
Sara Soledad Garcia

Graduate School of Education and Counseling Psychology Guadalupe Hall 239


Ph.D., 1990, Educational Psychology University of California Santa Barbara. CA

Specialization in Language Development, Cognition, and Learning Theory Dissertation Title: A Test of a Mastery Learning Program for Teaching Paragraph Writing Skills to Spanish Speaking Students (Chair: James Block)

M. Ed., 1981, Reading and Language Development

Graduate School of Education University of California at Los Angeles, CA

B.A ., 1972, Spanish Literature

San Jose State University, San Jose California.

Credentials and Certificates:

Water Education for Teachers (Project WET) Certified Trainer 2003

TESL Certificate, 1980, Second Language Acquisition/Applied Linguistics English Department, University of California at Los Angeles, CA

Single Subject Teaching, 1973, California Credential California Lutheran University. Thousand Oaks, California

Academic Honors and Awards:

Title VII Doctoral Fellowship 1981 thru 1983 UCSB Campus Graduate Grant Award 1984

Fulbright Commission Fellow 2001-2002: Instituto de Ecologia, Regional Center Chihuahua, Mexico Wisdom, Inspirational and Tenacity California Association Bilingual Education Award 2004 Fulbright Specialist Award October 2011: Cundinamarca University, Bogota, Colombia

Key Note Address Cundinamarca University, Global Trends in Multidisciplinary Research. Bogota Colombia, September 22-25, 2014


Associate Professor Santa Clara University 1998 to present

Assistant Professor Santa Clara University 1991 to March 1998 Lecturer Department of Chicano/Chicana Studies

University of California Santa Barbara 1988 to 1991

Field Based Instructor

California State University Fullerton 1976 to 1978 Teacher Education

Lecturer Teacher Education

California State University Fullerton Spring 1979

Teacher Spanish and Social Studies Channel Islands High School

Oxnard Unified School District 1972 to 1976


Director Masters in Interdisciplinary Education. Summer 2008-2011 Graduate School of Education Santa ClaraUniversity. Co-director 2011-2014

Director MA Environmental Literacy and Ethics 2005-2009 (Fall 2008 Science, Technology, Environmental

Education and Mathematics STEEM Team member) Graduate School of Education Santa Clara University.

Director of Teacher Education Division of Counseling

Psychology of Education Santa Clara University 1993-2000

Director of Masters in Interdisciplinary Education, Language Development and Literacy, Education Division of Counseling

Psychology of Education Santa Clara University 1993-2001

Co-Director Urban Education undergraduate

Minor Liberal Studies, Santa Clara University 1997 to 1999

Supervisor of Teacher Education

Bilingual and Foreign Language (Spanish and French)

Graduate School of Education 1981 to 1984 University of California Santa Barbara

Field Experience Coordinator Teacher Education Laboratory Graduate School of Education

University of California at Los Angeles 1979 to 1981 Research Associate Project BETA

Bilingual Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center for the Study of Evaluation (CSE)

University of California Los Angeles 1978 to 1979

Program Specialist Technical Assistant Title VII Network Resource Training Center California State University Fullerton

Editorial Work:

1976 to 1978

Editorial Board of Ventana Abierta Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte y Cultura

Center for Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara. 1996 to 2010.

Editorial Board for the Teaching, Learning and Human Development section of the American Educational Research Journal volumes published 1999-2001.

Editorial Advisory Board Forum on Public Policy: Journal of the Oxford Roundtable, England and Wales 406 W Florida Ave Urbana IL 61801, March, 2009



Educacion Ecologica: praxis interdisciplinaria en torno a la sequia en Chihuahua, (2005) (Ecological Education: Reflection and Praxis in the Context of Drought in Chihuahua). Editor, Sara Garcia Instituto de Ecologia, A.C., ISBN 970-709-07-x

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

García, S. S., Lozano, L. C., Suárez, D. M. T., (2016). La Responsabilidad Social, un Componente Esencial de la Formación en un Programa de Química Ambiental. MISIÓN JURÍDICA Revista de Derecho Y Ciencias Sociales, 10 (Enero-Junio), 223–231.

Garcia, S. S., & C. F. Garcia. (2016). "Transformative Professional Development and the Promotion of Literacy Through Culturally Responsive Pedagogy." CATESOL Journal 28.1: 175-94.

