – 2005 – 2004 – 2005 – 2002 – 1997

– 1996

– 2018 – 2017

– 2016

– 2015

– 2014

– present

– 2014

– 2014

– 2017

– present – present – present – 2016

– 2016

– present – present – 2008

– 2007

– 2007

– 2007

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American Education Research Association (AERA)

 Program Reviewer

Association for the Study of Higher Education

 Program Reviewer

Association of College and University Housing Officers – International (ACUHO-I)

    •  Chair, Housing Internship Committee

    •  Summer Coordinator, Housing Internship Committee

    •  International Internship Liaison, Housing Internship Committee

    •  Multicultural Affairs Network

    •  International Relations Committee

    •  Annual Conference Program Planning Committee

    •  National Housing Training Institute (selected participant)

      • Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU) Conference on Diversity and Equity (CDE)

    •  Chair

    •  Vice-Chair

    •  Secretary

    •  Host Site Chair for Annual Meeting

      • Graduate Student and Faculty Forum (GSFF)

    •  Chair, Solicitations

    •  Chair, Programs

      • Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU)

 Scholarship Reviewer

Institute of International Higher Education

 Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program

o National Scholarship Selection Panelist

Northern California Chapter, National Association of Diversity Officers in Higher Education (NADOHE)

    •  Vice Chair

    •  Member

      • State of the State Conference

    •  Planning Committee

    •  Registration and Web Chair

    •  Evaluations (Co-Chair) and Web

      • Southeast Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO)

    •  Chair, Graduate Issues and Involvement

    •  Graduate Issues and Involvement

    •  Research and Information Committee

    •  Strategic Planning Task Force


2013, 2018

2001 – 2004 1999 – 2004 2004 – 2015 1999 – 2012 2003 – 2008 2007


2018 – present 2016 – 2018 2016 – 2016 2015 – 2016

1996 – 1997 2000 – 2001


2012 – present 2016 – present

2018 – present 2016 – present

    • 2012 – 2014

    • 2013 – 2014

2012 – 2013

2005 – 2008 2000 – 2009 2009 – 2010 2003 – 2005 2007

2017, 2018

2002 2001 2003 2004

 Regional Entry Level Institute (invited faculty member)

Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)

 Travel Grant and Research Presentation Reviewer

Virginia Association of College and University Housing Officers (VACUHO)

    •  President

    •  Chair, Communications and Membership

    •  Past-President/Conference Co-Chair

    •  Sage

Plaza: 10 of 17

 Conference Planning Committee

Virginia College Personnel Association (VCPA)

    •  Past President

    •  President

    •  President-Elect

    •  Treasurer

      • Association for Student Development (ASD)

 Doctoral Member-at-Large

Chi Sigma Alpha, Student Affairs National Honor Society

    •  Treasurer

    •  Alpha Chapter Coordinator

      • Board of Directors, Independent Florida Alligator

 Student At-Large Member


The Inter-Residence Hall Association (IRHA), University of Florida President, 1994-1995

Business Manager, 1993-1994

IRHA Representative to Housing & University Committees, 1991-1995 Voting Representative, 1991-1993

National Residence Hall Honorary, University of Florida President, 1997-1998, Treasurer, 1995-1997

Blue Key National Honor Fraternity, University of Florida President, 1997-1998

Chi Sigma Iota, University of Florida

Mortar Board National Honor Society, University of Florida

Rawlings Area Council, University of Florida Business Manager, 1992-1993

Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society, University of Florida UF Cambridge Summer History Program (study abroad)


2002 – 2007

2006 – 2007 2005 – 2006 2004 – 2005 2001 – 2006

2000 – 2001

2003 – 2011 2007 – 2011

1996 – 1998

1991 – 1998

1992 – 1998 1995 – 1998

1997 – 1998 1993 – 1994 1991 – 1993

1991 – 1992 Summer 1991

Plaza: 11 of 17

“The Role of Social Media in today’s search and screen committee process and its impact on inclusive hiring practices”

CDE Annual Meeting, June 2018

“Racial Justice & Decolonization in Practice at ACPA”

HigherEd Live, February 2018

“Equity in Education: Local Challenges and Local Solutions”

Global Week 2018: Equity in Education, January 2018

“Decrypting Diversity and Inclusion Panel”

Latino Tech Summit, October 2017

“In College and Undocumented”

AJCU Commitment to Social Justice, August 2017

“Faculty Recruitment”

CDE Annual Meeting, June 2017

“Teaching in the Trump Era: The Challenge of Civility and Inclusion”

VITAL Series, May 2017 (co-presenter)

“Creating Bridges and Partnerships Between HR & ODI to Implement Institutional Change in the Hiring Process”

