
Department of Education


EDUC 261 (3 units)

Teaching Reading in Elementary Schools

Fall 2016

Professor: Marco Bravo Course Meeting: Tue 4-7pm / Wed 4-7pm

Office: Guadalupe Hall 238/ESJ 111 Classroom: ESJ 109 / GH 260

Office Hours: Tue 2-4pm ESJ /Wed 2-4pm SCU Phone: (408) 551-6040

Email: Skype: marcobravo1

Mission and Goals of the Department of Education

Rooted in the Jesuit tradition at Santa Clara University, the mission of the Department of Education is to prepare professionals of competence, conscience, and compassion who will promote the common good as they transform lives, schools, and communities. Our core values of reflective practice, scholarship, diversity, ethical conduct, social justice, and collaboration guide both theory and practice.

Faculty, staff, and students in the Department of Education:

  1. Make student learning our central focus

  2. Engage continuously in reflective and scholarly practice

  3. Value diversity

  4. Become leaders who model ethical conduct and a commitment to social justice

  5. Seek collaboration with others in reaching these goals


The PLGs represent our commitment to individuals who earn their MS/SS credential at Santa Clara University. The MS/SS faculty focus on ensuring each student will begin their teaching career ready to:

  1. Maximize learning for every student.

  2. Teach for student understanding.

  3. Make evidence-based instructional decisions informed by student assessment data.

  4. Improve your practice through critical reflection and collaboration.

  5. Create productive, supportive learning environments.

  6. Apply ethical principles to your professional decision-making

The PLGs guide our program. Therefore, all MS/SS teaching credential program course objectives are cross-referenced with the PLGs. (A fully elaborated version of the MS/SS PLGs can be found in the Teacher Candidate Handbook, Pre-Service Pathway.)

Course Description

This course enables credential candidates to develop awareness and understanding of current theories and best practices of comprehensive, balanced reading instruction in elementary school settings. Candidates will learn how to adapt instruction to meet the needs of individuals based on their cultural, linguistic, and experiential backgrounds and their specific needs as learners. Focused attention will be given to the nature of reading difficulties and principles of diagnosis and assessment. Content presented in this course prepares candidates for the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA). This course, required of all multiple subject teaching credential candidates, must be taken concurrently with enrollment in EDUC 266 or a full time teaching position in a Catholic school.

Course Objectives

Required Texts

· Tompkins, G. E. (2010). Literacy for the 21st Century. London: Pearson Education

· Additional readings will be placed on the course management website Canvas/Camino

Course Requirements/Assignments

Grades are based on a 100-point total. The distribution of points across assignments is as follows:

1. Class Attendance & Participation.

Regular attendance at all class meetings is a requirement in this program. Ten points will be deducted from your final grade for the course for each class session you missed. Each of you will be granted one Emergency Release (ER) per course. Your ER excuses you from one class session with half the grade penalty (loss of 5 points instead of 10). To use your ER you must notify me by email or phone BEFORE class. Save your ER for medical issues, family demands, car trouble, etc.

Students will not be penalized for absences due to the observance of religious holidays that fall on our scheduled class day; please give me advance notice of these absences so I can make the necessary accommodations. All other absences are unexcused and will affect your grade.

Punctuality. Coming to class (and returning from breaks) on time is another course requirement. Your first lateness will be excused; your second lateness will cause 1 point to be deducted from your final course grade; your third lateness will cause an additional 4 points to be deducted. More than three late arrivals indicate a serious problem; this situation will be dealt with at the instructor’s discretion. Attendance and punctuality are the only policies with the immediate potential to impact your course grades. Your instructor through ongoing observation and documentation gathers data documenting your adherence to the remaining policies listed here. These data are a primary factor in the assessment of your mastery of TPE 12- “Professional, ethical, and legal obligations.”

If an instructor has reason to feel you are not meeting all the expectations spelled out below, s/he will contact you privately to discuss the issue, to clarify the expectations as needed, and to offer his/her support in helping you reach those expectations. If your instructor does not contact you with a concern, you can assume you are satisfying these requirements. However, if you would like specific feedback on your professional conduct during the quarter, you are welcome to contact your instructor at any time and s/he will be glad to share his/her assessment with you.

As we will read about and study in this course, everyone’s learning is enhanced by the quantity and quality of the interactions in the learning environment. Hence, your participation in whole class discussions, group work and pair group is essential for the success of this course.

While a class is in session, you should not engage in any activity not directly related to what is taking place in the classroom. Instructors reserve the right to ask you to close your laptop or put away some other form of technology at their discretion; when/if this occurs, please respond quickly and without protest to avoid further disruption of the class’s learning. Instructors also reserve the right to ignore your inappropriate use of technology in class and simply deduct points from your final grade. If you would like more detailed clarification about the expectations regarding appropriate and inappropriate in-class technology use, please feel free to contact your instructor for further information.

Note: Points lost due to poor attendance and/or lack of punctuality will be deducted from your final grade. A student with excellent grades on assignments and other aspects of professional conduct can earn a poor course grade as a result of excessive absence or chronic lateness.

2. Literature Circles (LC). A common book discussion routine used in reading programs is the Literature Circle-an instructional approach where students come together in small temporary groups formed by book choice that meet on a regular and predictable schedule to (re) read and discuss readings.

