
Curriculum Vitae of



Ph.D., 1995 Stanford University School of Education, Stanford, CA

Education; concentration in Curriculum and Teacher Education

M.A., 1989 Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY

Education of the Gifted; concentration in Curriculum and Teaching

A.B., 1985 Yale College, Yale University, New Haven, CT

History of Art; concentration in 20th century American art


2016-present Chair, Education Department, Santa Clara University

2011-present Professor (Associate Professor, 2008-2011)

Department of Education, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

2002-2008 Associate Professor (Assistant Professor, 1996-2002)

Department of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Texas at Austin

1996 Adjunct Lecturer

Department of Education, College of Notre Dame, Belmont CA


2009 2008 Outstanding Article, Honorable Mention

Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education

The Editors and Editorial Board recognize the authors of three most significant empirical articles (one winner, two honorable mentions) published in the journal each year. The Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education is the only refereed journal dedicated to empirical scholarship on the preparation of teachers for work in grades prekindergarten-5.

2005 Massey Award for Excellence in Teacher Education

University of Texas at Austin

Honors outstanding performance and sustained commitment to research, practice, and leadership in the field of teacher education.

2004 Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award

College of Education, University of Texas at Austin

Recognizes excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching.



Goldstein, L. S. (2015). Using developmentally appropriate practices to teach the Common Core, Grades PreK-3. New York: Routledge.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Reclaiming caring in teaching and teacher education. New York: Peter Lang.

Goldstein, L. S. (1997). Teaching with love: A feminist approach to early childhood education. New York: Peter Lang. (Second printing, 1998).

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Goldstein L. S., Bauml, M., Mort, A., & Cannon, B. (2016). Flattening the field of teacher education: Using nested communities of practice in place of expert-novice dyads in clinical practice placement schools. Accepted for publication in Teacher Education and Practice, 29, (2), 275-92.

Brown, K. D., & Goldstein, L. S. (2013). Preservice elementary teachers’ understandings of competing notions of academic achievement coexisting in post-NCLB public schools. Teachers College Record, 115, (9), 1-37.

Goldstein, L. S., & Bauml, M. (2012). Supporting children’s learning while meeting state standards: Strategies and suggestions for Pre-K—Grade 3 teachers in public school contexts. Young Children, 67, (3), 96-103.

Goldstein, L. S. (2008b). Teaching the standards is developmentally appropriate practice: Strategies for incorporating the sociopolitical dimension of DAP in early childhood teaching. Early Childhood Education Journal, 36, (3), 253-60.

Goldstein, L. S. (2008a). Kindergarten teachers making “street-level” education policy in the wake of No Child Left Behind. Early Education and Development, 19, (3), 448-78.

Goldstein, L. S. (2007c). Embracing multiplicity: Learning from two practitioners’ pedagogical responses to the changing demands of kindergarten teaching in the United States. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 21, (4), 378-99.

Goldstein, L. S. (2007b). Preparing preservice teachers for success in NCLB’s kindergartens: Learning from veteran teachers’ strategies for managing professional relationships with colleagues and parents. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 29, (3), 1-15.

Goldstein, L. S. (2007a). Examining the unforgiving complexity of kindergarten teaching. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 22, 39-54.

Goldstein, L. S. (2005). Becoming a teacher is a hero's journey: Exploring uses of metaphor in preservice teacher education. Teacher Education Quarterly, 32 (1), 7-24.

Wisneski, D. B., & Goldstein, L. S. (2004). Questioning community in early childhood education. Early Childhood Development and Care, 174, (6), 515-526.

Goldstein, L. S., & Andrews, L. (2004). Best practices in a Hawaiian kindergarten: Making a case for Na Honua Mauli Ola. Hulili: An Interdisciplinary Journal on the Well-being of Native Hawaiians, 1 (1), 133-48.

Goldstein, L. S. (2003). Preservice teachers, caring communities, and parent partnerships: Challenges and possibilities for early childhood teacher education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 24, 61-71.

Goldstein, L. S., & Freedman, D. M. (2003). Challenges enacting caring teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 54 (5), 441-454.

Goldstein, L. S. (2003). The pedagogical power of myth in teacher education. Journal of Educational Thought, 37 (2), 157-176.

Goldstein, L. S., & Lake, V. E. (2003). The impact of field experience on preservice teachers' understandings of caring. Teacher Education Quarterly, 30 (3), 115-132.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Seeing difference. Classroom Leadership Online, 6 (3), non-paginated. See the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development web site at

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Commitment, community, and passion: Dimensions of a care-centered approach to teacher education. Teacher Education & Practice, 15 (1/2), 36-56.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Moving beyond collaboration: Reconceptualizing research relationships with classroom teachers. Teachers and Teaching, 8 (2), 155-170.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Preservice teachers and Jedi Knights: Popular culture and pleasure in teacher education. JCT: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Curriculum Studies, 18 (1), 129-142.

