

500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053;

hhoyle@scu.edu; 408-551-6010

1. Education

a) Professional School of Psychology. San Francisco Campus. May 1994.

Doctor of Philosophy, Clinical and Organizational Psychology

California State University at Hayward. June 1989.

Professional Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential: Social Science

Professional Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

California State University at San Diego. June 1986

Master of Science in Counseling, Multicultural Emphasis

Basic Pupil Personnel Services Credential

Westmont College, Santa Barbara, CA. June 1984

Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies

b) Doctoral Dissertation: Psychological Functioning of Adolescent Re-lapsers and Non-relapsers who Successfully Completed Drug Treatment: A Rorschach and MMPI-A Study. Supervised by Vincent NunnoPh.d.

c) Scholar: Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. 2010 to present.

2. Teaching and Related Experience


Santa Clara University

Adjunct Lecturer. School of Education, Counseling Psychology, and Pastoral Ministries. 1996-2000.

Adjunct Faculty. School of Education, Counseling Psychology and Pastoral Ministries. 2000-2003.

Lecturer. School of Education & Counseling Psychology. 2004-present.

Responsibilities include developing program curriculum, writing grants, authoring articles, and teaching courses. Current course work includes: Psychology of Learning, Issues in Assessment, Social Science Methods, and three sections of Integrating Theory and Practice in Classrooms. Duties include advising students, developing online and blended courses, service to the University and community, and participation in writing and research projects.


Coordinator. Teacher Performance Assessment. Education Department, Santa Clara University, 2012- 2014.

Responsible for moving the TPA process from a paper process to an electronic process. Received one course release during the first year. During the second year of tenure student enrollment grew by 200% and received two course releases.

Director. Build.Plant.Grow Project-Elementary. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Santa Clara University, 2005-2006.

Responsible for designing and co-writing program and aligning curriculum to the liturgical calendar.

Director. Character Based Literacy Project-Elementary. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. Santa Clara University. 2005-2007.

Responsible for redesigning the lesson plans to accommodate students from special populations, aligning curriculum to the state framework, and coordinating lesson plan authors.


Corrigan, M. (2014) Debunking ADHD: 10 Reasons to Stop Drugging Kids for Acting Like Kids. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Reviewed April 2013.


Journal of Special Education. “Finding Ways to Teach Students with FASD: A Research Study.” Reviewed January 2007.

Teacher Education Quarterly. I was invited to be subject area reviewer for the CCTE Journal. 2015.


Educational Consultant. Santa Clara County Alternative Schools Department. Santa Clara, CA. 1996-2009.

Redesigned website for use by teachers. Co-developed the Summer Institute for new teachers. Trained teachers how to work with students in the correctional population. Functioned as designated trainer through the federal Office on Civil Rights in reference to the Santa Clara County 504 violation. Developed and delivered a training module on especial education and 504 rules and responsibilities.

Educational Consultant. San Bruno Unified School District. San Bruno, CA. 2006-2007.

Worked with teachers on curricular and behavior management plans and strategies.

Educational Consultant. Contra Costa County Office of Education. Pleasant Hill, CA. 2006-2007.

Redesigned and consulted on the implementation of the Assessment Center that I designed in 1999.

Psychological Assistant, Our Family Corporation. Napa, CA. 1996-2000.

Responsibilities included assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning for adolescents in a residential substance abuse treatment setting. Duties also included staff training, IEP coordination and administration, and transition planning for students who have completed treatment.

Educational Consultant. Monterey County Alternative Schools Department. Monterey, CA. 1996-1999.

Designed educational and behavioral components in two community schools as well as in one Juvenile detention center. Responsibilities included training teachers in the areas of behavior management, curriculum development, and instructional modification for the correctional student.

Educational Consultant. Contra Costa County Alternative Schools Department. Pleasant Hill, CA. 1997-1999.

Designed an Assessment/Orientation center for Juvenile Hall and Juvenile Camp schools. Designed a portfolio process for the school and authentic assessment process for students. Responsibilities included training teachers in the areas of authentic and curriculum-based assessment, curriculum development, and instructional modification for the correctional student.

