
Eduardo Mosqueda June 2015

141 Hagar Ct.

Santa Cruz, CA 95064


Associate Professor, June 2015 – Present Department of Education

University of California at Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA

University of California at Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA


Ed.D. in Administration Planning and Social Policy,

Harvard Graduate School of Education June 2007

Dissertation Title: English Proficiency, Tracking, and the Mathematics Achievement of Latino English Learners

Ed.M. in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy,

Harvard Graduate School of Education June 2002

Ed.M. in Technology in Education,

Harvard Graduate School of Education June 1997

B.A. in Social Science,

University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA June 1996


Assistant Professor, July 2007 – May 2015 Department of Education

Equity and Access in Mathematics and Science Education; English Language Learner Mathematics Achievement; Latino Immigrant Education; Academic Language in Content Area Teaching and Learning; Urban Education; Academic Tracking and Course-taking Patterns; Large-scale Dataset Analysis; Quantitative Methods; Formative Assessment in Mathematics


Mosqueda, E. & Tellez, K. (2015). Expanding Latino Immigrant Alternative High School Completion Opportunities. In G. Q. Conchas (Ed.). Critical Case Studies in Latino Education: Narratives of Inequality and School Success. New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Mosqueda, E., Bravo, M. A., Solis, J. L., Maldonado, S. I., De La Rosa, J. (In Press). Assessing Latina/os’ Mathematical Understanding, Academic Language, and ELP. Bilingual Review.

Stoddart, T. & Mosqueda, E. (In press). Teaching science to English language learners: A study of pre-service teacher preparation. Teacher Education and Practice, 26(4).

Tellez, K. & Mosqueda, E. (2015). Developing teachers' knowledge and skills at the intersection of language learners and language assessment. Review of Research in Education, 39(1), 87-131.

Bravo, M. A., Mosqueda, E., Solis, J. A., Stoddart, T. (2014) Possibilities and Limits of Integrating Science and Diversity Education in Preservice Elementary Teacher Preparation. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25(5), 601-619.

Shaw, J.M., Lyon, E. G., Stoddart, T., Mosqueda, E. & Menon, P. (2014). Improving Science and Literacy Learning for English Language Learners: Evidence from a Pre- Service Teacher Preparation Intervention. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 25(5), 621-643.

Mosqueda, E. & Maldonado, S. I. (2013). The effects of English language proficiency and curricular pathways: Latina/os' mathematics achievement in secondary schools.

Equity & Excellence in Education 46(2), pp. 202 – 219.

Stoddart, T., Bravo, M. A., Mosqueda, E., & Solis, J. L. (2013). Restructuring pre-service teacher education to respond to increasing student diversity. Research in Higher Education Journal, 19, pp. 1 – 19.

Mosqueda, E. & Maldonado, S. I. (2013). Racial and linguistic achievement disparities: Mathematics course-taking in urban school contexts. In M. M. Capraro, R. Capraro & C. Lewis, Improving Urban Schools: Equity and Access in K-16 STEM Education for All Students. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Mosqueda, E. (2013). Academic tracking of Latino English learners and mathematics achievement at the end of high school. In R. Verdugo & B. Gastic (Eds.). The Education of the Hispanic Population, Volume 2. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Rodriguez, L. F., Mosqueda, E., Nava, P., & Conchas, G. Q. (2013). Reflecting on the Institutional Processes for College Success: The Experiences of Four Chicano Males in the Context of Crisis. Latino Studies Journal, 11, 3, pp. 411 – 427.

Mosqueda, E. (2012). Linguistic Minority Students' opportunities to Learn High School Mathematics. In Yasuko Kanno and Linda Harklau (Eds.) Linguistic Minority Students go to College: Preparation, Access, and Persistence. Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.

Mosqueda, E. (2011). Teacher Quality, Academic Tracking and the Mathematics Performance of Latino ELs. In Téllez, K., Moschkovich, J.N., & Civil, M. (Eds.). Latinos and mathematics education: Research on learning and teaching in classrooms and communities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Mosqueda, E. (2010). Compounding Inequalities: English proficiency and tracking and their relation to mathematics performance among Latina/o secondary school youth. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 3(1), pp. 57-81.

Oseguera, L., Conchas, G. Q., & Mosqueda, E. (2010). Beyond Family and Ethnic Culture: Understanding the Preconditions for the Potential Realization of Social Capital. Youth & Society, XX(X), pp. 1-31.