García, S. S. (2015). Spanish language, cultural knowledge and teachers’ professional development in an English-only environment. Contribution to a special issue on Multicultural Literature Education, edited by Yael Poyas and Ilana Elkad-Lehman. L1-Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 15, p. 1-26

© 2015 International Association for the Improvement of Mother tongue Education

Garcia, S.S. (2014) . Transnational Identity Through Corridos: The Rio Bravo as Contextual Space in the United States-Mexico Border. International Ballad Conference of the Kommission Fur Volksdichtung Societe Internationale D' Ethnologie et de Folklore. Terschelling

Volume Amsterdam. (In press).

Garcia, S.S. (2014). Participatory Action and Drought as a Symbolic Context: The Case of Aldama Chihuahua, Mexico. Action Research Network of the Americans ARNA

Proceedings. Electronic publication : gsfor2014conference?pli=1

Garcia, S.S. (2008).Spanish-English or English-Spanish in California: The Dialectics of Language in Sociocultural Historical Context Oxford University Round Table Forum on Public Policy, electronic journal.

Garcia, S. S. (2006). Bilingualism, Cultural Transmutation, and Fields of Coexistence: California's Spanish Language Legacy, Oxford University Round Table Forum on Public Policy, electronic journal.

Garcia S. S., Reyes V., & Ochoa Tovar, P. (2007). Un Proyecto de Educacion Ambiental en Torno a la Sequia en Chihuahua: Proceso, Resultados y Aplicaciones Ulteriores (An Environmental Education Project in the Context of Drought in Chihuahua: Process, Results and Ulterior Applications). Memorias en Extenso VI Congreso Internacional y XII Nacional de Ciencas Ambientales. Ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico ISSN: 0187-3296.

Garcia, S. (2000). El auge de la literatura infantil bilingue: consideraciones criticas de accion participativa. (The surge of children’s bilingual literature: critical perspectives of participatory action).Ventana Abierta Revista Latina, Latinos/as Siglo XXI. Volumen III, Numero 9..

Garcia, S., Bachen, C. & McLoughlin M., (1999). Assessing the Role of Gender in College Studentsí Evaluation of Faculty,, Journal of Communication Education, Volume 48,

Garcia, S. (1997). El Triunfo del Amor Selecciones de poesia amorosa de-y para-la comunidad,

Ventana Abierta Revista Latina de Literatura, Arte Y Cultura, Vol. 1, Numero 2 Spring, Center for Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Garcia, S.S. (1994). Origins and Destinies: A Mexican May Day Political Corrido as Symbolic Personal Legacy, Journal of Folklore Research, Vol. 31, Nos. 1-3 the Folklore Institute,Indiana University.

Book Chapters

Garcia, S. (2010). Delgadina: A Significant Variant in Romance to Popular Song in the U.S. Mexico Border, From “Wunderfhorn” to the Internet: Perspectives on Coneptions of “Folk Song” and the Editing of Traditional Songs. Edited by Eckhard John and Tobias Widmaier.

Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, ISBN 978-3-8682-214-3.

Garcia, S. (2007). Delgadina: un imaginario colectivo sin fronteras (Delgadina: a collective imaginary without borders). Cien Anos de Lealtad en honor a Luis Leal (One Hundred Years of Loyalty in Honor of Luis Leal) Vol. I. Eds. Sara Poot Herrera, Francisco Lomeli and Maria Herrera- Sobek. University of California UC Mexicanistas, Universitdad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Instituto Tecnologico de Monterrey, Universidad del Claustro de Sor Juana, Mexico City. .

Garcia, S. (2000). Education and Ambiguous Borders in Mexican Corridos Thriving in the United States, Bridging the Cultural Divide: Our Common Ballad Heritage. Edited by Herausgegeben von, Sigrid Rieuwerts and Helga Stein. Georg Olms Verlag Publications, Hildesheim, Zurich, New York.

Garcia, S., LaBoskey, V. & Samway Davis, C. (1997). Layers of Learning: A Cross-Institutional Self Study of Several Teacher Educators' Action Research Projects and the Influence of the Group on Those Projects, Reconceptualizing Teaching Practice Self Study in Teacher Education, Edited by Mary Lynn Hamilton, Falmer Press.

Garcia, S. & Litton E. (1997). Beyond Burritos and Lumpia: Ethnic Identity as a Difference in Preservice Teacher Education, in The Heart of the Matter: Teacher Education Reform Perspectives and Possibilities, Edited by J. Gary Knowles and Ardra Cole, Caddo Gap Press, San Francisco.

Garcia, S. (1997). Self Narrative and the Process of Inquiry in Teacher Development: Living and Working in Just Institutions., Preparing Teachers for Cultural Diversity, Edited by Joyce King, Teachers College Press.