APAHE Conference, April 2017 (co-presenter)

“Dispelling the Myths of Working at a Religiously-Affiliated Institution”

ACPA Convention, March 2017 (co-presenter)

“The Testimonios of Latina/o/x Student Affairs Professionals: Hear to Stay”

ACPA Convention, March 2017 (co-presenter)

“Entry, Mid, and Senior Level Job Searches: Finding Your Institutional Fit”

ACPA Convention, March 2017 (co-presenter)

“LGBTQ+Latinx Issues in Student Affairs”

HigherEd Live, July 2016

“The Unity 4 Movement at Santa Clara University: A Case Study in Dialogue”

NCORE, June 2016

“Inclusive Leadership”

SCU Human Resources, May 2016

“Understanding Bias in the Search Process: Inside Santa Clara’s Training Process for Search Committees”

APAHE Conference, April 2016 (co-presenter)

“The Implications of Institutional Type on the Identity Development of Latino/a Students”

ACPA Convention, March 2016 (co-presenter)

“Examining the Role of Parental Involvement with First-Generation Latino/a Students”

ACPA Convention, March 2016 (co-presenter)

“Regional Differences of the U.S. Latin@ Diaspora: Implications for Student Affairs Professionals”

ACPA Convention, March 2015, (co-presenter) Fall RA Training and Leadership Workshop, 2014

Presenter and facilitator for residence hall staff on diversity topics “Beyond the Sterling Factor: Having the Hard Conversations” (co-presenter),

NIOT National Gathering, June 2014

“Diversity Workshop for Peer Educators”

Invited Speaker, College of William and Mary, April 2014

“Experiences of Latina/o Student Affairs Professionals: Learning from One Another” (co-presenter)

ACPA Convention, March 2014

“Managing Relationships with Respect to your Nonprofits’ Clients and Stakeholders”,

Center for Nonprofit Resources, September 2013 Fall RA Training and Leadership Workshop, 2013

Presenter and facilitator for residence hall staff on diversity topics Graduate Student Assistant Training, 2013

Facilitator for diversity training

“Intentionality and Effectiveness within Short-term Study Abroad Programs”

Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy, February 2012

“Creating an Inclusive Campus Community”

Libraries Staff Retreat, May 2011

“The Virginia Tech Principles of Community”

McComas Leadership Seminar, May 2010

“Making Diversity the Focus of a Study Abroad Experience”

NASPA Multicultural Institute, December 2009

“Inside MOSIAC – the Diversity Living Learning Community”

ACUHO-I Living Learning Conference, October 2009

“Diversity Discussion”

Rotary Club Youth Conference, December 2008

“MOSAIC Poster Session”

AAC&U Conference, October 2008

“The Virginia Tech Principles of Community”

Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop, September 2008

“Diversity Workshop”

Virginia – Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, August 2008

“Defining our role in developing an inclusive community”

Plaza: 12 of 17

McComas Leadership Seminar, May 2008

“Inclusive Excellence”

Athletics Professional Workshop, April 2008

“MOSAIC and Service Learning”

Service Learning Expo, April 2008

“Inclusive Excellence”

ASPN Workshop, March 2008

“SEAHO MOSAIC program”

SEAHO, February 2008

“Diversity Discussion”

Rotary Club Youth Conference, December 2007

“The Virginia Tech Principles of Community”

Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop, September 2007

“Diversity Workshop”

Virginia – Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, August 2007

“Being a Change Agent”

SEAHO Regional Entry Level Institute, May 2007

“Diversity Discussion”

Rotary Club Youth Conference, December 2006

“VCPA Resume and Mock Interview”

Virginia Student Services Conference, November 2006

“Membership and Diversity”

Leadership Connection, October 2006

“What do the Principles of Community Have to do with your Teaching?”

Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop, October 2006

“Diversity Workshop”

Virginia – Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, August 2006

“Poster Presentation: The VT-MLK Celebrations: A Model of Successful Partnerships”

Challenge of Engagement Conference, July 2006

“ACUHO-I Housing Internship Program: Mentoring – Experiencing – Training – Learning”

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, June 2006

“Diversity Discussion”

Rotary Club Youth Conference, December 2005 “A Look at the Virginia Tech Principles of Community”

Virginia Student Services Conference, November 2005

“An Inside Look into the Virginia Tech Principles of Community”

ASD Drive-in Conference, October 2005

“Diversity Workshop”

Virginia – Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, August 2005 “Inside the ACUHO-I Housing Internship Program” (co-presenter)

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, July 2005

“Diversity in Governance”

ACPA Annual Conference, April 2005

“The Invisible Ceiling – The Compression of the Entry Level Position”

SEAHO Conference, February 2005

“Shaping Student Success through Student Staff”

VASPA/VACUHO Conference, November 2004

“Alcohol & Student Affairs: Can They Mix?”