Under Review

Mosqueda, E., Maldonado, S. I., Capraro, R., & Capraro M. M. (In review). Mathematics policy implications for urban language minority students’ opportunity to learn. American Educational Research Journal.

Mosqueda, E., Lyon, E. G., Buck, Z. & Maldonado, S. I. (In review). Gateway to language minorities’ secondary science achievement: The interplay of rigorous coursework and English language proficiency. School Science and Mathematics Journal.

Other Publications

Stoddart, T., Bravo, M. A., Solis, J. L., Mosqueda, E. (2012). Preparing pre-service elementary teachers to teach science to English language learners. Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Mosqueda, E. & Tellez, K. (2008). Teachers’ attributions of language proficiency, mathematics achievement, and school context measures: an exploratory study. In Figueras, O., Cortina, J. L., Alatorre, S., Rojano, T., and Sepulveda, A. (Eds.) International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME): Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of PME and PME-Nevada. Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico.

Hehir, T. & Mosqueda, E. (2007). “San Diego Unified School District Special Education Issues Report.” A Report prepared for the San Diego Unified School District, SanDiego, CA.


Mosqueda, E. (In Preparation). Beyond deficit perspectives in Latino Education: Improving the mathematics learning and academic language development of ELs in High School. Journal of Latinos and Education. [Estimated completion Fall 2014].

Mosqueda, E., Bravo, M. A., Solis, J. L., & Maldonado, S. I. (In preparation). Preparing Middle School Students for the Transition to High School: Formative assessments and Latina/os’ Mathematical Understanding, Academic Language, and ELP. For Middle Grades Research Journal. [Estimated Completion Fall 2014]

Stoddart, T., Bravo, M., Mosqueda, E., & Solis, J. (In preparation). Measuring novice teacher knowledge, beliefs, and practices in effective science teaching for English learners.

Mosqueda, E. (Forthcoming). English Proficiency and Academic Track Placement: Policies and Practices that Inhibit Latino EL Mathematics Achievement. In G. Conchas &

M. Gottfried (Eds.). When school policies backfire, and what we can learn. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. [Due Winter 2015]

Bravo, M.A, Mosqueda, E., Stoddart, T. & Solis, J. L. (Forthcoming). Capitalizing on the Synergistic Possibilities Between Language, Culture and Science. In C. Buxton & M. Allexsaht-Snider (Eds.). Teaching Science to English Learners: From Research to Practice. Springer, NY: New York. [Due Fall 2015]


Early Career Scholar Award, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Hispanic Research Issues Special Interest Group (SIG), 2014

UC Santa Cruz Excellence in Teaching Awards Nomination, 2008-09 Spencer Dissertation Fellowship, Spencer Foundation, 2006-2007

Advanced Doctoral Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2005-2006 Edmond Cheng Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2005-2006 Harold Hunt Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2004-2005

John E. Stevens Fellowship, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2001-2002


2014-15 UCSC Faculty Research Grant, “Effective Instruction in Mathematics: A focus on language and literacy in middle school mathematics” PI: Mosqueda, E. ($2,000)

PI: Mosqueda, E., Co-PI: Bravo, M., and Stoddart, T. (Not Funded).

2013-17 National Science Foundation, “Secondary Science Teaching with English Language and Literacy Acquisition (SSTELLA)” PI: Trish Stoddart, Co-PIs: Ash, D., Solis, J., Tolbert, S., & Lyon, E. G., Co-Researchers: Mosqueda, E. & Bunch, G. ($2.88 Million)

2013 (Submitted). U.S. Department of Education Investing in Innovation Fund (i3), “The English Language, Literacy and STEM Subject-area Integration”

2013-14 National Science Foundation, Building Community and Capacity for Data- Intensive Research in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences and in Education and Human Resources (BCC-SBE/EHR) Grant, “BCC: Developing a Comprehensive Regional Approach to Data Set Integration to Support Data-Intensive Research in Education in Silicon Valley” PI: Ogawa, R., Co-PIs: Brandt, S. A., Maltzahn, C. G., Bonett, D. G., Glass, R., Co-Researcher: Eduardo Mosqueda. ($356,542)

2013-14 U.S. Department of Agriculture baccalaureate degree-level project in food and agricultural sciences, “An Institutional Partnership Model For Sustainable Agriculture Curriculum Development And Recruitment Of Underrepresented Students In California” PI: Philpott, S. M., Co-PIs: Letourneau, D. K., Press, D., & Shennan, C., Grant Evaluation: Tellez, K. & Mosqueda, E. ($749,999)

