Bilingual Assessment

Candidate competency is assessed throughout the academic program. Exam requirements-- basic skills and subject matter -- must be on file prior to the commencement of Summer Session II Practicum. Housed in the Student Services Office, the Credential Analyst is responsible for the collection, and maintenance of, exam reports.

Signature assignments, now located on all MATTC syllabi, are designed to further assess candidate competency, as well as fieldwork and master teacher consultations through the student teaching experience. Intern candidates are similarly supported and assessed throughout their academic program.

TPAs provide another level of State required assessment, which is utilized by our TPA Coordinator to offer additional support as needed.

Finally, RICA scores must be provided by all multiple subject candidates at the time of requesting their formal recommendation to the CTC for their Preliminary Credential by our Credential Analyst.

B-MATTC candidates must also demonstrate their Spanish language competency by submitting passing CSET: LOTE III score prior to beginning their academic program. Additional assessments of competency are demonstrated through Spanish language instruction of all bilingual courses and throughout academic course assignments.

Bilingual Certificate candidates are assessed for language competency through submission of CSET: LOTE III scores at time of admission application. Additional assessments of competency are demonstrated through Spanish language instruction of all bilingual courses and throughout academic course assignments.