Appendix A3

ECP Advisory Board Agenda

April 21, 2021 – 4:30-6pm via Zoom

Next Meeting: Fall 2021 (TBD)


Present: Bryan, Guisselle, Kaplana, Michelle, Peter, Regina, Sonya, Sabrina, Danielle (Guests: Marco Bravo and Amber De Buizer)

Absent: Jenn, Kim, Janet, Sean, Michael (though he joined right at the end!)

Mission Moment – April 21 is SCU’s Annual Day of Giving – Final numbers (though they may adjust slightly as we wrap up all of our accounting)

  • Final numbers for SCU: $3,538,960. I don’t have numbers from last year for all of SCU

  • For ECP: $42,662 – A record for us! In 2020, we raised $8,810 and in 2019, $17,655.

Dean’s Update

  • EdD Program

    • Approved by board. Got more than 40 applications, which was our goal.

    • Admitted 20, and all have sent in deposits. 15 on waitlist. Set to start in fall, when previous start date was June (shifted because of Covid).

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health

    • Great speaker on Child Play Therapy recently – Eliana Gil

    • Putting together a plan to develop curriculum

  • Bilingual Authorization

    • Launching pilot program for existing teachers in June. We learned during Covid that it can be done entirely online, so we are trying it. Full launch in January if all goes well.

  • Masters in Social Impact

    • Continuing to do research, focus groups, interviews. Final plan in summer and submit for approval in fall

    • Will provide summary of what we need, as we are looking for more input and expertise in our market research.


    • Janet will serve as temporary coordinator with retirement of Don St. Louis. Looking for a tenure track professor in this area at some point in the future.

  • Special Education Credential

    • Organized as a full dual credential model. Every teacher candidate in our program will get this information. We’ve integrated info about how to serve different learners into our entire program. Exciting advance in how we think about education and inclusive classrooms. Very few programs that do that in CA.

    • Will submit to CTC in May. Will take a year to review. Launch goal for us is Fall 2022.

    • Kal – will we have a specialty and focus within Special Education?

  • Review ECP 2021 Fundraising Priorities (included as attachment in email)

    • Scholarships are a key focus for us

Post-Covid Engagement and Events

Peter/Sonya – Hearing that there’s less interest in large, less personal events. Not a lot of cost required; more casual. Not just Covid related. Back to basics. About an hour at most and it’s okay to use most of that hour to listen to the message.

Bryan – They host about 8 events during the year. Had a good turnout for virtual gala last May. This year hybrid. People are missing connection and want to go to events to see friends they haven’t seen in a long time. Hard to fundraise online over Zoom. Not one size fits all.

Regina – outdoor; thank you event

Sonya – hearing that BCP alums want to be in person. But want to know why they are there and want it to be quick

Michelle – Don’t always have to do dinner; looking forward to Golden Circle and meeting people in person.

Peter – Think through goals; fundraising vs. providing a social atmosphere

Sabrina - Haven’t done a lot of fundraising events. Our events have been more about engagement and cultivation. But had been planning a salon discussion around Latinx Education for conversation and cultivating expertise.

Bryan – Seems like we are in a space of more friend-raising than fundraising right now. Need to tease out ask at some point so people know the seed has been planted later.

Kal – Looking to connect and learn something really small – like a mini-art project, for example.

Thinking about events/fundraising/engagement in light of the SPED rollout:

Sonya – SCU should start establishing itself as a thought leader in the SPED space. Brown bags to learn one thing. External marketing of it too.

Guisselle – Can help with Marcom plan and sit down with us. Larger conversation but much to discuss; especially if there’s a budget. Bigger plan and then smaller micro-campaigns as a part of it.

Continued growth of board in the following areas. Please think about your networks: Higher education, bilingual education, special education, Latinx counseling, Asian American counseling, Special education

Best practices for post-Covid engagement

  • How should we think about engagement in a post-Covid era (not for students, faculty, staff, but rather external individuals and organizations like alumni, donors, community partners, etc.)? What are you all doing in your respective organizations? How are you thinking about this?

    • Not a lot of therapists in a hurry to go back. Some who are sharing offices and looking to go back tend to be folks working with younger clients more. The future will likely always be a hybrid – some online and some in person.

    • There’s a group who will want to be online only and have liked that flexibility and realize they don’t really need to be in person to learn/get the job done.

    • Hearing that when it comes to education it might be nice and more deep learning in personal. No one wants to waste time with non-productive things like driving though so it’s important to tease out the two.

    • Things need to be intentional – reason for hybrid vs. in-person. For administrative roles, need not be in person. Commute was a challenge to get and retain people.

  • Along those lines, what should our board meetings look like next year?

    • One in person and the rest on Zoom – Is where I hear folks leaning (Regina voiced opinion to do all online) though folks will chime in with email to Danielle about what they prefer

    • Urgency to get something on the calendar

Action Items for Danielle and Sabrina

  • Update on Day of Giving numbers once we know them

  • Summary of need for Social Impact interviews

  • Follow up with Guisselle to talk high level Marcom plan for SPED.