Garcia, S. (1995). The Transmutation of a Cultural Constant: A Mexican Political Corrido as Personal Legacy, Ballads and Boundaries UC Press.

Critical Book Reviews:

Garcia, S. (2007). Memoria de mis tristes putas Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Ventana Abierta Revista Latina De Literatura, Arte y Cultura. La Mujer Latina Vol. V, Numero 20. Spring, .Center for Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Garcia, S.,(1998). Canicula: Snapshots of a Girl en la Frontera Norma Cantu. Ventana Abierta Revista Latina. Nuestra America Volume 1, Numero 4. Spring.Center for Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Garcia, S.(1998). Romancero General de Cuba, Beatriz Mariscal, El Colegio de Mexico, Centro de Estudios Linguisticos Y Literarios, Jahrbuch Deutschen Arbeitsstelle fur internationale Volksliedforschung, D-79100 Freiburg, Germany Fall .

Garcia, S. (1997)/ Escenas..Como De Pelicula Vieja Araceli Collazo Mapa. Ventana Abierta Revista

Latina de Literatura, Arte Y Cultura, Las Dos Californias Volumen 1, Numero 3. Fall. Center for Chicano Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara.

Invited Dictionary Entries and Academic Magazines:

Garcia, S.S. (2009). Empowering Teachers as Environmentally Literate: Ethical Considerations.

Explore Magazine of Jesuit Higher Education. Spring.

Garcia, S.S. (1997). Social Justice, (1997) The Dictionary of Multicultural Education, Editors Carl A. Grant and Gloria Ladson-Billings, Oryx Press, Phoenix Arizona.

Garcia, S.S. (1997). Fantasy Heritage The Dictionary of Multicultural Education,

Editors Carl A. Grant and Gloria Ladson-Billings, Oryx Press, Phoenix Arizona.


Garcia, S.S. (1992). The Pervasiveness of the "Psychology of Marginalization": Barriers

to Institutional and Personal Development in a Multicultural Education Environment

ERIC Abstract #ED 369371 Issues in Higher Education.

Garcia, S.S. (1982). Glossary of Bilingual Terms with R. Cervantes

ERIC Abstract Series # ED 228845. (isted as Sara Duran).

Work in Progress:

1. Edited Book Title: "New Frontiers in Environmental Education and the Ethic of Justice for Youth” Description: This book project addresses ethical action in environmental education for youth. The focus challenges the boundaries of present institutionalized education. Based in schools and communities the authors imagine active spaces through the connections of school culture but beyond institutional constructs. In the proposed chapters of this book, we explore enviornmental ethics through “places” and “spaces”. These may be historical, cultural, or ecological but include socio-political constructs of “meaning” for knowledge that emphasizes the local context but also includes “global” ecology. In addition, authors examine in an integrated fashion, perceptions of socially “just” actions as educators. Justice ethics in community based learning is posited as an active process of continual imagination and experimentation in which individuals in groups create new ways of being in their own context. The experiential space is transformed into reflexive practices of continual inquiry in nature and society. This book is aimed at environmentally minded teachers, college and university educators dealing with sustainability issues in preparing future generations and government agency directors of environmental social programs.

2. This project will dovetail efforts and collaboration with a California Environmental Education Foundation Teacher Institute on “Best Practices of Environmental Education and Stewardship” intended to enhance the environmental science knowledge and pedagogical skills of 30 educators and support the planning and implementation of environmental stewardship projects by public and private school students in Northern California. In an effort to support the ongoing evaluation of environmental education I have designed an action research project that invites the teachers of this “Best Practice” project to participate as researchers of their own practice. The intent of this action research project is to

work with schoolteachers who have volunteered to participate in the Teacher Institute and whose objective is to link education in the classroom with community outreach and propagate stewardship behavior in their students. These teachers are responsible for teaching science concepts which serve as the foundation for environmental literacy, to groups of students who will develop a stronger understanding of the rapidly changing world and the complex effects of urbanization in their own communities.


2015 June. Teachers’ self perception and attitude of native language use as a foundation for propagating literacy for Spanish speaking children. International Association for Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE). University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

(This paper still in progress, has been extended as research which aims at publishing portions of the field work.)

