Addendum_Prg. Review_Bi

Standards requiring more information

I. Standard I: Program Design

A. Language Assessment process is not found. How is candidate language proficiency evaluated?

1- Candidates must provide proof of successful passage of CSET LOTE 3 in Spanish. Requirement listed on our admissions page

B. Bilingual placement not clear-

1. Are placements in bilingual settings?

Current B-MATTC Intern candidates are all placed within bilingual classrooms. Five (5) interns are working throughout the school of Voices Academy, others noted below.

2. Are cooperating teachers holders of a bilingual authorization?

Whenever possible, cooperating teachers hold a bilingual authorization in Spanish

3. What are their qualifications?

BCLAD-- Spanish

4. How is the bilingual candidate's fieldwork evaluated?

B-MATTC candidates follow the same fieldwork process as MATTC candidates. Fieldwork observation evaluations allow for a supervisor to rate a candidate's fluency in the second language ("Fluency with language of instruction is evident").

C. Credential program handbook did not describe the bilingual program details.

1- Please see page 12 of the 2018-2019 handbook

D. Credential recommendation form does not describe how candidates are awarded bilingual credential beyond listing the three courses required for the


1. The credential checklist has been updated

E. No record of how fieldwork and language competency are met.

Language competency is assessed and met via submission of CSET: LOTE III (Spanish) exam scores. Courses in the Bilingual Authorization sequence are all taught in Spanish, further assessing language competency.

F. Supporting evidence for creation of bilingual program found below. See file CS1_Bilingual letters of support.

II. Standard II: Assessment of Candidate Competence- Assessment of Candidate Competence

Provide evidence regarding how one or more persons responsible for the program determine on the basis of thoroughly documented evidence that each candidate has demonstrated satisfactory performance on a full range of program standards:

A. Language Assessment is not found- how is candidate language proficiency evaluated?

Language competency is assessed and met via submission of CSET: LOTE III (Spanish) exam scores. Courses in the Bilingual Authorization sequence are all taught in Spanish, further assessing language competency.

B. Bilingual placement not clear.

1. Are candidates placed in a bilingual setting?

Current B-MATTC Intern candidates are all placed within bilingual classrooms. Five (5) interns are working throughout the school of Voices Academy.

2. Are cooperating teachers holders of a bilingual authorization?

Whenever possible, cooperating teachers hold a bilingual authorization in Spanish

3. What are their qualifications?

BCLAD-- Spanish

4. How is the bilingual candidate's fieldwork evaluated?

B-MATTC candidates follow the same fieldwork process as MATTC candidates. Fieldwork observation evaluations allow for a supervisor to rate a candidate's fluency in the second language ("Fluency with language of instruction is evident").

C. Credential recommendation form does not describe how candidates are awarded bilingual credential and complete all requirements including fieldwork

and language competency.

1. The credential checklist has been updated

III. Standard III: The context for bilingual education and bilingualism

A. Provide evidence/clarification regarding how candidates understand and apply research and its effects on the dimensions of learning in bilingual

education program models.

EDUC 249B addressed methodology of instructing students in Spanish and English in K12 settings. Course specifically develops students' knowledge of or skills with interpreting or applying theories of bilingualism and bilingual education policies from which pedagogical strategies, methods and techniques derive to deliver content language and literacy instruction to emergent bilingual (see syllabus).

B. Bilingual placements not clear. Are placements in bilingual setting?

Current B-MATTC Intern candidates are all placed within bilingual classrooms. Five (5) interns are working throughout the school of Voices Academy.

C. Are cooperating teachers holders of bilingual authorization?

Whenever possible, cooperating teachers hold a bilingual authorization in Spanish

D. How are bilingual student fieldwork evaluated?

B-MATTC candidates follow the same fieldwork process as MATTC candidates. Fieldwork observation evaluations allow for a supervisor to rate a candidate's fluency in the second language ("Fluency with language of instruction is evident").

E. Provide evidence of assessment of bilingual clinical practice.

IV. Standard 4: Bilingual Methodology

Updated MATTC course matrix includes bilingual courses.

A. Syllabus for EDUC 249B describes an assignment called "Biliteracy assessment", this assignment includes a written assessment analysis and follow-up instructional plan. What is not present in the assignment narrative nor in the syllabus readings, is how students employ a variety of strategies, appropriate to student language proficiency levels. The readings show knowledge of reading and writing assessments without a clear presentation of how language proficiency levels are considered. There is no reference to readings or instruction based on students' language proficiency levels nor address how to foster, higher order thinking skills. Provide additional evidence.

1- Updated Syllabus attached below, see file PS4_EDUC 249B_F18.

B. The syllabus for EDUC 249B does not show how candidates' understand knowledge of intercultural communication and interaction that is linguistically and culturally responsive. Assigned reading titles no not demonstrate this content. Please provide evidence.

C. The syllabus for EDUC 249B has students creating an instructional plan and lesson plan based on student assessment but there is no reference to how they adapt skateboard adopted and state- board approved materials, as well as other supplemental instructional materials. Nor is this evidence that candidate are placed in bilingual settings to demonstrate this standard. Please provide evidence.

D. The syllabus for EDUC 249B does not make reference to how candidates demonstrate the ability to use a variety of criteria for selection of instructional materials, to assess the suitability and appropriateness for local context and to augment resources when not suitable or available. EDUC 248B provides an analysis of programs for bilingual education but this does not include instructional material analysis nor how it should be augmented as needed. Nor is evident that candidates are placed in bilingual settings to demonstrate this standard. Provide evidence.

V. Standard 5: Culture of Emphasis

Updated MATTC course matrix includes bilingual courses

A. Where the content for the standard is present in EDUC 247B, the materials are dated. Only 3 references are included with a date of 2009 and 2010. The others, specifically on of the core readings is over 25 years old. If students are to get a clear understanding of the current landscape of the cross-cultural, intercultural and intracultural relationships and interactions, as well as contributions of the culture of emphasis in California and the United States as per the standard, they must read and learn about current trends and practices to be able to demonstrate their knowledge in this area. Please provide evidence.

VI. Standard 6: Assessment of candidate language competence

Updated MATTC course matrix includes bilingual courses

A. EDUC 247B and EDUC 248B are both taught in Spanish. Students are asked to present the main assignments in Spanish with the exception of exams, or if they are, that is not indicated as it is for other assignments. These assignments are presented in Spanish but there is no evidence of an evaluation of the candidates listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities as it relates to the CSET: LOTE. There are no evaluation documents to demonstrate that the student met the standard. There is no reference to the CSET LOTE as well. Provide evidence.

Evaluation of candidates' listening, speaking, reading & writing abilities is assessed via successful passing of the Spanish LOTE III exam prior to admission to the Bilingual program.