Program Designer, Global Café: Violence Prevention Project. 1997-1999.

Redesigned the Global Café, a university virtual classroom model, for use with alternative school students from four counties. This was the first virtual classroom in the world used with high school students which was acclaimed in several publications including the New York Times. Responsibilities included curriculum development, technical support, and training of teachers on how to use the technology and curriculum.

Instructor, Alameda County Court and Community Schools. Hayward, CA. 1986-1996.

Designed and implemented educational programs to meet the specific needs of alternative school students. Duties included curriculum development and administration of department-wide functions. Held teaching positions at juvenile hall, community schools, alcohol and drug abuse treatment centers, and school- age-mother sites.

Psychological Assistant, Sonoma Developmental Center. Sonoma, CA. 1991-1994.

Responsibilities included assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning for adults in a residential setting. Duties also included staff training, yearly assessment, meeting coordination and administration, and direct behavioral and psychological therapy.


Dean’s Summer Research Grant Recipient 2013

Awarded the Dean’s Summer Research Grant to research the following title: Blended Learning, Clear Credential Candidates, and Education Faculty: The Transition of a Traditional Clear Credential Program to a Personalized-Blended Learning Format. Produced and submitted paper to the California Council of Teacher Education and was accepted for a poster session in October of 2013.

Director, Leaders Autism Grant. Grant # H325K070458, US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. 2011-2012.

Served as the director of this grant during 2011-2012. This involved student advising, interacting with sponsored projects, and writing the final grant report. The official closing of the Leaders Autism Grant was December 12, 2012.

Psychologist, Operation Wounded Warrior: Desensitizing Traumatic Memories (DTM) Related to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 2009.

Submitted. Not chosen for funding. Invited guest to Washington D.C. to present data to the Department of Defense. Worked in partnership with Marshall University, The NLP Research and Recognition Organization, and Continuous Improvement Associates. Served as an independent Psychologist reviewing the treatment case files and procedures.

Evaluator, Walter S. Johnson Foundation Grant. 2005-2006.

Served as the lead evaluator on the yearly review for this grant. This entailed 5 site visits to Gompers continuation, and Delta Vista High school in the Richmond Unified School District in Richmond, California. Designed and administered three surveys: one to evaluate CBL instruction, one to evaluate student attitudinal change, and one to evaluate the instructional support provided by Markkula staff.

Evaluator, Mild/Moderate Grant. 2004.

Served as the advisor on a tuition grant funded through the federal Office of Special Education Programs. This is the Federal funding agent for grants in Special Education. Designed and implemented surveys and presented the data necessary for the final report back to the funding agency.


2015-16: 27 advisees.

2014-15: 30 advisees.

2013-14: 26 advisees.

Prior to 2013-14, I was not assigned advisees.


Mentoring is one of the gifts that teaching at Santa Clara University provides. I have informally mentored students along the way during my 21 years and have provided evidence of my interactions with them in my application.

In both the Clear Credential program and the Social Studies methods course, I have the opportunity to go and watch each candidate practice their craft in the classroom. This opportunity allows for a formal mentoring process.

Bayham, Bryan. A Curriculum Project Aligned to the Common Core StandardsDesigned to Develop Historical Thinking Skills through Primary Source Analysis While Integrating Technology and Collaborative Work. Masters Thesis Review Member. November 2013.


Fully Online Clear Credential program 2014

The Dean’s office asked that I provide the Clear Credential Program as a fully online option. This required immense time and planning. There are presently two students who are taking the course fully online. I serve as their mentor and visit them to observe their teaching.

Blended Learning Clear Credential program 2013

The Dean’s office provided extra funding for me to design and build a blended learning format option for the Clear Credential program.

CADE Program 2012

I participated in the inaugural CADE group. This resulted in our offering the first blended course in the Clear program in the winter of 2013. I was then asked to pilot the Canvas program and blend the spring course using Canvas.

Leaders Autism Grant 2010-2011

Penstemon Program 2007

I designed and implemented modules on Autism in each of the Special Education courses I taught. This also included a module in the regular education 323 Inclusive Education course.