Goldstein, L. S. (2000). Ethical dilemmas in designing collaborative research: Lessons learned the hard way. The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 13 (5), 517-530.

Goldstein, L. S., & Lake, V. E. (2000). "Love, love, and more love for children": Exploring preservice teachers' understandings of caring. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16 (7), 861-872.

Goldstein, L. S. (2000). Motherly love, teacherly love, and parent-teacher partnerships: Implications for early childhood teacher education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 20 (3), 1-13.

Goldstein, L. S. (1999). The relational zone: The role of caring relationships in the co-construction of mind. American Educational Research Journal, 36 (3), 647-73.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Teacherly love: Intimacy, commitment, and passion in classroom life. Journal of Educational Thought, 32 (3), 257-72.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Contradictions and compromises: The continuous process of re/visioning an academic conference. JCT: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Curriculum Studies, 14 (1), 10-14.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). More than a buzzword: Understanding teacherly caring. Compilation of Research and Practice, 1 (1), 1 - 9.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Caught in the middle: Tension and contradiction in enacting the primary grade curriculum. Curriculum Inquiry, 28 (3), 311-337.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). More than gentle smiles and warm hugs: Applying the ethic of care to early childhood education. The Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 12 (2), 244-261.

Goldstein, L. S. (1997). Between a rock and a hard place in the primary grades: The challenge of providing developmentally appropriate early childhood education in an elementary school setting. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 12 (1): 3-25.

Book chapters and invited publications

Goldstein, L. S., & Bauml, M. (2014). Supporting children’s learning while meeting state standards: strategies and suggestions for teachers in public school contexts. In, C. Copple, S. Bredekamp, D. Koralek, & K. Charner, (Eds.), Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on Children in First, Second, and Third Grades (pp. 77-85). Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Goldstein, L. S. (2009). Foreword. In S. Y. Ehly, The learning-centered kindergarten: 10 keys to success for standards-based classrooms (pp. ix – xi). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Goldstein, L. S. (2006). Surviving a methodological crisis: Strategies for salvaging your classroom-based research when things go wrong in the field. In J.A. Hatch, (Ed.). Early Childhood Qualitative Research (pp. 131-45). New York: Routledge.

Thornton, C. D., & Goldstein, L. S. (2005). Feminist issues in early childhood scholarship. In B. Spodek & O.N. Saracho (Eds.), Handbook of Research on the Education of Young Children, Second Edition, (pp. 515-531). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Goldstein, L. S. (2004). Emphasizing variety rather than commonality: Educating young children for a culture of peace. In R. Eisler & R. Miller (Eds.), Educating for a Culture of Peace (pp. 127-35). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Goldstein, L. S. (2004). Loving teacher education. In D. Liston & J. Garrison (Eds.), Teaching, Loving, and Learning (pp. 35-47). New York: Routledge Falmer.

Goldstein, L. S. (2001). Resisting the norms of elementary education: One primary teacher's stories. In J. Jipson & R. Johnson (Eds.). Resistance and Representation: Issues in Early Childhood Education (pp. 107-115). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). The distance between feminism and early childhood education: An historical perspective. In M. Hauser & J. Jipson (Eds.). Intersections: Feminisms/Early Childhoods (pp. 51-63). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.

Ames, C., Chen, S. L., Goldstein, L. S., Jipson, J., & Schmid, A. (1998). Re/Generations: Stories teachers tell. In M. Hauser & J. Jipson (Eds.). Intersections: Feminisms/Early Childhoods (pp. 270-280). New York: Peter Lang Publishers.


Every Student Every Day No Exceptions (

Seeking Teachers in Grades PK-3 to Talk about DAP and The Common Core. July 8, 2015

School Change and Teacher Stability. July 11, 2015

Using DAP to Teach the Common Core. July 15, 2015

Apply the Findings of New Research: Teach Kids to Be Nice. July 17, 2015

Two Things I Love: Star Wars and DAP

Are Student Teachers “Real Teachers?” August 17, 2015

Chatting: A Developmentally Appropriate Activity for TK-3 Students, August 27, 2015

Using Pinterest Responsibly In the Teacher Community. September 2, 2015

Is Kindergarten the New First Grade? I hope not! September 15, 2015

Conquer the Common Core….Starting NOW! September 20, 2015

Developing Targeted Curriculum: Teachers’ Greatest Superpower. September 24, 2015

Two Mistakes that are Destroying Kindergarten. October 21, 2015

Do Teachers Look Dumb in New Response-to-Intervention Research? November 28, 2015

Surprising New Research Reveals Teachers’ Top Strategy for Success. November 30, 2015

Teachers Make Instructional Decisions…But How? December 11, 2015

Do You Want To Be A Primary Grade Teaching Superstar? December 22, 2015

Should We Fight to Reclaim Kindergarten? January 10, 2016


Goldstein, L. S. (Forthcoming). How I stopped worrying and learned to love the Common Core.