ASD Drive-in Conference, October 2004

“The Internationalization of the Housing Internship Program”

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, June 2004

“Pritchard Hall – A Programming Revolution in an All-Male residence Hall”

ACPA Annual Conference, April 2004

“ART Core V Session”

SAACURH No Frills, March 2004

“Programming for Men – Is it just sports?”

SEAHO Conference, February 2004

“Uncovering the Hidden Professional Development Opportunities within the Mountain”

VACUHO/VASPA Conference, November 2003

“The Impact of the Housing Internship Program”

Plaza: 13 of 17

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, July 2003

“Who Needs Sleep? Refocusing Student Leaders” (co-presenter)

SEAHO Conference, February 2003

“The Art of Writing OTMs”

VACURH Conference, February 2003

“Falling in Love with Housing as a Career”

VACURH Conference, February 2003

“Celebrating 25 years of VACUHO: A look Back and Forward”

VASPA/VACUHO Conference, November 2002

“From Vision to Reality: What We as Student Affairs Practitioners Can Do With Technology”

ASD Drive-in Conference, October 2002

“Celebrating 25 years of the ACUHO-I Housing Internship Program”

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, July 2002

“A Closer Look at the ACUHO-I Summer Internship Program”

SEAHO Conference, February 2002

"Inside Look at the Summer Internship Process"

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, June 2001

"All-Male Residence Halls – Are they truly that bad?"

SEAHO Conference, February 2001

"RA Selection Process and the Internet"

ACUHO-I Annual Conference, July 2000

Book Club Presentation: Like Water for Chocolate

Hispanic Heritage Month, September 2000

Fall Training and Leadership Workshop, 1998 – 2004

Presenter and facilitator for residence hall staff on wide range of topics including suicide, sexual

harassment, administrivia, leadership, funding, programming, diversity, and other areas Hall Council Leadership Conference, 1998 – 2004

Presenter and facilitator for hall council members on wide range of topics from funding, team building,

motivation, leadership, involvement, diversity, and other areas “The Environmental Factor” (co-presenter)

Graduate Student and Faculty Forum, February 1997

“Why Ask Why? Creative Judicial Programs That Are Educational Too!” (Co-presenter)

SEAHO Conference, February 1996

“Positive Approaches to Leadership”

NACURH Conference, 1995 “Learning the Lessons of History” (diversity)

SAACURH Conference 1992, NACURH Conference 1993


UNIV 1310: Career Explorations, Fall 2014

UNIV 1510: Multicultural Success Strategies, Spring 2013, Fall 2013

UNIV 10004: College Success Strategies, Fall 2009, Fall 2011

“Learning About Diversity and Social Justice: The European Perspective”, Summer Session I (2008, 2009, 2010) “Learning About Diversity and Social Justice: The European Perspective”, Summer Session II (2011, 2012) “Readings about Diversity and Social Justice”, Spring 2008

“Learning About Diversity and Social Justice”, Fall 2007, Fall 2008

RA Class Instructor, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004

FYE Instructor, Fall 1999, Fall 2001


Montelongo, R., Alatorre, H., Hernandez, A., Palencia, J., Plaza, R., Sanchez, D., & Santa-Ramirez, S. (2014). Latina/o Students and Involvement: Outcomes Associated with Latina/o Student Organizations. In Mitchell, D., (Eds.), Student Involvement & Academic Outcomes: Implications for Diverse College Student Populations.

Plaza: 14 of 17

Ethnic Cultural Arts Program (ECAP) Grant for Latino Issues Conference (2013, 2014) Regular Columnist, The Collegiate Times (April 2009 – January 2012)

Summer Sessions Grant for Summer I, 2008, Virginia Tech Provost Office (2007)

Plaza, R.V. (2006). A principled approach to transforming Tech. Virginia Tech Magazine, 29 (1), 18-21.

Sexual Assault Prevention on the Virginia College Mini-Grant, 2004

Plaza, R.V. (2000). Realizing the Educational Potential of Residence Halls: Book Review in National Association of Student Affairs Professionals Journal, 3 (1), 86-88.