I participated in the summer Penstemon Program. My project involved redesigning the EDUC 240 Introduction to Mild Moderate Special Education course and EDUC 443 Advanced Applied Behavioral Analysis Seminar. I re- designed the course to contain a module on the sustainability of the human genome. I researched the data on demographics of genetic disorders that are part of routine testing done during pregnancy. The data indicated that this change in genetic technology has reduced the number of persons with certain types of disabilities. I presented students with specifics on genetics and persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Downs Syndrome, and other genetic disorders.

3. Professional Activity


Licensed Clinical Psychologist # 21902 2008 to present.


Hoyle, H., Johnson, S. (2006) Alternatives to the Paper Chase: Teaching Special Education Students in Court and Community School Programs, Journal of Juvenile Court, Community, and Alternative School Administrators of California. 19, 8-15.


Hoyle, Harold. “Build.plant.grow: Religious education getting you down? Not any more.” Greenbelt Festival. Cheltenham, England. August 2006. This presentation described the program published by the Markkula center for applied ethics. Invited presentation.

Hoyle, Harold. “Teaching Interventions for Developing Social Competence.” Council for the Children with Behavior Disorders International Conference.

Dallas, TX. September 1997. The conference drew an international audience of researchers and academics.


Hoyle, Harold. “Substance abuse and your child: What is it and what to do about it?” Xilinx Corporation. Santa Clara, CA. March 2007. The Xilinx presentations were simulcast to other sites in Colorado and Texas.

Hoyle, Harold. “Mental Health: What is it and when do you know you need help?” Xilinx Corporation. Santa Clara, CA. April 2006.

Hoyle, Harold. “Career Development and the Internet.” American Psychological Association, National Conference. Washington D.C. August 2000.

Hoyle, Harold. “Mental Health and Children with Emotional and Behavior Disorder.” Midwestern Symposium on Leadership in Behavior Disorders. Kansas City, Missouri. February 1999. Invited Speaker.

Hoyle, Harold. “Elemental Social Skills Training for Students in Alternative Schools.” Teacher Educators for Children with Behavior Disorders National Conference. Tempe, AZ. October 1996.


Hoyle, Harold. “Blended Learning, Clear Credential Candidates, and Education Faculty: The Transition of a Traditional Clear Credential Program to a Personalized-Blended Learning Format.” California Council on Teacher Education. San Diego, CA. October 2014. Poster session.

Hoyle, Harold. Technology Special Interest Group. California Council on Teacher Education. San Diego, CA. October 2014. Invited Speaker.

Hoyle, Harold. “Depression: How do you know you have it and what do you do about it?” Xilinx Corporation. Santa Clara, CA. January 2006.

Hoyle, Harold. “Violence Prevention in the Virtual Classroom.” Bridging Professional Perspectives, National Conference. Palm Springs, CA. January 1998.

Hoyle, Harold. “Adolescent Addiction Issues and Personality Traits.” Bridging Professional Perspectives, National Conference. Palm Springs, CA. January 1996.

Hoyle, Harold. Ethics Camp. Orange County Office of Education. Newport Beach, CA. July 2007. Responsible for four days of programming and content in

the area of character, literacy, student behavior, classroom management, and curriculum development.

Hoyle, Harold. “Behavior Management and the Ethical Child.” Ethics Camp, Orange County Office of Education Alternative Schools Department. Newport Beach, CA. August 2005.

Hoyle, Harold. “Behavior Management and the Ethical Child.” Ethics Camp, Monterey Diocese. Salinas, CA. July 2005.

Hoyle, Harold. “Assessment in the Correctional School Setting.” CASAS Conference. San Diego, CA. June 1998. CASAS is the assessment tool that was used to collect data in the Assessment Center I designed for the Contra Costa Juvenile Hall School.

Hoyle, Harold. “Character Education Through Practices of Community, Reflection, and Service.” Kings Canyon, CA. February 2006. A presentation to the Catholic School Principals for the Fresno Diocese.

Hoyle, Harold. “Violence Prevention in the Virtual Classroom.” Juvenile Court and Community School Educators State Conference. San Diego, CA. May 1998.