Phi Delta Kappan.

Goldstein, L. S. (2014, December 11). NCTQ report ignores the wide variety of approaches to teacher preparation. Response to Heller’s “Easy A’s Gets an F”. [Letter to the Editor]. Chronicle of Higher Education. Available at


Goldstein, L.S. (2016, March) Keynote Address: Building Blocks to STEM: Hawai’i Island Style. Hawai’i Island Early Childhood Conference, Waikoloa, HI

Goldstein, L.S. (2014, April). Keynote Address: Growing Mathematical Minds with the Common Core. Hawai’i Island Early Childhood Conference, Waikoloa, HI.

Goldstein, L.S. (2013, June). Research Symposium Plenary Address: Leveraging the Common Core State Standards to support young children’s learning. National Association for the Education of Young Children's National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development. San Francisco, CA.

Goldstein, L.S. (2003, November). The quest to reclaim caring in early childhood teaching and teacher education. Keynote address, National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L.S. (2003, September). Best practices in a Hawaiian kindergarten: Making a Case for Na Honua Mauli Ola. Address presented at the Kamehameha Schools Research Conference on the Education and Well-Being of Hawaiians. Kahuku, HI.

Goldstein, L.S. (1999, October). Motherly love and teacherly love: Contradictions and compromises. Plenary keynote address, Third Annual International Conference on Mothers and Education. Brock University, Ontario, Canada.

CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS (competitively selected)

Goldstein, L.S. (2016, March). Connecting Young Learners to the Languages of STEM. Hawai’i Island Early Childhood Conference, Waikoloa, HI

Goldstein, L.S. (2013, October/November). Leveraging the Common Core Standards to Support Young Children’s Learning. Hawai’i Island Early Childhood Conference, Waikoloa, HI

France, M., & Goldstein, L.S. (2012). Adventures in assessment: Developing a reliable formative assessment instrument to document student teaching performance in a California preliminary multiple/single subject credential program. Presented at the California Council on Teacher Education Spring Conference, San Jose, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2008). Reflection, the heart of teaching, and No Child Left Behind. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Brown, K.D., & Goldstein, L. S. (2008). Academic progress or academic success? Preparing preservice early childhood teachers to manage the gap between their learning goals for young children and the goals framed by NCLB. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Goldstein, L. S., & Palmer D. (2008). Teaching linguistically diverse kindergartners in an integrated bilingual setting: One teacher’s successful strategies. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Dever, M., & Goldstein, L.S. (2007). Examining the complexity of K-3 teaching in the era of NCLB. Presented at the National Association for the Education of Young Children Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L. S. (2007). Teachers’ strategies for sustaining fundamental aspects of kindergarten curriculum and pedagogy in a hostile educational climate. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L. S. (2007). Teachers’ strategies for sustaining fundamental aspects of kindergarten curriculum and pedagogy in a hostile educational climate. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L. S. (2006). Kindergarten teachers’ pedagogical strategies for meeting children’s needs while teaching the mandated curriculum: Moving beyond integrating DAP and standards. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2006). Reframing our thinking about the challenges facing kindergarten teachers: Moving from DAP vs. standards to autonomy vs. obligation. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Goldstein, L. S., & Park, M.H. (2005). Managing conflicting interpretations of qualitative data: Methodological and ethical challenges facing early childhood researchers working with classroom teachers. Presented at the Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: Theory, Research, and Practice Conference, Madison, WI.

Thornton, C. D., & Goldstein, L. S. (2005). Feminist perspectives on research in early childhood education. Presented at the 2005 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Goldstein, L. S. (2005). The balancing act: How two kindergarten teachers manage to meet BOTH their students’ developmental needs AND their state’s curriculum mandates. Presented at the Association of Childhood Education International Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

Goldstein, L. S. (2005). Under pressure: Challenges facing kindergarten teachers. Presented at the 2005 Hawai'i International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Goldstein, L. S. (2004). Beyond the DAP guidelines: Emphasizing culture over development in a Hawaiian kindergarten. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2004). Teacher decision-making in an indigenous Hawaiian kindergarten. Presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Goldstein, L. S., & Pape, D. (2003). Two perspectives on caring in preservice teacher education. Presented at the 2003 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L S. (2003). Preservice teachers and multicultural education: Stressing difference or commonality? Presented at the 2003 Hawai'i International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Developing a culturally relevant approach to care-centered education. Presented at the 2002 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Loving teacher education. Presented at the 2002 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2002). Preparing preservice teachers for high-diversity classrooms: Benefits of a culturally relevant approach to care-centered teacher education. Presented at the 2002 American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education conference, New York, NY.

