

Michael Arthur Gallagher


Educational Background

Master of Arts, Counseling

Santa Clara University, 1992-1995

Bachelor of Arts, English

Santa Clara University, 1983-1987

Credentials Professional Clear Administrative Services Credential

Authorized Fields: English, Psychology (supplemental)

Professional Experience

2009-present Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources

Sunnyvale School District (ADA 6800)

Communicated effectively and proactively with Board of Education through Friday board letters, in closed and open session, and in formal and informal one-on-one conversations and meetings

Evaluated principals and contributed to the development of quarterly principal student performance data review and support meetings

Led new teacher induction program and facilitated integration of best practices into district-wide staff development

Developed innovative teacher support systems focusing on teacher resiliency, Title One schools, and mid-career teachers

Fostered positive, collaborative relations with employee unions

Coached and assisted principals of program improvement schools to reconstitute their teaching staffs

Developed and implemented effective employee recruitment and retention systems

Served as Chief Negotiator, employing Interest Based

Bargaining principles, for certificated and classified bargaining tables

Established and cultivated university partnerships with San José State and the Center for Reaching and Teaching the Whole Child, the Stanford Teacher Education Program, and the Santa Clara University Educational Leadership program

Home Address 625 S. Baywood Avenue San José, CA 95128 (408) 823-1520

Degrees Doctor of Education, Educational Leadership San Francisco State University, 2008-2011

Master of Arts, Educational Administration Santa Clara University, 1995-1997

Collaborated with and advised superintendent as a member of his cabinet and fulfilled duties of superintendent in his absence

Professional Clear Pupil Personnel Services Credential Professional Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential

Led District-wide efforts to integrate the social emotional dimensions of teaching and learning into instructional practice

Negotiated and implemented revised teacher evaluation systems to focus on growth of instructional practice

Coordinated the District’s enrollment efforts including demographic projections, and revision of open enrollment and schools and programs of choice policies. Participated in development and implementation of charter school strategy

2005-2009 Director, Human Resources

Cupertino Union School District (ADA 17,200)

Trained certificated managers to improve evaluation outcomes Supervised certificated employee discipline and counseling processes Led district to full compliance, including CLAD/ELD requirements, in 2006 county credential audit

Improved Human Resources-CEA/CTA relations

Implemented CEA/CTA-CUSD Collective Bargaining Agreement Improved efficiency of recruitment, transfer, and staffing processes Participated in successful classified and certificated negotiations Investigated, mediated, and resolved conflicts including formal complaints and grievances

1999-2005 Principal

Joaquin Miller Middle School (ADA 1250), Cupertino Union SD

Increased alignment of curriculum to state standards

Led successful effort to increase the school’s already high API six consecutive years

Partnered with the San José Area Writing Project to provide teachers with effective instructional practices and benchmark assessments aligned to targeted standards

Developed and implemented successful academic intervention program that that identified low performing students and targeted areas of academic deficiency

Implemented process for creation and evaluation of school-wide goals Led school-wide effort to improve articulation with elementary feeder

schools and with the Fremont Union High School District Created school climate and culture committee to address identified

needs in diversity awareness and student support

Implemented staff development program aligned with school goals.

Guided the expansion of the sixth grade program from four to twelve classrooms and the transition to “middle school”

Guided expansion of special education programs including innovative Autism and Asperger’s programs

Managed completion of two renovation cycles

1997.1999 Associate Principal

Independence High School (ADA 4350), East Side Union HSD 1 year Santa Teresa High School (ADA 2300), East Side Union HSD 2 years

Formed and led Multi-Service Team of advisors, counselors, social workers, police, and community based organizations at both schools

Created and implemented both schools’ SB 187 Safety Plans

Led and trained both schools’ discipline and crisis response teams, integrating them with ESUHSD’s Multi-Disciplinary Team

Developed and implemented strategies that improved Average Daily Attendance and retention rates at both schools

Developed and led Santa Teresa’s Diversity Task Force

Guided development of Santa Teresa’s Bay Area School Reform Collaborative (BASRC) project including innovative eleventh month staff development institute

Managed facilities and maintenance operations of Independence’s 102- acre campus including construction of new science wings

Established and implemented school behavior practrices and policies Counseled and referred students to alternative educational placements

1996 Coordinator / “Principal”

Pegasus High School (ADA 120), Independence HS, East Side Union HSD

Managed school budgets including establishment of processes for aligning use of SIP, API, and GATE funds with school goals

Coordinated alternative delivery of district’s curriculum. Implemented staff development program.

Developed and implemented school safety and climate policies. Managed school budget.

1990.1996 Teacher

Andrew Hill High School, East Side Union HSD


Leadership Training

Taught grade nine Language Arts, remedial reading, English 3/American Literature, and AB 65/Proficiency Math, English, and Reading.

Developed and taught program that successfully identified and trained at-risk, language minority, and other under represented student leaders.

Student Advisor, 1995-96

Counselor, Independence Adult Center, 1995-1996

Counseled and scheduled adult education students

Director of Student Activities, 1992-1995

Developed and implemented procedures and policies for ASB funds. Evaluated applications for use of school facilities.

Coordinated activities, including fund raising, for more than 40 campus organizations. Assigned certificated supervision hours.

Established and enforced school behavior and attendance policies. Served on Multi-Service, Student Study, and School Safety teams.

Increased participation in academic incentive and reward program to over 400 students per semester.

2011 California Council on Teacher Education, San Diego CA Compassion, Accountability, and Collaboration: Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools

San Francisco State University Symposium, San Francisco CA Compassion, Accountability, and Collaboration: Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools

Publications How Can Districts Help Teachers Develop Social-Emotional Skills?

Education Week. June 28, 2017

How Principals Support Teacher Effectiveness

ACSA Leadership. January/February 2012

Compassion, Accountability, and Collaboration: Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools (Dissertation) 2011 Available at

Committee Work, Community Service, and Adjunct Lecturer

Current Sunnyvale Community Services

Past President, Board of Directors

Collaborative for Reaching and Teaching the Whole Child (SJSU) Advisory Team Member

Sunnyvale Rotary Club

Membership Director

Santa Clara University Educational Leadership Department Adjunct Lecturer

Santa Clara County Schools Insurance Group Executive Committee Member

Past City of San José, Project Diversity Committee (two year term)

Appointed by City Council to recommend members of city commissions

Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission Education Subcommittee (Chair, 2004-2005)

South Bay Safe Schools Coalition

AB 537 education and implementation