2014, May. Participatory Action and Drought as a Symbolic Context: The Case of Aldama Chihuahua, Mexico. Action Research Network of the Americas (ARNA) Conference in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (USA)

2013 June , Eco-literacy: Spanish Language, Cultural Knowledge and Teachers’ Professional Development in an English-Only Environment a symposia contribution for The Linguistic, Cultural and Political Complexity in the Multicultural Literature Classroom at International Association for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education (IAIMTE) Paris, France (pending review for publication).

2011 July. Transnational Imaginary: The Rio Bravo as Contextual Space in the United States-Mexico Border. International Ballad Conference of the Kommission Fur Volksdichtung Societe Internationale D' Ethnologie et de Folklore. Universidad do Algarve, Faro Portugal. . (submitted for publication and listed above).

2010 July. Frontiers in Environmental Education and the Ethic of Social Justice. Invited Presentation, Oxford University Roundtable Forum, Rhodes Scholar Center, Oxford England.

2010 April. Revisiting the Moral Vision of Cesar Chavez as the Nexus for Environmental Justice. Chicana Plenary. National Association of Chicano Chicana Studies, Grand Hyatt, Seattle Washington.

2008 March. Spanish-English or English-Spanish in California: The Dialectics of Language in Sociocultural Historical Context. Invited Presentation, Oxford University Roundtable Forum, Manchester College, Oxford England. . (submitted for publication and listed above).

2007 November. “Delgadina: Un imaginario collective sin fronteras”. (Delgadina: a collective imaginary without borders). Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico UNAM. . (submitted for publication and listed above).

2007 June. Un Proyecto de Educacion Ambiental en Torno a la Sequia en Chihuahua: Proceso, Resultados y Aplicaciones Ulteriores Memorias en Extenso VI Congreso Internacional y XII Nacional de Ciencas Ambientales. Ciudad de Chihuahua, Chihuahua, Mexico. .(submitted for publication and listed above).

2006 April. Delgadina: A Significant Variant in Romance to Popular Song in the U.S. Mexico Border, 40th Annniversary of the International Ballad Conference of the Kommission Fur Volksdichtung Societe Internationale D' Ethnologie et de Folklore. University of Freiburg. Freiburg, Germany. . (submitted for publication and listed above).

2006 March. Bilingualism, Cultural Transmutation, and Fields of Coexistence: California's Spanish Language Legacy, Invited Presentation, Oxford University Roundtable Forum, Pembroke College. Oxford England. (submitted for publication and listed above).

2005, September, La Interdependencia, Colaboracion y la Educacion Ambiental del Docente Jornada de Sequia, Centro de Investigacion Sobre Sequia, Instituto de Ecologia, Gobierno del Estado de Chihuahua, Mexico. El Tech de Monterrey, Chihuahua Campus.

2000, January, Presenter Immersion for Cultural Understanding Community Based Learning and Teacher Development, New Teacher Center UCSC, Monterrey California.

1997 Co Presenter Eclipse and Umbras Love Poems by Chicanas and Friends, with Bernice Zamora, National Association of Chicano Studies,Sacramento California, April 17-19.

1997 Co-Presenter, "Arancame La Vida": Poems of Illusive Love, with Bernice Zamora, MACLA, San Jose Center for Latino Art. San Jose California, February 15.

1996 Presenter, Popular Culture and Agency in the Corridos of El Malcriado: Social Justice in the Community Work of Ceasar Chavez, with Victor Fuentes UC Santa Barbara. National Association of Chicano Studies, Chicago Illinois, March 24-29.

1996 Presenter, Racial Identity, Affiliation and Assimilation: A Struggle for Belonging, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York City April.

1996 Presenter, Ravages of War and Hopes of Redemption: Intertextual Analysis of Three Contemporary Corridos of El Salvador, 26th International Ballad Conference of the Kommission Fur Volksdichtung Societe Internationale D' Ethnologie et de Folklore, University of Wales, Swansea, July 19-24.

1996 Presenter, Layers of Learning: A Cross-Institutional Self Study of Several Teacher Educators' Action Research Projects and the Influence of the Group on Those Projects, with Vicki LaBoskey, Mills College and Catherine Davis Samway, San Jose State U., Conference at Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England. The First International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice sponsored by (S-STEP) Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.(submitted for publication and listed above)

1996 Presenter, A Self-Study on the Bicultural Factors That Influenced our Development as Teacher Educators and Agents for Social Justice, with Edmundo Litton, SCU Teacher Education adjunct faculty, Conference at Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, England. The First International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice sponsored by (S-STEP) Special Interest Group of the American Educational Research Association.

