Education Specialist

TPA job description

TPA Support Coordinator

Job Description

I. Eligibility. One tenured faculty member, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, or Academic Year Adjunct Lecturer (AYAL) shall serve as Coordinator. In negotiation with the Dean of the School of Education and Counseling Psychology, the designated Director will each receive one (1) course release to fulfill this obligation.

II. Duties and Responsibilities of the Coordinator. The main responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

· Serve as the contact person with CTC to stay informed about state policies, procedures, and practices regarding support for our teacher candidates as they prepare to present the two TPA Cycle exams.

· Organize and present one workshop for Multiple Subject candidates and one workshop for Single Subject candidates to prepare students for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 of the TPA exams.

· Set deadlines for candidates to submit their exams for each cycle

· Keep track of students’ passing rates and set up support mechanisms for candidates who need to re-submit an exam

· Communicate to Education faculty relevant information that should be included in MATTC courses to better prepare students for each TPA cycle exam

· Collaborate with the MATTC Director to update the MATTC Handbook with TPA-related information.