Davis, S., & Plaza, R.V. (1999). Beyond the Lobby: An Interactive Judicial & Crisis Training Supplement for Residence Hall Staff [Computer Software]. Blacksburg: Authors. (Funded by ACUHO-I Multimedia grant)

La Conexión de Wood County

2013 – 2016 2013 – 2016 2013 – 2014 2014 – 2016

2013 – 2015

    •  Mentor

    •  Guest Speaker 2013

    •  Member

    •  Chair, Grants Committee

    •  Vice President, Board of Directors

      • Center for Non Profit Resources

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

    •  Second Vice President

    •  Member-at-Large (elected)

    •  Co-Chair, Community Engagement & Political Action

    •  Representative on Complete Count Committee, Census 2010

    •  Freedom Fund Committee

    •  Freedom Fund Banquet Coordinator

    •  Freedom Fund Committee Co-Chair

    •  Audit and Finance Committee

    •  Member

      • The Community Group/New Mountain Climbers

 Member

Human Relations Council of Montgomery County

 Chair/Convener

The Community Foundation of the New River Valley

    •  Community Advisor

    •  Grant Disbursement Committee

    •  Board of Directors


    •  QPR Institute, Certified Instructor

    •  Safe Space Facilitator, SCU

    •  National Coalition Building Institute Facilitator

    •  Safe Zone Training Facilitator, BGSU

2011 – 2012 2009 – 2010 2009 – 2012 2009 – 2010 2008 – 2012 2010 – 2012 2011 – 2012 2008 – 2010 2008 – 2013

2009 – present

2008 – 2012 2009 – 2012

2010 – 2012 2010 – 2012 2012 – 2013

2017 – present 2015 – present 2013 – present 2013 – 2015

2013 – 2015

Plaza: 15 of 17



Plaza: 16 of 17

Advocate Award

Dr. John Hernandez Award

Faculty Member of the Year, MCC

SCU ROTC Anniversary Recognition

Cluster Facilitator, BGSU LeaderShape

Michael R. Ferrari Award (nominee)

ACPA Latino Network Community Advancement & Service Award Latino Issues Conference Outstanding Staff Award

Omicron Delta Kappa (Inductee)

First place, Faculty for International Speech Competition

Phi Beta Delta, International Honor Society (Inductee)

Order of Omega (Honorary Inductee)

Residence Life Favorite Faculty Program

Edward Spencer Fraternity Advisor of the Year Award

Faculty member, SEAHO RELI

The Faculty/Staff Annual Diversity Award presented by BGSO SAACURH Advisor of the Month

Sigma Delta Pi, National Spanish Honor Society (Inductee)

SAACURH Advisor of the Month

Five Years of Service to Student Programs

Advancing Women Award at Virginia Tech

NRHH Professional Advisor of the Year

Chi Sigma Alpha (Inductee)

ART (Advisor Recognition and Training) Institute Certification

SEAHO Best of Leadership Development Program

NACURH Bronze Pin Recipient

Commonwealth Connection participant

SAACURH Advisor of the Month

Inter-Residence Hall Association Area Government Advisor of the Year UFNRHH Leadership Service Pin

IRHA Gold Lifetime Activity Card – highest honor in IRHA

University of Florida Hall of Fame

Who’s Who Among Colleges and University Students

Four-Year Service Pins from NACURH/SAACURH/FARH

University of Florida Presidential Recognition of Outstanding Students Raymond V. Plaza Award for Outstanding Service

to the Broward Area (named in Honor) National Residence Hall Honorary (Inductee)

2018 2016 2016 2016 2014 2014 2014

2014 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009

2007 2006

Dec. 2004 2004

June 2003 2003






2002, 2004 2000

June 1998 1997

1996 1996




1993 – 1998 1993


References for Raymond Vidal Plaza

Dr. Susana Peña

Director, School of Cultural & Critical Studies Bowling Green State University

232 Shatzel Hall

Bowling Green, OH 43403

(419) 372-7117


Dr. Vijay Singal

J. Gray Ferguson Professor of Finance Virginia Tech

Department of Finance

3058 Pamplin Hall (0221)

Blacksburg, VA 24061

(540) 231-7750


Norb Dunkel

Associate Vice President for Student Affairs University of Florida

155 Tigert Hall

Gainesville, FL 32611-2100

(352) 392-1265


Jodi Webb

Dean of Students

Bowling Green State University

301 Bowen Thompson Student Union Bowling Green, OH 43402

(419) 372-9348


Aldo Billingslea Professor, Theatre Santa Clara University 104 Mayer Theatre Santa Clara, CA 95053 (408) 849-6256 abillingslea@scu.edu

Karen Eley Sanders

Associate Vice Provost for College Access Virginia Tech

College Access Collaborative

207 West Roanoke Street (0543) Blacksburg, VA 24061

(540) 231-4925


Clay Adams (former Graduate Assistant) Associate Dean of Students

Duke University

300 Crowell Bldg, Box 90946

Durham, NC 27708-0946 (919) 684-2577 clay.adams@duke.edu

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