2011-16 U.S. Department of Education “English Language and Literacy Integration in Subject Areas (ELLISA): Building capacity in pre-service teacher education” PI: Stoddart, T., Co-PI: Mosqueda, E., Bravo, M., Whitenack, D. ($1,868,270)

2011-12 UCSC Hellman Fellows Program “Linguistic Segregation and Educational Achievement in California Schools” PI: Mosqueda, E. ($8,000)

2010-2012 UCSC Special Research Grant, Academic Senate Committee on Research: "Generation 1.5 students in community college: Language demands, students’ voices, and academic progress” Co-Principal Investigators: Bunch, G. & Mosqueda, E. ($8,000)

2009-11 National Science Foundation "Silicon Valley Consortium for Mathematics and Science Teaching" PI: Doris Ash, Co-PIs: Tellez, K., Mosqueda, E., and Stoddart, T. ($74,836).

2009-10 UC Santa Cruz Faculty Research Grant ($1,350).

2008-13 National Science Foundation “Effective Science Teaching for English Language Learners (ESTELL)” PI: Trish Stoddart, Co-PIs: Rodriguez, A., Bravo, M., Senior Research Analyst: Mosqueda, E. ($3.42 Million)

2008-09 U.C. Linguistic Minority Research Institute (LMRI), “The School Context and its Relation to and its Relation to Mathematics Achievement and English Language Heterogeneity Among Latino Youth” ($25,000).

2007-08 U.C. All Campus Consortium on Research for Diversity (ACCORD), Faculty Research Seed Grant: “Why Do Asian American Students Do Better in School?: Understanding the Roots of Social Capital Among Black, Mexican American, Vietnamese American, and White High School Youth” ($20,000).


University of California at Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA Fall 2014, Fall 2015

Immigrants in Education (Ed 128)

This course examines the educational experiences of contemporary immigrants and the children of immigrants in U.S. schools, focusing primarily on immigrants from countries of Asia and Latin America.

Fall 2013, Spring 2015

Critical Perspectives in Urban Education (Ed 164)

Course designed to examine how the character of the urban context (racial segregation and poverty concentration) impacts schools and to consider the limits and possibilities of what can be improved under such conditions.

Winter 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, Spring 2013, Fall 2014

Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: Equity in Mathematics and Science Education: (Ed 177)

Course designed for upper division Education minors focused on meeting the academic, cultural and linguistic needs of students that have not fared well in U.S. schools.

Spring 2008, 2013 & Winter 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016

Introduction to Quantitative Methods (Ed 236)

Course designed to introduce students to important background concepts in quantitative research and research design.

Winter 2009 & Spring 2011, 2016

Intermediate Applied Quantitative Methods (Ed 255)

Course designed to teach fundamental concepts in linear multivariate regression and how to apply these methods to answer research questions in education.

Spring 2009

Mathematics Education and Latinos (Ed 260)

Course designed to analyze trends in quantitative studies of Latino mathematics educational achievement and assessment.

Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

Summer/Fall 2014, 2015

Social & Ethical Foundations in K-12 (Educ 252/277)

Summer 2014, 2015

Foundations of First & Second Language Acquisition in K-12 (Educ 273)

Fall 2014

Elementary Mathematics Methods (Educ 259)

Winter 2014

Elementary Mathematics Methods Part II (Educ 260)


Harvard Summer Academy, Cambridge Public Schools, Cambridge, MA Mathematics Teacher, Summer 2005

Taught a summer high school algebra course and mentored three teachers in training from Harvard’s Teaching and Credentialing Ed. M. program.

Community Academy Alternative High School, Boston Public Schools, Roxbury, MA Mathematics Teacher, Academic year 2004-2005

Taught algebra I, geometry, and algebra II to 11th and 12th grade students ranging from age 16 to 21 in an alternative school setting.

Santa Ana Unified School District, Santa Ana, CA

Mathematics Curriculum Specialist, Dec. 2000 - July 2001

Led professional development for Middle School Math Teachers and provided one-on- one support for the integration of pre-algebra concepts into their curriculum to prepare students for algebra by the eighth grade.

Middle School Mathematics Teacher, Spurgeon School, Dec. 1997 - Dec. 2000 Taught algebra I, math 7, to seventh and eighth grade English language learners from a low-income immigrant community.


