
Annotated Curriculum Vitae of CHERYL M. MCELVAIN


15860 La Porte Ct., Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Home phone: 408-779-3486

1. Education

a) Institutions of Higher Education

Santa Clara University, Department of Education 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053 Work phone:

408- 554- 5487 Fax: 408-551-7197

Cell phone: 408-828-1671 email:

b) Titles of Theses and Dissertations

Dissertation Committee:

Dr. Denis Collins

McElvain, C. (2001). Cognitive reading comprehension strategies for fluent English language learners.

(Unpublished master’s thesis). San Jose State University, San Jose, California.

Dr. Sandra Hollingsworth – Advisor

c) Active Credentials/Certificates

Dr. Matthew Mitchell - Chairperson Dr. Dorothy Messerschmitt

McElvain, C. (2005). Transactional literature circles and the reading comprehension of at-risk English learners in the mainstream classroom (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database, (UMI Number: 3166362).

2. Teaching and Related Academic Experience

a) Academic Appointments

2016-2017 Senior Lecturer, Department of Education

Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

2010- 2016 Lecturer, Department of Education

Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

2000-2007 Adjunct Faculty for Teacher Education

San Jose State University, San Jose, CA

1997-2007 Adjunct Faculty for Teacher Education CLAD Emphasis Program

University of San Diego, San Diego, CA

1990-1993 Adjunct Faculty for Continuing Education

Chapman University, Orange County, CA

b) Graduate level courses taught

EDUC 446 Working Within Diverse Communities EDUC 443 Multicultural Education

EDUC 487 Psycholinguistics

EDUC 481 Design and Implementation of Reading Programs EDUC 422 Foundations of Comparative International Education EDUC 423 International Perspectives on Equity and Education EDUC 498 Global Educationl Entrepreneurship

EDUC 500 Foundations of International Education Politics and Policies

Santa Clara University- Masters of Arts in Teaching + Teacher Credential Program (MATTC) EDUC 258/283 Classroom Management K-12

EDUC 264 Elementary Methods in Science, Health, and P.E. EDUC 263 Elementary Methods in Social Studies and the Arts. EDUC 287 Reading and Writing in the Content Areas

EDUC 294 Adolescent Literacy Development EDUC 284 Teaching Beginning Reading

EDUC 251 Foundations in Educational Psychology

San Jose State University – Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credential Programs EDEL 103 Multicultural Foundations of Education

EDTE 213 Multicultural Literature for Children and Adolescents

EDTE 225 Language Structure and First and Second Language Development EDTE 262 Bilingual and English Language Development Methods

EDU 221 Language Development Specialist Academy EDU 208 Developing Thematic Sheltered Units

EDU 558X Bilingual and ELD Methodology and Literacy

EDU 558Y Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English EDU 558Z Cultural Diversity and Multicultural Education

c) Prekindergarten – Adult School Experience

2004-2005 English Language Development Specialist K-12 Milpitas Unified School District

Milpitas Unified School District, Milpitas, CA.

1995-2012 English Language Development Educational Consultant

1991-1992 Educational Consultant for Addison-Wesley Publishing Company

1990-1995 California Language Development Specialist Academy Instructor 1988-1989 Teacher, K-6 ELL Newcomer Center

Milpitas Unified School District, Milpitas, CA

1984-1988 Teacher, Third and Seventh grade, Mentor Teacher Milpitas Unified School District, Milpitas, CA

1974-85 Teacher, Preschool and Second grade

Private Achiever Elementary School, San Jose, CA

d) Other Academic Experience

2015 Rwandan Delegation

2014 People to People Educational Delegation to Cuba

Santa Clara University-Masters of Arts in Interdisciplinary Education (MA-IDE) Program EDUC 445 Effective Teaching in High Poverty Schools

EDUC 282/273 Foundations in First and Second Language Acquisition EDUC 252/277 Social and Ethical Foundations in K-12 Education EDUC 260 Language Arts Methods

University of San Diego – CLAD Certificate Program EDU 547T First and Second Language Acquisition

2000-2005 District Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Provider Milpitas Unified School District

2014 International Education Dean’s Fact Finding Delegate to China 2008 Department of Education Fact Finding Trip to Belize

2007 People to People Global Peace Initiative to Egypt 2006 People to People Literacy Delegation to South Africa

e) Relevant Non-Academic Professional Experience

2015 Proposal Reviewer (April)

National Association for Multicultural Education 25th Anniversary Conference.