Goldstein, L. S. (2000). Academically incorrect: A talk show about curriculum and rock & roll. Annual Conference on Curriculum & Pedagogy, Marble Falls, TX.

Goldstein, L. S. (2000). Contributions of unacknowledged researcher assumptions in qualitative studies. Annual Conference on Curriculum & Pedagogy, Marble Falls, TX.

Goldstein, L. S., & Freedman, D. M. (2000). "Scoring" in academia: A mentorship session for graduate students. Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (Bergamo), Dayton, OH.

Goldstein, L. S., & Lake, V. E. (2000). Enacting caring in preservice teacher education: Caring for our students as they care for their students. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2000). David Purpel: Mythos, morality, and the future of curriculum. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Goldstein, L. S. (2000). Luke Skywalker was my teaching assistant: Using Star Wars and the hero's journey metaphor in teacher education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Goldstein, L. S. (1999). Luke Skywalker, my students, and me: Using the hero's journey metaphor as a pedagogical tool. Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (Bergamo), Dayton, OH.

Goldstein, L. S., & Freedman, D. M. (1999). Teacher, doctor, lawyer, cop: Hegemonic discourses and media representations of service professionals. Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (Bergamo), Dayton, OH.

Goldstein, L. S. (1999). How can Luke Skywalker help preservice teachers construct their professional identities?: Drawing on the power of myth in early childhood teacher education. Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: Theory, Research, and Practice Conference, Columbus OH.

Goldstein, L. S., & Lake, V. E. (1999). Preservice teachers' understandings of caring. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Goldstein, L. S. (1999). Critical and feminist constructions of early childhood education: Continuing the conversations. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.

Goldstein, L. S., & Freedman, D. M. (1998). Troubling caring: Regimes of truth in teacher education. Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (Bergamo), Bloomington, IN.

Goldstein, L. S., & Kessler, S. (1998). How shall we live together?: Revisiting fundamental curriculum questions in early childhood education. Conference on Curriculum Theory and Classroom Practice (Bergamo), Bloomington, IN.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Taking caring seriously: The ethic of care in classroom life. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Purpose, practice, substance: The Foshay curriculum matrix. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Critical and feminist conversations about early childhood education. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Understanding teacherly caring. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.

Goldstein, L. S. (1998). Negotiating identities: Am I a teacher or am I a mother? Reconceptualizing Early Childhood: Theory, Research and Practice conference, Honolulu, HI.

Goldstein, L. S. (1997). Caring in early childhood teacher education: A feminist perspective. National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators Annual Meeting, Anaheim, CA.

Goldstein, L. S. (1997). Combining conflicting careers: Teaching and mothering. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L. S. (1997). Enacting the primary grade curriculum: Contradiction, conflict, and compromise. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Goldstein, L. S. (1996). Resisting the norms of elementary education: One primary teacher's stories. Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: Theory, Research, and Practice conference, Madison, WI.

Goldstein, L. S. (1996). Getting into trouble: An academic conference under erasure. Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education: Theory, Research, and Practice conference, Madison, WI.

Goldstein, L. S. (1996). "If you have a Ph.D., then why are you teaching kindergarten?": A teacher research work in progress. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.


1997 “The educative power of caring relationships: A model for early childhood education.” University Research Institute Summer Research Award, University of Texas, Austin ($8000)

Result: Article published (Fall 1999)—"The relational zone: The role of caring relationships in the co-construction of mind." American Educational Research Journal, 36, 3, 647-73.

1996 "Combining conflicting careers: Teaching and mothering."

University Special Research Grant, University of Texas at Austin ($400).

Result: Presentation at the 1997 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL; Presentation at the 1998 Reconceptualizing Early Childhood: Theory, Research and Practice Conference, Honolulu, HI.


National/international service to the profession

2005-2007 Member-at-large, Executive Board

Early Education/Child Development Special Interest Group

American Educational Research Association

Elected by peers to represent Special Interest Group members on the Executive Board.