1995 Summer, Presenter, Achievement, Culture and Language: Latinos Students in the

U.S. Archbishop Mitty High School, San Jose.

1995 Presenter, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Symposium on Research, Culture, Teacher Knowledge and Development, SanFrancisco California.

1995 Presenter, Factors to Consider for Academic Success at the University, Chicana Latina Foundation of the Bay Area. San Jose City College, San Jose, California.

1995 Presenter, National Association of Chicano Studies (NACS) Panel on Community Studies Cultural Agency in Historical Context: The Corridos of SantaPaula, California. Spokane, Washington.

1994 Presenter, "Strength in Diversity: Preparing Ourselves and Our Students for a Multicultural Society" with Steve Fugita, Ethnic Studies/Psychology and Joyce King, CP&E,

SCU Faculty Forum, Purpose and Pedagogy, Spring Quarter, April 11.

1994 Presenter, Twenty Fourth International Ballad Conference of the Kommission Fur Volksdichtung Societe Internationale D' Ethnologie et de Folklore, University of

Faroe Islands, Torshavn, Faroe Islands, "Mexican National Identity in the Corridos of Santa Paula, California: Performance in Context"

1994 Discussant, American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, Panel on Achievement of Spanish Speaking Students. New Orleans,


1993 Presenter, Twenty Third International Ballad Conference of the Kommission Fur Volksdichtung Societe Internationale D' Ethnologie et deFolklore, University of

California at Los Angeles, "The Transmutation of a Cultural Constant: a Mexican Political Corrido as Personal Legacy"

1993 Presenter, International Communication Association, Washington, D.C.,

"The Female Professor: An Exploration of Communicative Styles and Teaching Outcomes" with Christine Bachen and Moira McLoughlin. (submitted for publication and listed above under the title Assessing the Role of Gender in College Students’ Evaluations of Faculty).

1993 December, Presenter, Language, Culture and Self-Identity, Sponsored by the Latina/Latino Leadership Opportunity Program and the Faculty Mentor Program, Stanford University.

1993 April, Presenter, Understanding Within Group Diversity of Latino Origin Students,

Bellarmine Preparatory School Faculty.

1993 Presenter National Association of Chicano Studies, San Jose, California, The Pervasiveness of the "Psychology of Marginalization": Barriers to Institutional and Personal Development in a Multicultural Education Environment (submitted for publication and listed above).

1992 Presenter Speech and Communication Association, Chicago Illinois, The Pervasiveness of the "Psychology of Marginalization": Barriers to Institutional and Personal Development in a Multicultural Education Environment ( published listed above).

1992 Presenter, Association of University Women, Mills College, Oakland, California

"The Female Professor: An Exploration of Communicative Styles and Teaching Outcomes"

Christine Bachen and Moira McLoughlin.

1992 Presenter Fifth Annual National Conference on Racial And Ethnic Relations In American Higher Education, Effecting Ethnic Identity: Three Views San Francisco, California.

1992 Presenter National Association for Chicano Studies, Achievement Related Attributional Factors: Male and Female Chicano Undergraduate Seniors, An Embedded Multiple Case Study, San Antonio, Texas

1989 Presenter Symposium Speaker Series First Congregation Church of

Santa Barbara, When the Majority Become the Minority, Santa Barbara, California

1989 Presenter, Santa Barbara County Schools Parent Conference

What Parents can do to Prevent Dropouts, Santa Barbara California

1985 Presenter, Ventura County Schools Teacher Training Conference-- The Acquisition of Writing Skills by Spanish Speaking Bilinguals-- Language Distance in the Classroom, Ventura, California

1984 Presenter, Santa Barbara City College ESL Teaching Staff- Teaching ESL Writing Santa Barbara California

1982 Presenter, Ventura County Schools Teacher Training Conference ESL Curriculum, Ventura, California

1981 Presenter State Department of Instruction, State of Nevada

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Las Vegas, Nevada

1979 Presenter, National Association for Bilingual Education,

Evaluation Design Project BETA Seattle, Washington

1979 Presenter, State Department of Instruction, Conference, Evaluation

and Assessment Language Assessment and Testing Indianapolis, Indiana

1977 Presenter, Modern Language Association, Teaching Spanish to Spanish Speakers Anaheim, California

1977 Presenter, CABE Conference, Teaching Spanish Through The Use of Cognates

San Francisco, California

1977 Presenter, San Jose Area Consortium For Bilingual Education

Secondary Bilingual Teaching Methods San Jose, California

Santa Clara University Department of Education

Santa Clara, California 95053

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