Education Specialist

TPA Appeals and Remediation

**Given that the 2020-21 academic year has started in a virtual format for most school districts, please contact Dr. Johnson for updated information regarding the filming of students as it becomes available.**

4. Attend the MATTC CalTPA Orientation Meeting and all MATTC CalTPA Task Workshops To assist credential candidates in successfully completing the CalTPA, we provide training workshops focused on each individual CalTPA task. Attendance at these workshops is required for all candidates. The training workshops and the due dates for each CalTPA have been scheduled to assist credential candidates in the timely completion of each task.

CalTPA Submission and Deadlines Your completed CalTPA tasks are submitted electronically and all CalTPA-related communication with the TPA Lead Assessor are conducted via email (using your email address). Guidelines for the electronic CalTPA submission process will be distributed and discussed in the Orientation Workshop.

MATTC CalTPA scoring: “Pass” or “Revise and Resubmit”

Candidates who do not pass a MATTC CalTPA task should contact Dr. Melina Johnson, the TPA Lead Assessor, to schedule a resubmission meeting. The TPA Lead Assessor will work with the candidate to clarify any misunderstandings, to strengthen knowledge of the expectations for the task, and to develop recommendations for revising and resubmitting the written TPA document.

Candidates who wish to appeal their scores may submit a Request for a Score Verification to Pearson within 90 calendar days.

Candidates who do not pass on the third attempt must meet with their advisor and TPA coordinator. The student may be disqualified from the program, and may earn an F in EDU 230a, 230b/231a, 231b/ 230i Fall, 230i Winter.

TPA-related appeals should be directed to the TPA Coordinator, Melina Johnson then should progress to the Program Director, Kathy Stoehr and then the Department Chair, Pedro Hernandez-Ramos.