Hoyle, Harold. “Assessment in the Correctional School Setting; Violence Prevention in the Virtual Classroom.” Court Community School Educators State Conference. Napa, CA. February 1998.

Hoyle, Harold. “Assessment in the Correctional School Setting.” Correctional Educators Association Northern California State Conference. Sacramento, CA. November 1997.

Hoyle, Harold. “Elemental Social Skills Training for Students in Alternative Schools; Behavior Modification for Students in Alternative Schools.” Correctional Educator Association State Conference. Santa Fe, NM. April 1997.


Hoyle, Harold. “Psychological Services in California.” Silicon Valley Innovation Center. San Mateo, CA. December 2014. This presentation was to a group of 35 School Counselors from Kazakhstan.

Hoyle, Harold. “Technology Enhanced Instruction.” Blended Learning Institute. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA. June 2013. This included four presentations delivered twice a day, each of the four days. Topics were,

Introducing Media into Your Classroom, iPad Instructional Tools, Teaching with Technology, and Blended Learning Designs.

Hoyle, Harold. “Positive Parenting.” Santa Clara Parent Nursery School.

Santa Clara, CA. November 2012.

Hoyle, Harold. “St. John Vianney School Retreat.” St. John Vianney School.

San Jose, CA. Retreat leader. April 2011.

Hoyle, Harold. “Race to Nowhere.” Sacred Heart School. Saratoga, CA. Invited expert for parent talk. March 2011.

Hoyle, Harold. “Parenting and Emotional Management.” Lafayette Elementary School. Lafayette, CA. October 2010.

Hoyle, Harold. “Parenting-What Should We Know?” St. Gabriel School. San Francisco, CA. September 2010.

Hoyle, Harold. “Who is the Catholic School Employee? And What is Self- Care?” St. Gabriel School. San Francisco, CA. August 2010.

Hoyle, Harold. “Survival and The Imagination of God: Thoughts on Reviving Your School.” Catholic Schools Institute, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara CA. June 2010.

Hoyle, Harold. “Parenting and Partnership.” Saint Martin de Tours School.

Santa Clara CA. February 2010.

Hoyle, Harold. “Raising the Ethical Child: Character Basics.” The MIT Academy. Vallejo, CA. May 2008.

Hoyle, Harold. “Raising the Ethical Child: What Every Parent Needs to Know.” The MIT Academy. Vallejo, CA. April 2008.

Hoyle, Harold. “Raising the Ethical Child: The Usual Battlegrounds.” The MIT Academy. Vallejo, CA. March 2008.

Hoyle, Harold. “Raising the Ethical Child: Coping and Cooperation.” The MIT Academy. Vallejo, CA. February 2008.

Hoyle, Harold. “Raising the Ethical Child: Behavior and the Adolescent.” The MIT Academy. Vallejo, CA. January 2008.

Hoyle, Harold. “Behavior Management and the Ethical Child.” Ethics Camp.

Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. June 2007.

Hoyle, Harold. “Character Education Basics.” San Francisco Diocese Inservice. San Francisco, CA. February 2007. Keynote

Hoyle, Harold. “Social Skills for the Elementary Student.” San Francisco Diocese Inservice. San Francisco, CA. February 2007.

Hoyle, Harold. Ethics Camp: Speaker, program design, and presenter. These 7 teacher-training weeks incorporated virtue ethics and curriculum development in a holistic teacher-training experience. June to August2006.

Hoyle, Harold. “Narrative Spirituality: What if you were a story in God’s Imagination?” Retreat for the Palo Alto Methodist Church. Palo Alto, CA. December 2006. Leader.

Hoyle, Harold. “Behavior Management and the Ethical Child.” Ethics Camp, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. July 2005.

Hoyle, Harold. “Special Education and Juvenile Court and Community Schools: Best Practices.” Juvenile Court and Community Schools Administrators Conference. Berkeley, CA. October 2005.

Hoyle, Harold. “Dealing with Non-compliant and Aggressive Students.” Ethics Camp, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. July 2004.

Hoyle, Harold. “Dealing with Non-compliant and Aggressive Students.” Ethics Camp, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. July 2004.

