Advisory Board Spring 2020 Agenda

Education Advisory Board Agenda Spring 2020

May 19, 2020 5 pm

· Welcome & introductions. (Recognition of the very odd times we are in.)

· Purpose and goals of the board. (Possibilities of expansion as programs are added or information learned.)

· Data use and program improvement. (Input from Board on qualitative or other information to inform our learning.)

· Completer data: Overview. (Powerpoint slides with broad strokes of what I see - make note of small n in some programs). How does this match with what we know about our program? What surprises us?

· Feedback on what the Board members see in the data, in teachers in general, what is this survey missing that we should be thinking about?

· Insights on their thinking about our areas for growth -- resources, examples of where that is done especially well, etc.

· Our next steps and plans for using their feedback and these data.

Next meeting: Fall 2020. Overview of topics for discussion.