2005-2006 Program Co-chair

Early Education/Child Development Special Interest Group

American Educational Research Association

Shared responsibility for planning Special Interest Group sessions and offerings at the 2006 AERA annual meeting, coordinating the proposal review process, making evaluative decisions, communicating with presenters, reviewers, and AERA central office, and organizing the yearly program.

2004-05 Chair, Awards Committee

Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies Special Interest Group

American Educational Research Association

Coordinated the process of soliciting/reviewing applications and selecting a yearly winner of the Outstanding Graduate Student Publication Award and the Early Career Award. (Committee member, 2002-2004.)

2003-2006 Chair, Scholarship Committee

Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Special Interest Group

American Educational Research Association

Solicited nominations and applications for travel grants designed to enable graduate students to travel to the AERA annual meeting to present scholarly papers in sessions sponsored by the Special Interest Group. Coordinated application review process, worked with committee members to make evaluative decisions, contacted scholarship award winners.

2000-04 Associate Editor

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education.

2000-02 President/Program Chair

Critical Issues in Curriculum Special Interest Group

American Educational Research Association

Responsible for planning Special Interest Group sessions and offerings at the AERA annual meetings. Coordinated the proposal review process, made evaluative decisions, communicated with presenters, reviewers, and AERA central office, and organized the yearly program. Also responsible for administrative governance of the SIG, communication with the AERA central office, and representing the Special Interest Group and its members at AERA functions.

1998-2002 Associate Editor

Educational Researcher

2001-present External evaluator for University Rank and Tenure Review

Dr. Ira Lit, Stanford University (2009; 2015)

Dr. Sherry Marx, Utah State University (2008)

Dr. Barbara Seidl, The Ohio State University (2002)

Dr. Robin Leavitt, Illinois Wesleyan University (2001)

1996-present Manuscript reviewer/Consulting editor

Routledge/Falmer Publishing

Teachers College Press

Yale University Press

Advances in Early Education and Day Care

Contemporary Issues in Childhood Education

Early Childhood Research Quarterly

Educational Researcher

Elementary School Journal

International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education

Journal of Curriculum Studies

Journal for Curriculum and Supervision

Journal of Curriculum Theorizing

Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education

Journal of Research in Childhood Education

Journal of Teacher Education

Journal of Teaching and Learning

Open Education Journal

2013-present Grant proposal reviewer

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

1996-present Conference presentation proposal reviewer

Reconceptualizing Early Childhood Education conference

American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education

American Educational Research Association

Division B: Curriculum Studies

Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education

Special Interest Group: Research on Women in Education

Special Interest Group: Early Education and Child Development

Special Interest Group: Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies

Special Interest Group: Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education

Service to Santa Clara University (2008 – present)

University Service

2016-2019 Member, School of Education and Counseling Psychology Rank and Tenure Committee

Elected by peers to serve for a three-year term.

2015-2016 Member, Admin/Executive Search Committee Member (Dr. Dennis Jacobs, Chair)

Appointed by Provost to serve on the search committee for a Dean for the School of Education and Counseling Psychology.

2012-2015 Member, University Rank and Tenure Committee

Elected by peers to serve for a three-year term.

2011-2013 University Coordinator

California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) Programs

Appointed by President to oversee all activities related to the preparation and licensure of teachers and administrators for California public schools. Directed the implementation of California’s data-based educator preparation accreditation system. Maintained Santa Clara University’s institutional focus on accountability, program quality and effectiveness, and stakeholder satisfaction. Oversaw ongoing engagement in the program assessment cycle, including guiding the continuous improvement of existing credential programs, developing and leading the implementation of our unit-wide assessment system, seeking, evaluating, and applying educational research findings on effective educator certification, and ensuring the timely submission of all reports to the California Commission on Accreditation. Additional responsibilities included serving as the liaison between the CTC and the university administration, spearheading the development of new credential programs, strengthening alignment and communication between educator credential programs and “pipeline” undergraduate programs and departments on campus. Hold CTC Authorized Designee and Authorized Submitter status; serve as Acting Credential Analyst as needed.

2013-14 Member, Student Evaluation of Teaching Task Force (Dr. Greg Corning, Chair)

2011-2012 Member, Administrative/Executive Search Committee (Provost Dennis Jacobs, Chair)

Appointed by Provost to serve on the search committee for a Dean for the School of Education and Counseling Psychology.

2011-2012 Member, Academic/Administrative Search Committee (Dr. Eleanor Willemsen, Chair)

Selected by the Acting Director of the undergraduate Liberal Studies Program to serve as an external member of the search committee for a tenured/tenure-track hire to become the permanent director of the program.

