CASC Preconditions

  1. Possess a valid California preliminary Administrative Services Credential. Education Code section 44270.1(a)(1) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(1)

Candidates who apply to the program will hold a Preliminary Administrative Service Credential & have a minimum of 2 years of successful experiences as an administrator in California Public school, in order to be considered for admission.

  1. Verification of an offer of employment in a full or part-time administrative position in an employing agency as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1). Education Code section 44270(a)(4) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(a)(6)

Luz Zamora, Credential Analyst, will verify students hold a Preliminary Administrative Service Credential & have a minimum of 2 years of successful experiences as administrator in California Public school.

  1. An entity that operates a program for the Clear Administrative Services Credential shall provide for the development of a written individualized program of professional development activities (clear credential induction plan) for the advanced preparation program based upon individual needs. The plan shall be developed in consultations among the candidate, employer and university representative. Education Code Section 44270.1 (a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(1)

In addition to the Commission’s General Preconditions as well as Precondition 1, 2, and 3 above, a Commission-approved program shall determine prior to recommendation of a candidate for a clear Administrative Services Credential that the candidate has met the following requirements established in California State laws, regulations, and/or Commission policy:

Diane Ketelle, program Director, will monitor student progress through the university approved tracking forms. (Tracking forms). Diane Ketelle will determine that all requirements have been met after analyzing the tracking materials.

  1. Verification of two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position as defined in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(2)(B) with an employing agency as defined in section 80054(g)(1). Education Code Section 44270.1 (a)(2) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(g)(1) and (g)(2)(B)

Luz Zamora, Credential Analyst, will verify students hold a Preliminary Administrative Service Credential & have a minimum of 2 years of successful experiences as administrator in California Public school by submitting this form.

  1. Has completed a Commission-approved Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program based on Administrative Services Credential Program Standards (rev. 7/2013). Education Code Section 44270.1 (a)(3) and Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations section 80054(d)(3)(A)

Luz Zamora, Credential Analyst, will verify the candidate has completed a Commission-approved Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program