Hoyle, Harold. “Dealing with Non-compliant and Aggressive Students.” Ethics Camp, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. July 2001.

Hoyle, Harold. “Classroom Management Grades 4-6.” Berryessa Union School District. Berryessa, CA. January 2000.

Hoyle, Harold. “Behavior Management in the Juvenile Court and Community Schools.” Santa Clara County Office of Education. Santa Clara, CA. April 2000.

Hoyle, Harold. “Violence Prevention, Sober School, and Social Skills Training.” The Four County Conference, Santa Clara University. Santa Clara, CA. March 1997.


California Council on Teacher Education. San Jose, CA. March 2016.

California Council on Teacher Education. San Jose, CA. October 2015. California Council on Teacher Education. San Jose, CA. March 2015.


Intouch. “Teachers take note: Today’s kids face hyperactive world.” Fall 1999. This cover article in the Santa Clara University publication, Intouch, featured me as an expert in the field of children with emotional and behavior disorders.

New York Times, Cybertimes. June 1998. The story featured Globalcafe.com as an innovative approach for teaching troubled youth on the Internet. There were several quotes from me as a developer as well as from teachers in the program from Santa Clara County Office of Education.

San Francisco Magazine. The Bay Area’s 5 Best Ideas. January 1998. This article chronicled the start of the violence prevention project on Global Café. We were presented as the best idea of 1997 in the article.


Responsible for managing a division that built and/or maintained all Information Technology systems used by CPP. Duties included budgeting, staff recruitment and development, and mentoring. Reported to the CIO and was part of cross functional team that set work product priorities.

Technical and Content Consultant, CPP, Inc. Palo Alto, CA. 1999-2006.

Web TV. June 1998. Guest expert on a segment covering the Global Café, Violence, Youth, and the Internet.

Divisional Director, Applications Development Services, CPP, Inc. Mountain View, Ca. 2006-2007.

Designed and implemented new websites for the publishers of the MBTI® and several other assessments tools. Responsible for the design, naming, user interface, project management of the online delivery platform SkillsOne®.

4. Service to the University, the Profession, and the Community


Faculty Affairs Committee. Fall 2012 to present. I was invited and appointed to the Faculty Affairs Committee in the fall of 2012 for a 3 year term. I was invited

Dean’s Search Committee. Spring 2015 to Winter 2016. Faculty Senate Representative. 2008-2010.


Faculty Advisor Spring 2015 to Present. I served as the faculty program advisor which included reviewing candidates and interviewing of all candidates.

MA-IDE Comp exam reader. 2010-2012


Masters Committee 2011-2012. This committee met twice a month and was responsible for creating a new curriculum that was accepted as the new MAT degree by the university board.

to serve for another 3-year term and to begin fall 2015. I was elected Vice Chair for the 2015-16 school year.

Member. California Council on Teacher Education. 2014 to present. Advisory Board Member. Person Corporation. WIAT-III. 2006 to publication.

This is the most widely adopted and used assessment tool in the area of Special Education.

Advisory Committee Member. National Juvenile Detention Association.

1998-1999. Responsibilities included designing an internet-based environment to conduct leadership training to correctional leaders. This was a model project in online leadership training that went live January 1999.

Vice-president. California Teachers’ Union. Alameda County Court and Community Schools Section. 1992-1994. Elected during a contract year as part of a formal mediation and successful contract negotiations.


Certified Expert. Santa Clara County Courts, Juvenile Division. 2014. Testified in court as an expert on children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, juvenile detention, and treatment options.

Board Member. East Side Heroes. 2005 to present. This nonprofit was started by SCU alum Enrique Flores and serves the needs of students who live in underserved communities primarily with a structured mentoring program and high school scholarships. Chair 2007-2014.

Board Member. Skylar-Hadden. 2012 to present. This private school serves students with developmental disorders including Autism Spectrum Disorders. Duties include organizational consulting as well as advising on situations with difficult parent or student interactions. Monthly commitment.

Column Author. Lamorinda Weekly. 2008-2012. Authored a column called “Ask Dr. Harold” in which I discussed and provided recent research on topics of interest in parenting, psychology, and education.