2009-2011 Member, University E-portfolio Task Force (Dr. Carol Gittens, Chair)

2008-2011 Member, Faculty Salary Advisory Committee (Dr. David Caldwell, Chair)

2008- 2010 Member, Faculty Senate Council

Elected by colleagues to represent the Department of Education on the Faculty Senate.

School of Education and Counseling Psychology Service

2016-2019 Member, School of Education and Counseling Psychology Rank and Tenure Committee

Elected by colleagues to serve on the committee responsible for assessing the scholarly and professional accomplishments of faculty members applying for tenure and/or promotion.

2012-2013 Academic Search Committee Member (Dr. Pedro Hernández-Ramos, Chair)

Selected by Education department chair to serve on the search committee for a tenured/tenure-track faculty member in Secondary Education with an emphasis in Science Education.

2012-2013 Academic Search Committee Member (Dr. Pedro Hernández-Ramos, Chair)

Selected by Education department chair to serve on the search committee for a tenured/tenure-track faculty member in Educational Administration.

2011-2012 Academic Search Committee Member (Dr. Pedro Hernández-Ramos, Chair)

Selected by Education department chair to serve on the search committee for a tenured/tenure-track faculty member in Educational Administration.

2010-2018 Member, School of Education and Counseling Psychology Grievance Committee

Elected by colleagues to serve a three-year term on the committee responsible for adjudicating faculty grievance petitions. Term extended by one year at the request of the Head of the Faculty Senate. Re-elected to serve another three-year term beginning in 2015.

2008-09 Member, School of Education and Counseling Psychology Rank and Tenure Committee

Elected by colleagues to serve on the committee responsible for assessing the scholarly and professional accomplishments of faculty members applying for tenure and/or promotion.

Department of Education Service

2013-2016 Director, Master of Arts in Teaching + Teaching Credential Programs

Oversee the university coursework and field placement experiences of candidates for the California preliminary multiple subject (elementary school) and preliminary single subject (middle and high school) teaching credentials and the California general education clear teaching credential (approximately 75-100 students per year). Coordinate program development efforts and collaborate with colleagues to develop strategies to increase teacher candidate learning outcomes. Provide direction and curricular and instructional mentorship for all faculty, academic year lecturers, and part time instructors teaching in the program. Collaborate with master teachers and school principals in multiple school districts. Develop and revise program handbook and supporting documentation yearly. Responsible for maintaining program compliance with all California Commission for Teacher Credentialing regulations, including collection and analysis of program assessment data, writing reports and program documents, and preparing for accreditation visits.

2012-2013 Acting Coordinator, Administrative Services Credential Programs

Oversee the university coursework and field placement experiences of candidates for the California preliminary and clear administrative services credentials.

2010-2013 Coordinator, CalTPA Assessment Program

Selected by Dean to lead the implementation of state-mandated assessment program for teacher candidates in the multiple and single subject credential program. Serve as liaison between the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and administrators, faculty, and teacher candidates in the Department of Education. Collaborate with TPA Lead Assessor and Assistant Director to ensure program’s rigorous compliance with CalTPA guidelines. Support and contribute to teacher candidates’ preparation for the four performance tasks; mentor and assist teacher candidates who need additional support to meet task expectations. Develop, implement, and maintain policies designed to ensure all qualified candidates’ successful completion of the TPAs.

2009-present Member, Program Review Team

Collaborate with departmental colleagues on data collection and analysis, self-study processes, and writing documentation and reports.

2009-present Member, Faculty Evaluation Committee

Participate in the review of tenure-stream faculty members’ Faculty Activity Reports and assessment of productivity and merit.

2008-present Mentor, Junior Faculty Development

Provide focused support and professional guidance to two tenure-track Assistant Professors. Assist junior faculty in developing a coherent program of research, selecting appropriate journals for their scholarly work, and prioritizing their obligations and responsibilities. Review and respond to manuscripts in process, observe and assess classroom teaching, contribute to the development of teacher preparation and graduate level course materials, provide assistance with student issues as needed.

Service to the community

2011-2014 Advisory Board Member

Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment (BTSA) Induction Consortium

Palo Alto, CA

Partner with representatives of the Palo Alto Unified School District, Mountain View/Los Altos Mountain View/Los Altos Union High School District, and the Los Gatos-Saratoga Joint Union High School District to strengthen the alignment between the preliminary multiple and single subject credential programs offered at local institutions of higher education (IHEs) and the induction and support programming provided to beginning teachers in the consortium’s partner school districts.

2009- 2013 Member, Hebrew High School Advisory Committee

Congregation Beth David, Saratoga, CA

Assist administrators, teachers, and clergy in governing an after-school religious education program for adolescents aged 13-18. Work to improve program effectiveness, heighten student engagement, and strengthen identification with the Jewish faith.