Each student will be responsible for leading two Literature Circles on the readings throughout the course. Literature Circle leaders should come to class (whether on-line or in person) prepared with handouts for each member of your group (4/5 students) that outline the assigned readings with the asterisked headings listed below under the “LC Components” heading. The “Literature Circle Discussion Format” outlines how the literature circle would unfold.

3. Reading Assessment. Students are responsible for evaluating 1 of 5 reading domains of one student:

  1. Phonemic Awareness. Use the Yopp-Singer Test of Phonemic Awareness to assess K-3 student’s ability to recognize that words are made up of individual sounds. Which sounds are difficult or easy for students? Do you notice a pattern in errors?

  2. Phonics. Basic or Advanced Phonics Assessment Test

  3. Fluency: Administer Test of Word Reading Efficiency TOWRE.

  4. Reading Comprehension: Use a retelling rubric and comprehension questions to assess student’s level of comprehension of text.

  5. Informational Text features. Using the ISCA assessment, assess a student’s knowledge of informational text features.

You will need to turn in a 3-4 page report where you detail how the child performed on the assessment (e.g., what type of errors were made, areas of strength, what can be done to assist this student) and what instructional decisions you would make to assist this student with her/his reading needs. The student should be culturally, linguistically diverse. Include any limitations or issues that may have influenced the outcomes.

You will need to use the American Psychological Association style to format your paper. Please view the Purdue Owl site to assist you with how to format your paper, cite relevant works, and reference all citations.

4. Video-Recorded Guided Reading Instruction. This assignment requires you to video record yourself leading a guided reading lesson. The video should include your narration of what your goals were for the lesson, how students performed (include analysis of student’s from diverse students) and which standards and objectives your lesson addressed. Include a lesson plan with your assignment.

Assessments & Grading Criteria

1. All written and oral assignments must reflect graduate-level standards. As a future teacher, you must be able to model communication skills for your students.

2. Attendance and participation in all class meetings is required. If you are going to be absent from class, you must email or call me to inform me of your absence. You will still be responsible for all missed content and in-class work.

3. Letter grades are assigned on the standard scale based upon a possible total of 100 points.

4. Assignments done in pairs, both partners will receive the same grade, unless otherwise stated.

5. Final grades will reflect students’ contributions (e.g., attendance, class discussions, quality of presentation, ability to lead discussion groups, completion and quality of course assignments), critical thinking and ability/degree to which student integrates theory, research and practice.

6. All assignments are expected on their due dates in the room where our class meets. I cannot be responsible for papers submitted at other times or in other formats. Unless we have made special arrangements beforehand, late assignments will be docked 3 points for each day past the due date that they are submitted.

Canvas/Camino Course Management System

To access course materials and participate in On-line activities, please be sure to review Canvas (also known as Camino). Reminders, tools, readings and assignment descriptions will be made available through this on-line course management system. Your SCU username and password gets you access to Canvas.

Disability Accommodations Procedure

If you have a disability for which accommodations may be required in this class, please contact Disabilities Resources, Benson 216, as soon as possible to discuss your needs and register for accommodations with the University. If you have already arranged accommodations through Disabilities Resources, please discuss them with me during my office hours. Students who have medical needs related to pregnancy may also be eligible for accommodations.

While I am happy to assist you, I am unable to provide accommodations until I have received verification from Disabilities Resources. The Disabilities Resources office will work with students and faculty to arrange proctored exams for students whose accommodations include double time for exams and/or assisted technology. (Students with approved accommodations of time-and-a-half should talk with me as soon as possible). Disabilities Resources must be contacted in advance to schedule proctored examinations or to arrange other accommodations. The Disabilities Resources office would be grateful for advance notice of at least two weeks. For more information, you may contact Disabilities Resources at 408-554-4109.

Accommodations for Pregnancy and Parenting

In alignment with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and with the California Education Code, Section 66281.7, Santa Clara University provides reasonable accommodations to students who are pregnant, have recently experienced childbirth, and/or have medically related needs. Pregnant and parenting students can often arrange accommodations by working directly with their instructors, supervisors, or departments. Alternatively, a pregnant or parenting student experiencing related medical conditions may request accommodations through Disability Resources.

Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct (Title IX)

Santa Clara University upholds a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination, harassment and sexual misconduct. If you (or someone you know) have experienced discrimination or harassment, including sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking, I encourage you to tell someone promptly. For more information, please consult the University’s Gender-Based Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct Policy at or contact the University's EEO and Title IX Coordinator, Belinda Guthrie, at 408-554-3043, Reports may be submitted online through or anonymously through Ethicspoint

Academic Integrity

The University is committed to academic excellence and integrity. Students are expected to do their own work and to cite any sources they use. A student who is guilty of dishonest acts in an examination, paper, or other required work for a course, or who assists others in such acts, will receive a grade of F for the course. In addition, a student guilty of dishonest acts will be immediately dismissed from the University. Students that violate copyright laws, including those covering the copying of software programs, or who knowingly alter official academic records from this or any other institution, are subject to disciplinary action (ECP Graduate Bulletin, 2013-2014).