Proposal Reviewer (August)

AERA 2016 Annual Meeting, Division G, Section 5; Division K, Section 4; Bilingual SIG

2014 Textbook reviewer for Pearson (November)

2014 Journal of Latinos in Education Reviewer (September).

Reviewed Manuscript ID HJLE-2014-0815: "The camino toward América: Latino/a middle school students imagine their American dreams through Photovoice."

2013 American Educational Research Journal (AERJ-SIA) Reviewer (March).

Reviewed Manuscript ID 0265-SIA-12-OM: “Home and community influences on Spanish speaking children’s oral language development in Spanish and English”.

3. Publications

McElvain, C. & Smith, H. (2016). Curiosité: Inquiry-based instruction and bilingual learning. Journal of Curriculum and Teaching, 5(2), 63-75.

McElvain, C. (2016). Los libros abecedario: Learning from the inside out. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table, 2015(2), 1-18.

McElvain, C. (2015). The bridge project: Connecting home, school, and community for Mexican immigrant youth.

The Journal of Latinos and Education, 14(3), 153-170. doi:10.1080/15348431.2014.973568

McElvain, C. (2010). Transactional literature circles and the reading comprehension of at-risk English learners in the mainstream classroom. Journal of Research In Reading, 33(2), 178-205.

Chapters and invited publications

McElvain, C. (2015, October 14). The bridge project: Connecting home, school and the community. Morgan Hill Life, 3(9), 13.

Conference papers

McElvain, C. and Heidi Smith (2012, August). The effect of inquiry learning on the cognitive academic language proficiency skills of 5th grade bilingual students. Paper contributed to the Hawaii University International Conference on Education, Honolulu, Hawaii. (2014 – Research manuscript submitted to Canadian Modern Language Review)

McElvain, C. (2012, March). Los libros abecedarios: Learning from the inside out. Paper contributed to the Oxford Round Table on Childhood Education, Oxford, England.

McElvain, C. (2007, July). English language learners reading in the transactional learning community. Paper contributed to the Oxford Round Table on Literacy, Oxford, England. (2009 – Chapter published In J.L. McConnell-Farmer (Ed.), The education of young children: Research and public policy)

Invited presentations

McElvain, C. (2015, January). The Glen Research Project Final Report: Year 2. Glenview Elementary Taskforce presentation.

McElvain, C. (2014, May). The Glen Research Project Final Report: Year 1. Gilroy Unified School District Board Presentation.

McElvain, C. (2014, March). Bridging the digital divide for California first-generation Mexican immigrants. Panel #4 presentation Overcoming Divides to Achieve Educational Equity presented at the 2014 Mazatlán Forum.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico.

McElvain, C. (2013, October). The Glen Research Project: Year 1. Glenview Elementary Task Force Presentation. McElvain, C. (2013, February). The Bridge Project. Break out session presented at the 42nd Annual National

Association of Bilinugal Education Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL

McElvain, C. (2007, November). Transactional literature circles. Break out session presented at the California Association of Bilingual Education Conference on Nurturing Communities for a Better World. San Jose, CA.

McElvain, C. (2014, July). The Glen Project: A study of resilience and hope. Oral presentation in the Education and School Psychology Category presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.

McElvain, C. (2014, July). The Glen Project: A study of resilience and hope. Abstract contributed to the proceedings of the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France, DIV05-OC06005.

McElvain, C. (2009). English learners reading in the transactional learning community. In J.L. McConnell-Farmer (Ed.), The education of young children: Research and public policy (pp. 47-64). Louisville, KY: Linton Atlantic Books, Ltd.

Díaz-Rico, L. (In Review). The Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development Handbook. New York, NY: Pearson.

Peer-reviewed journal articles

McElvain, C. (2006, May). Engaging the transactional learning community. Address presented at the Read, Education, and Development Institute. Johannesberg, South Africa.

McElvain, C. (1994, December). Effective ELD strategy instruction. Break out session presented at the California Elementary Education Association Conference on Best Literacy Practices. San Francisco, CA.

McElvain, C. (1993, November). English language learners in a whole language environment. Break out session presented at the Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Conference on Engaging English Language Learners. Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA.

4. Grants

2013-2014 Inequities in mental health services for vulnerable school aged children: A character study of resilience, self-Discipline, and hope” - Santa Clara University Department of Education and Counseling Psychology Research Grant. ($14,928). Anticipated article submission (Summer, 2015).