2008-2009 Coordinator, Faculty Inquiry Group

Bellarmine College Preparatory, San Jose, CA

Assisted administrators and faculty at a Jesuit high school in an ongoing program of self-study and problem-solving concerning the school’s program, curriculum, learning goals, instructional practices, and professional climate.

2008-2009 Teacher Education Mentor

Nordstrom Elementary School, Morgan Hill, CA

Provided support and guidance to elementary faculty who are serving as master teachers for students in Santa Clara University’s multiple subject credential program.

Selected Service: University of Texas at Austin (1996-2008)

College of Education

2003-2008 Director, Early Childhood Teacher Education Program

Responsibilities included supervising the coursework, prekindergarten and kindergarten field placements, and field supervision, of approximately 150 undergraduate students each semester. Oversaw training of all early childhood education field supervisors and program coordinators. Provided early childhood training to faculty teaching methods courses during the early childhood internship semester. Developed formative and summative evaluation instruments to meet the specific needs of public school early childhood settings. Coordinated the integration of technology and technological skills into the early childhood internship course as part of the College’s Laptop Initiative.

2002-2008 Supervisor, Guiding Young Children in Groups Instructional Team

Coordinated the instructional activities of 5-10 graduate assistants and adjunct faculty teaching the practicum course attached to the field placement of students in the EC-4 Generalist and EC-4 Bilingual teacher education programs. Additional responsibilities included curriculum alignment and development of all teaching materials for the course.

2003-2008 Member, Teacher Education Field Experiences Advisory Committee

Worked with representatives from the College’s nine teacher education programs in partnership with teachers from local schools. Addressed programmatic goals on a college-wide level, developed expectations for quality field placements, and created guidelines to assist in the identification of outstanding cooperating teachers.

2003-05 Member, Standing Committee on Teacher Education

Appointed by the Dean of the College of Education to serve on the committee responsible for overseeing activities addressing program requirements and expectations, field experiences, enrollment, and other administrative aspects of teacher preparation. Areas of focus included strengthening the program’s commitment to preparing teachers skilled in working with socio-culturally diverse learners, and setting guidelines for supporting students with demonstrated written and oral language limitations.

1996-98 Coordinator, Undergraduate Teacher Education Cohort J

Responsibilities included overseeing teaching methods coursework, arranging student teaching placements in elementary classrooms, monitoring field experiences, supporting graduate student field supervisors, and teaching the classroom organization and management course for a cohort of 20 preservice teachers each year.

Department of Curriculum & Instruction

2007-2008 Assistant Department Chair, Faculty Development

Responsible for department-wide faculty development efforts. This included mentoring junior faculty (see all responsibilities listed below), supporting part-time adjunct faculty and lecturers, managing award nomination processes, and developing ongoing professional development programming for coordinators of EC-4 teacher education cohorts. Led departmental efforts to establish new merit review standards for tenured/ tenure-track and to develop expectations and merit review procedures for adjunct faculty.

2006-2008 Chair, Junior Faculty Mentoring Committee

Led a team of selected senior faculty in supporting assistant professors’ efforts to earn tenure. Developed workshops and information sessions in response to the junior faculty’s expressed needs. Worked one-on-one with individuals on issues such as developing a coherent program of research, selecting appropriate journals for scholarly work, and prioritizing obligations and responsibilities. Other responsibilities included assisting with IRB applications and grant proposals, reviewing and responding to manuscripts in process and undergraduate/graduate course materials in development, and providing intensive guidance and direction in the preparation of promotion and tenure materials.

2006-2008 Member, Executive Committee

Elected by departmental peers to serve as one of five associate professors on the governing body of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. (Also served in this capacity from 2002-04.)

2002-2008 Area Coordinator, Early Childhood Education Program

Responsible for overseeing operations, staff reviews, budget, course scheduling and programming, interfacing with other program areas, and serving as program area representative at departmental administrative meetings.


