Single Subject Program

1.1 The mission of the Education Department at Santa Clara University is to educate compassionate, competent professionals who are committed to meaningful and supportive engagement with people, schools, and communities. Our programs are focused on academic excellence and comprehensive preparation of future teachers and school leaders who will attend thoughtfully to the academic and personal needs of all students and their communities. The Preliminary Multiple Subject and Single Subject Teaching Credential programs comprise our largest group of credential candidates. Our credential candidates’ field placements vary: most are placed in public schools; some are placed in charter schools; and others are full-time teachers of record in Catholic schools. Presently, we are in our first year of implementing a Bilingual Authorization program in Spanish.

Recognizing that the development of culturally responsive educators is crucial to the School's commitment to multiculturalism and social justice, the School of Education and Counseling Psychology now offers a master of arts in teaching & teaching credential (MATTC) program at a satellite campus that serves as a direct conduit to prepare teachers to work with underserved Hispanic schools.

The School of Education and Counseling Psychology has also established the SEMILLA scholarship program to attract aspiring teachers who commit to teach in schools with predominantly under served Hispanic populations and to ensure that the number of culturally-responsive teachers in Santa Clara County is increased to meet the needs of the student population.

1.1.1 Table of Approved Programs & Current Enrollment

** Multiple and Single Subject Internship Credential approved August 2017.

Program will begin to admit for Summer 2018. Bilingual (Spanish) authorization approved

Summer 2017.