Education Specialist


6.1 Fieldwork and Clinical Practice. The table below denotes the number of hours each candidate will be required to participate in early fieldwork and supervised clinical practice.

Student teachers spend 858 total hours with 288 hours in early fieldwork and 570 hours in clinical experience. 

Placements include inclusive/special education designated classrooms. Multiple Subject Education Specialist candidates also receive an upper grade and a lower grade placement while Single Subject Education Specialist candidates receive a placement in different sub areas of the credential they are seeking (e.g., algebra/geometry). The placements ensure planned experiences with diverse populations and federal disability categories.


For the Fieldwork portion of field experience, which takes place from the beginning of the school district’s calendar where candidates are placed and through fall quarter, candidates are at their school site from 7:30am-noon Monday-Thursday. 


Clinical Practice takes place during Winter and Spring quarter. In Winter quarter, candidates are at their field placements Monday-Friday 7:30-noon. This culminates with 10 continuous days where the candidate is responsible for the planning, delivery and assessment of instruction. 


In Spring quarter, candidates are at their sites Monday-Friday 7:30am-3pm. This culminates with 10 continuous days where the candidate is responsible for the planning, delivery and assessment of instruction.


During the fieldwork segment, candidates are observed by their field supervisor (4 times) and cooperating teacher (4 times) using the formative assessment tool. In Winter and Spring quarter, teacher candidates are observed 6 times by their field supervisor (3 times) and cooperating teacher (3 times) and twice using the summative assessment tool.

6.2 District Student Teacher and Intern MOUs. The MOUs for our Intern and traditional student teaching that delineate the partnership agreement between SCU and school districts.

6.3 Training Materials. We provide training to field supervisors and cooperating teachers twice a year. Initially to orient them to the requirements of being a field supervisor or cooperating teacher as well as train them on the formative and summative field placement evaluations tools. We meet with these two groups again in December to recalibrate on the evaluation instruments. The agenda and powerpoint slides we use in the training of field supervisors and cooperating teachers can be found at the following page and all supervisors and cooperating engage in 10 hours of professional development. Eight of the hours are from the CTC approved Professional Development for Mentor Teacher (PD4MT) online course (see: PD4MT Overview for course content). The modules in the PD4MT course include a focus on supporting adult learners. The remaining two hours of professional development is facilitated by SCU's Placement Coordinator and is an orientation to our teacher credential program.Mentor teachers and supervisors must complete the 10 hours of professional development prior to supervising or mentoring student teachers. 

6.4 Placement Documentation. We ensure placements reflect the socioeconomic, cultural diversity, support ELs, provide opportunities to work with students with disabilities, and have a fully qualified administrator. The table below illustrates how we monitor that the placements meet these criteria.

6.5 Manuals/Handbook/Advising Material. Students and district partners are provided with a MATTC handbook that details roles and responsibilities of the district, SCU, and student. Some of these responsibilities can be seen in the "Clinical Practice At a Glance" Document for Multiple and Single Subject Education Specialist Credential candidates. See also Individual Development Plan (IDP)). Once a student matriculates into our program they are assigned an advisor who meet with them within two weeks of matriculation to go over the MATTC Program Plan and monitor progress quarterly towards program completion (Common Standard 2). 

Our program provides additional supports for candidates needing additional assistance to meet competencies/Teaching Performance Expectations as outlined on page 29 of the MATTC handbook, SCU's Office of Accessibility and SCU's Drahmann Learning Resources Center.

6.6 Draft Syllabi. In the Appendices, we have syllabi for the clinical experience for our Multiple Subject Education Specialist Credential candidates (EDUC 231a, EDUC 231b, EDUC 231c, EDUC 231d), Single Subject Education Specialist Credential candidates (EDUC 230a, EDUC 230b, EDUC 230c, EDUC 230d), and Intern Education Specialist Credential candidates (EDUC 230/1i, EDUC 230/1i, EDUC 230/1i, EDUC 230/1i).

6.6.1 Assessment Tools. We have two assessment instruments that are used to evaluate student fieldwork and clinical practice. These are the formative evaluation tool and the summative evaluation tool.