Teaching Credential Program Development

Master of Arts in Teaching + Teaching Credential (MATTC) program

General Education Clear Teaching Credential program

Teaching, Graduate Level Courses

Santa Clara University (2008-present)

Master of Arts in Teaching + Preliminary Teaching Credential Program (established 6/2012)

Reflection, Ethics, Diversity, and the Self: Intro to TK-12 Teaching

Teaching Diverse Learners in Inclusive Classroom Settings

Assessing Elementary Student Learning

Teaching and Accountability (2-quarter course sequence)

Ethical Teaching Practices (3-quarter course sequence)

Master’s Degree Program

Curriculum and Program Development

Study of Teaching

Multiple Subject and Single Subject Teaching Credential Programs (2008-2012)

Elementary Social Studies Foundations and Methods

Immersion: Human Service in Diverse Settings

Directed Teaching (field-based supervision of teaching credential candidates)

University of Texas at Austin (1996-2008)

Master’s and Doctoral Degree Programs

Curriculum Theory

Instructional Theory: Teachers, Curriculum and Knowledge

Theories of Curriculum for Prekindergarten and Kindergarten

Theories of Childhood, Teaching, and Learning

Critical Perspectives on Childhood Education

Educational Research Design

Qualitative Research in Educational Settings

Teaching, Undergraduate Level Courses

University of Texas at Austin (1996-2008)

Early Childhood/Elementary Teacher Preparation Program

Guiding Young Children in Groups

School Organization & Classroom Management for Grades 1-6

School Organization & Classroom Management for Grades PreK-4

Academic Advising, Graduate Level

Santa Clara University (2008-present)

Academic Advisor, Multiple Subject/Single Subject Teaching Credential Programs

Serve as academic advisor for all Multiple Subject and Single Subject credential candidates on the Preservice Pathway (approximately 75 per year). Also provide specialized MS/SS advising to all credential candidates returning from leaves of absence; Santa Clara undergraduates in the Accelerated Program and the East Side Future Teachers Program; and students experiencing academic, professional, or administrative difficulties.

University of Texas at Austin, (1996-2008)

Academic Advisor, Early Childhood Education Program and Curriculum Studies Program

Served as academic advisor to candidates seeking the Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Early Childhood Education and in Curriculum Studies in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. Provided support in program planning, course selection, preparations for comprehensive examinations and/or candidacy examinations, constitution of examination and doctoral committees, and academic job searching.

Supervision, Master’s Degree Theses

Santa Clara University (2008-present)

Ashley Ellis (2010)

Teresa Filice (2010

University of Texas at Austin (1996-2008)

Timothy Kinard (2001)

Shari Ehly (2001)

Douglas Lewin (2004)

Aini Utomo (2004)

Supervision, Doctoral Dissertations

University of Texas at Austin (1996-2008)

Vickie E. Lake (1999)

Sheryl Prater (2000)

Dana Margo Turner (2000)

Debra Freedman (2000)

Candra Thornton (2002)

Candice McQueen (2002)

Kathlyn Steedley (2003)

Linda Webb (2003)

Dianne Pape (2004)

Leslie Lipovski (2004)

Cole E. Holmes (2004)

Jesse S. Gainer (2004)

Karen E.C. Soul (2004)

Minseong Kim (2005)

Sara Sherwood (2007)

Michelle Bauml (2010)


2011-2021 Supplementary Subject Matter Authorization in Art History/Appreciation

Authorized to teach art history and art appreciation courses in self-contained and departmentalized classrooms in grades TK-12 and in adult education settings.

2010-2021 California Clear Single Subject Teaching Credential- Social Science

Authorized to teach social science courses in departmentalized settings in grades TK-12 and in adult education contexts. This is the credential typically held by middle school and high school teachers.

2009-present Clear Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) Certification

Authorized to teach English Language Learners in grades TK-12 and in adult education settings.

2008-2018 California Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

Authorized to teach all subjects in self-contained classroom settings in grades TK-12 and in adult education settings. This is the credential typically held by elementary school teachers. (This credential was also held from 1989-1999.)


2008-2009 Field supervisor, Multiple Subject Teaching Credential Program

Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA

2003-2004 Early Childhood Advisor

University of Texas Charter Elementary School, Austin, Texas

Worked in partnership with principal and prekindergarten teachers to align early childhood program with national standards. Assisted prekindergarten teachers with the creation of developmentally appropriate assessment and evaluation instruments.

1996-98 Coordinator, Professional Development School pilot project

University of Texas at Austin/Austin Independent School District

1995 Teacher, Multi-age kindergarten/first grade

Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, CA

1995-96 Member, Board of Directors

Palo Alto Community Child Care, Palo Alto, CA

1993 Field supervisor, Single Subject Credential Program

Stanford Teacher Education Program, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

1991-92 School change liaison, Alliance for School-Based Change, Stanford/Schools Collaborative, Stanford University, Stanford, CA

1989-91 Teacher, Second grade

Palo Alto Unified School District, Palo Alto, CA

1988-89 Teacher, Gifted/talented first grade

Saint Ann's School, Brooklyn, NY


American Educational Research Association

Division K: Teacher Education

SIG: Early Education/Child Development

SIG: Critical Perspectives on Early Childhood Education

National Association for the Education of Young Children