This study investigated how the Discovery Life Skills mental health intervention program increased social resiliency and media literacy for low income, at-risk 6th – 10th grade students in Morgan Hill,

CA. attending Los Paseos Elementary, Jackson Academy, and Sobrato High School in Morgan Hill, CA. Classes include instruction in 21st Century media literacy skills enabling students to produce multimedia projects that apply their understanding of the social skills needed to resist pro-drug

influences. Students shared their projects with peers and the larger virtual community to develop a shared sense of purpose and social responsibility.

People to People Early Childhood Education Delegate to Cuba” - Santa Clara University Lecturer Professional Activity Grant ($1,000). Report submitted to Department Chair and Dean, June, 2014.

2012-2013 “Inequities in mental health services for vulnerable school aged children: A character study of resilience, self-discipline, and hope” - Hackworth Research Grant, Santa Clara

University ($2,500). (Final Report submitted to the Markkula Center, Winter 2015).

“The Glen Project” - Santa Clara University Department of Education and Counseling Psychology Dean’s Summer Research Grant ($6,000). Anticipated article submission (Spring, 2015).

This study investigated how/if the Glen Project improved the contexts and student attainment of 40 Developmental Assets. The study will explored home and school program affects within eight thriving indicators: student support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, constructive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, and social competencies. The Glen Project is a three- year mental health initiative whose mission is to improve the physical, behavioral health, and academic success of Glenview Elementary School (K-5) students and their families by advancing site based comprehensive services. It is funded by a Santa Clara County School Linked Services Prevention Early Intervention (PEI) grant. Students and their families are invited to participate in individual or group counseling

2010-2011 “The effect of inquiry learning on the cognitive academic language proficiency skills of 5th grade bilingual students” – Santa Clara University Department of Education and Counseling Psychology Dean’s Research Grant, Santa Clara University ($1,000). Article submitted for publication (Spring, 2014).

The issues prompting this study were based on current research indicating the positive effects of inquiry learning on the cognitive development of children. The purpose of this case study was to understand the effects of inquiry learning on the academic achievement and bilingual verbal cognition of 5th grade bilingual students in a French/English dual immersion program. The treatment group of students completed research projects through a guided inquiry learning approach, while the control group experienced the traditional problem-solving research approach. Empirical findings reported a significant mean increase in mathematics achievement, bilingual verbal cognitive ability, higher motivation to learn and increased self-efficacy in the treatment versus the control group of students.

5. Service to the University, the Profession, and the Community

Service to Santa Clara University Department of Education

2016 B-MATTC Taskforce Member

MA-IDE Committee Member (Fall/Winter/Spring) MATTC Admissions Committee (Spring/Fall)

Conducted SECP Information Sesson on April 23. (Spring)

Developed ECP’s Teachers For Social Justice Book Club (Winter/Spring)

Developed Proposal for Academic Program Changes indicating significant revisions for the International Education for Social Responsibility Emphasis. (Winter/Spring/Summer/Fall) B-MATTC Taskforce Member (Fall)

Second Reader for MA-IDE Action Research Project (Spring) Conducted SECP Information Sesson on April 18. (Spring) Independent Studies Supervisor (Fall/Winter/Spring)

Bilingual Education Authorization Proposal Task Force (Winter-Spring)

2015 Bilingual Authorization Proposal Task Force (Fall) Conducted SECP Information Sesson on December 5. (Fall) Intern Program Working Group Collaborator (Spring)

Teacher Education Assistant Professor Candidate Presentations and Interviews (Winter) Member of MA-IDE Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Working Group (Spring)

Professional Affiliations American Education Research Association International ReadingAssociation

California Council on Teacher Education California Association of Bilingual Education National Association of Bilingual Education National Association of Multicultural Education

Service to the Community

2016-2017 Morgan Hill Unified School District College and Career Pathways Director Panel (Fall)

Morgan Hill Unified School District Morgan Hill Imagine EL Master Plan Realignment Committee (Spring)

International Peace Village Center – Rwanda Advisory Board Member (Winter/Spring/Summer)

Discovery Counseling Center (DCC) Advisory Board Member (Fall/Winter/Spring) Member of the Glen Project Advisory Council (Fall/Winter/Spring)

2015-2016 Morgan Hill Unified School District Morgan Hill Imagine EL Master Plan Stakeholders Committee (Winter/Spring)