“The effects of English-language proficiency and academic tracking on Latina/os’ high school mathematics achievement”(with Maldonado, S. I.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association. Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

“Mathematics disparities in urban school contexts: Examining race, English-language proficiency and course-taking” (with Maldonado, S. I., Bravo, M. A. & Nava, P. E.).

Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

“Success en inglés: Academic literacy and mathematics achievement” (with Maldonado,

“Racial and linguistic achievement disparities: Mathematics course-taking in urban school contexts” (with Maldonado, S. I.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

2008-09 UC Santa Cruz Social Sciences Division Research Award ($7,437.50). 2008-09 UC Santa Cruz Non-Tenured Faculty Development Award ($1,500).

S. I., & Juarez, L.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

“Urban empowerment: Latina/o English learners’ mathematics achievement” (with Lopez, A., Juarez, L., Molina, M., Maldonado, S. I.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

“Effective Science Teaching Practices for English Language Learners (ESTELL): A pre- service teacher professional development research project across three sites in California” (with Stoddart, T., Rodriguez, A., Bravo, M. A., Shaw, J., Quita, I., Whitenack, D., Solis, J., Tolbert, S., Zozakiewicz, C. & Lyon, E). Presented at the National Science Foundation DR-K-12 Discovery Research Program, Washington D.C., June 2012.

“U.S. linguistic minority students’ opportunities to learn high school mathematics: A comparative analysis of Asians and Latinos.” Presented at the Comparative International Education Society Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 2012.

“Latino Linguistic Minority Students’ Mathematical Achievement: Generational Status, English Proficiency, and Curricular Pathways” (with Maldonado, S. I.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, April 2012.

“Linguistic Minority Students’ Opportunities to Learn High School Mathematics” (with Maldonado, S. I.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, Canada, April 2012.

“Estimating the Influence of Course-Taking Patterns and English-Language Proficiency on Science Achievement” (with Buck, Z. E., Maldonado, S. I., Lyon, E. G.). Presented at the National Association of Research on Science Teaching, Indianapolis, IN, March 2012.

“Preparing pre-service elementary teachers to teach science to English language learners” (with Stoddart, T., Bravo, M. A., Solis, J. L.). Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI, January 2012.

“Situating responsive science pedagogy with preservice teachers” (with Solís, J.L., Bravo, M., & Mckinney De Royston, M.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

“Effective science teaching for English Language Learners” (with Stoddard, T., Rodriguez, A., Bravo, and M., Solís, J.L.). Presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

“Integrating science and diversity Education: Examining novice teacher practices and Impact on student writing achievement” (with Bravo, M., Solís, J.L., & Collett, J.).

Presented at the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

“Scaffolding English Language Learners' experiences with science texts” (with Solís, J.L., & Bravo, M.). Presented at the National Science Teachers Association, San Francisco, CA, March 2011.

“Integrating Science & Diversity Education: A Model of Pre-Service Elementary Teacher Preparation Program” (with Roland Tharp, Trish Stoddart, Marco Bravo, Jorge Solis, Maxine Mckinney de Royston, and Jennifer Collett). Poster presented at the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) in Washington, D.C., June 2010.

“Minimizing Vulnerability to School Failure: The Experiences of Mexican-origin Youth in a Continuation High School.” Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO, May 2010.

“Differential Mathematics Achievement Outcomes Among Latino and Asian Native and Non-native English Speakers.” Presented at the California Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, November 2009.

“Race/Ethnicity, SES, Language, Opportunities to Learn and their Relation to Secondary School Mathematics Achievement.” Guest Lecturer in an English Language Learners in Mathematics and Science Course at Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, October 2009.

“Latino and Asian Secondary School Student Mathematics Performance: Differences in Opportunities to Learn and their relation to English Proficiency Among Native and Non- Native English Speakers.” Presented at TERC, Cambridge, MA, May 2009.

“The Heterogeneity of English Language Fluency and its Relation to the School Context and Mathematics Achievement Among Latino and Asian Secondary School Youth.” Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, CA, March 2009.

“Understanding the dropout process from continuation high school Latino immigrant and non-immigrant students.” Presented at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Alumni of Color Conference, Cambridge, MA, February 2009.

“What can we learn about the dropout process from continuation high school Latino immigrant and non-immigrant youth?” Presented at the Sociology of Education Conference, Asilomar, CA, February 2009.

“Teachers’ attributions of language proficiency, mathematics achievement, and school context measures: an exploratory study.” International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico. (July, 2008)

“Different Strokes for Different Folks: Identifying Variability in the Post-High School Paths of African American/Black, Mexican American/Mexican, and Southeast Asian and Pacific Islander Youth.” Presented at the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY, April 2008.

“Race/Ethnicity, SES, and the Urban School Context: Understanding how institutional factors impact the mathematics achievement of 2004 U.S. high school seniors.” Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 2007.

“The Mathematics Achievement of Immigrant and U.S.-born Latino High School Seniors: An analysis of English Proficiency, Tracking, and Urban School Context Factors.” Presented at the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL, April 2007.

"Academic Tracking, Immigration Status, Language Proficiency, and the Mathematics Achievement of Latino High School Students in U.S. Schools.” Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2006.

"Institutional Structures, Instructional Context and the Mathematics Achievement of Mexican-Origin Immigrant and Non-Immigrant High School Students." Presented at the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, April 2006.

“English Proficiency and the Mathematics Achievement of Immigrant and U.S.-Born Latino High School Students.” Presented at the Comparative International Education and Society’s Annual Conference (CIES) at Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA March 25, 2005

“Learning and Relearning Complex Mathematics in Alternative High School Settings: Student Perspectives.” Presented at the Student Research Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, February 25, 2005.

“Latino Immigrant High School Mathematics Achievement: The Impact of Tracking and English Proficiency.” Mexican Migrant Students: US/Mexican Responses. Universidad de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico, December 3, 2004

“Latinos and Education: Implications for Teacher Leadership.” Guest Lecturer in Dr. Katherine Boles’ Teaching and Learning: Links between Theory and Practice course. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, August 24, 2005.

“Issues in the Education of Latino Students: Implications for School Leaders.” Guest Lecturer in Dr. Thomas Hehir’s School Leadership Proseminar. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, April 8, 2005.


PhD Student Advisor, Santa Cruz, CA

Presently Advise Saul I. Maldonado (4th year) and Arnold Sanchez (1st year). Dissertation Committee member for Zoe Buck (Ph.D. completed June 2014) and Angela Thompson

(Ph.D. completed June 2012). Qualifying Exam Committee Member for Joe Chee (Passed July 2014), and Saul Maldonado (Summer 2014), and for Paulina Moreno (Scheduled for Fall 2014).

Dean’s and Chancellor’s Undergraduate Research Award Committee Member (Soc. Sci. Division), Santa Cruz, CA. April 2014.

Presenter, “Educational Outcomes Among Latino, Immigrant and Disadvantaged Students.” Interdisciplinary Research Cluster Workshop (Featured Presenter: Caroline Hoxby, Stanford University), Santa Cruz, CA, May 2014.

Hispanic Serving Institution (HIS) Committee Member (University Service), Santa Cruz, CA. November 2013 – present.

Golden Apple Teaching Award Selection Committee (Soc. Sci. Division), Santa Cruz, CA. June 2013.

Search Committee Member, El Centro Director Position (University Service), Santa Cruz, CA. May to June 2013.

Selection Committee of Grantees for University of California Center for New Racial Studies: A Multi-Campus Research Program (University Service), Santa Barbara, CA, May, 2013.

Keynote Speaker, Watsonville, CA.

Invited to give a motivational speech for Watsonville Highlight to the Future Family Conference held at Watsonville High School, May 2014.

Keynote Speaker, Wilmington, CA.

Speaker at the Promotion Ceremony at Gulf Avenue Elementary School, June 2014.

Faculty Mentoring Program Mentor, Santa Cruz, CA

Christina Briones (2008-09), Vicki Preciado (2009-10), Marcelino Placencia (2010-11),

Abigail Lopez (2011-12).

Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program (URAP) Mentor, Santa Cruz, CA

Supervised research projects for Israel Lazo (2009-10), Lucia Juarez (2010-11).

Undergraduate Research Mentees, Santa Cruz, CA


Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA

Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA

Review Committee Member, Santa Cruz, CA

Evaluated the UC Summer Algebra Academies and College Going Initiatives for the UC Office of the President, Summer 2010.

Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA

Presenter, “Keeping Latino Immigrant and U.S.–born Student’s Engaged and Enrolled in School.” Families Improving Education Initiative Learning Institute on the High School Dropout Crisis, Sacramento, CA, June 2010.

Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA

Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA

Eric Cariño (2011-13), Israel Lazo (2008-11), Lucia Juarez (2009-Present), Edith Gurrola (2009-10), Alma Martinez (2011-12), Maricela Maldonado (2010-11), Israel Lazo (2009-

Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA Reviewed for Social Problems, June 2014.

Reviewed a quazi-experimental design study of ELL program effectiveness manuscript for the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), May 2014.

Reviewed a study of teachers’ application of Critical Race Theory Framework to guide social justice curriculum in the classroom, Multicultural Perspectives, October 2012.

Reviewed a dropout prevention program manuscript for the Berkeley Review of Education (BRE), June 2010.

Reviewed a mathematics academic tracking policy manuscript for the Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA), May 2010.

Reviewed a mathematics education manuscript for the Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (JUME), May 2010.

Panel Presenter, “Opportunity Lost: The Story of Latino Student Achievement in California,” Education Trust West’s New Media Ethnic Media Education News Briefing and Training, San Francisco, CA, February 2010.

Presenter, “The Importance of Mathematics Achievement for Mexican Students’ Academic Success,” Watsonville High School Parent Mathematics Night, Watsonville, CA, February 2010.

Faculty Advisor, Santa Cruz, CA

Help establish Hermanos Student Organization to promote the social and academic integration of Chicano/Latino male undergraduate students to improve retention, 2009-

Manuscript Reviewer, Santa Cruz, CA

Reviewed a mathematics education manuscript for the Teaching, Learning, and Human Development section of the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), April 2008.

Steering Committee Member, Santa Cruz, CA

Chicano Latino Research Center (CLRC), September 2008 to present.

Steering Committee Member, Santa Cruz, CA

Affiliated Faculty, Santa Cruz, CA

Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS) Department at UC Santa Cruz, September 2008 to present.

Manuscript Reviewer, Cambridge, MA

Reviewed a mathematics education manuscript for the Teaching, Learning, and Human Development section of the American Educational Research Journal (AERJ), March 2006

Project SEED Senior Advisory Committee Member, Cambridge, MA

Panel Presenter, “Graduate Programs in Education,” The Northern California Forum for Diversity in Graduate Education, UC Santa Cruz, CA, November 2009.

Panel Presenter, “Need to Lead: Male Experiences in College,” The Puente Project 9th Grade Motivational Conference, UC Santa Cruz, CA, November 2009.

Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinas/os (CEMELA) at UC Santa Cruz, September 2008 to June 2010.

Planned and Facilitated Discussion Sessions for “The First Symposium of The Project SEED Initiative: Promoting Educational Equity and Diversity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics” an initiative of the Harvard Civil Rights Project, Friday, January 20, 2006

Graduate Admissions Committee, Cambridge, MA

Master’s Degree Candidate Applications, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2002- 2006

Panel Presenter, “Perspectives on Student Life at Harvard” Student of Color New Student Orientation, Harvard Graduate School of Education, September 12, 2005

UCI/Yale, New Heaven Teacher’s Institute, Irvine, CA Teacher Fellow, Spring 1999, 2000

Developed curriculum units in math and science to teach powerful concepts in schools with limited resources. The science curriculum unit is available on-line at:

UC Irvine Summer Academic Enrichment Program, Irvine, CA

Four week intensive research and graduate school preparation program, June 1995

Panel Presenter, “Education and the Working Family”

Student speaker on a panel with President Clinton at the Pacific Rim Economic Conference, Portland, OR, June 15, 1995.


American Education Research Association National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Comparative International Education and Society California Educational Research Association


Dr. John B. Willett

Charles William Eliot Professor of Education Harvard Graduate School of Education Gutman 448, Appian Way

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 496-4814

Dr. Patricia Gándara

Professor of Education

University of California, Los Angeles 2069 Acad. Surge

Davis, CA 95616

(530) 752-8262

Dr. Tom Hehir

Professor of Practice

Director, School Leadership Program Harvard Graduate School of Education Gutman 414, Appian Way

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 496-8535

Dr. Vivian Louie

Assistant Professor

Harvard Graduate School of Education Larsen 504, Appian Way

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 496- 3963

Dr. Fernando Reimers

Ford Foundation Professor of International Ed. Director, International Education Policy Program Gutman 461, Appian Way

Cambridge, MA 02138

(617) 496-4817

Dr. Richard Durán

Professor of Education

Gevirtz Graduate School of Education University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9490

(805) 893- 3555